Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 336: fledgling

There are four teenagers in this group, two of them look alike, John recalled carefully.

This group of half-aged children should be in the car at Gris station.

Then John looked around at the car.

There are more than 20 people in this train. It is worth noting that there is a well-dressed old couple and a girl in casual clothes. The girl looks like fifteen years old, but the facial contour is familiar with the previous life John. Pretty much a Hollywood child star.

John quite likes to watch her movies. She seems to be called Mckenna Grace. She is dressed in denim and dressed neatly, but she can't hide her recent unhappy life. For example, her face was thin because of long-term hunger, and she looked like a good-looking and a little weird skull, and although the denim clothes fit well, they were washed a little white.

These fifteen or sixteen-year-olds were also on the train, although they were in another train, but did they look towards John on this train? And they looked a little nervous, and they looked more like excitement.

John watched the three or four young men sneakily looking at the security guards of the train.

From time to time, he looked at the skinny girl.

Then John turned his head and looked at the teenagers.

When the train drove into the wilderness, John saw the girl nod at several young people, who then seemed to be hesitant to start moving.

So John just got up and walked towards them.

They were obviously a little nervous when they saw the tall John walking towards them. But still pretending to be calm, chatting and watching the scenery.

"Hey, guys, I have a piece of advice for you, no matter what you want to do, I advise you not to." The tall John stopped in front of several young people like a mountain.

‘You, who are you, how do you know what we’re going to do. ' asked one of the children stumblingly. Although John's face was not aggressive, John's tall figure was still very oppressive, and John in this attire carried the majesty of an adult.

'Don't take any actions that are not good for you. My name is John. I am a bounty hunter who has been in the business for many years. Boy, I advise you to stay still, because I can let you go to see God the moment you touch the gun, believe me. I. ' John opened his suit jacket to reveal the pistol inside, and looked at the kid who wanted to touch the gun.

Several young people were startled when they saw the pistol in John, but also began to believe that John had the ability to knock them over in an instant.

"See that girl?" John nodded back at the girl and continued, "I'll go talk to her now. But while we're talking, don't do anything until I or she comes to tell you, Do you understand? By the way~ what's her name?"

John's height is 186 and wears platform shoes with a base of 188.

And the highest of these teenagers is 165.

In addition, John had broad shoulders and broad body, and it was extremely oppressive to stand in front of this group of teenagers.

"Sir~ we are just a group of children, what do you want to ask?" The partner behind the boy pushed the boy, which gave the boy some courage.

"What's your name?" John asked.

"About ~ York."

"Very good~ Yorke, now tell me what her name is." John turned his head to look at the skinny girl.

"Sir~sir, it has nothing to do with her. Come to me if you have anything." Yorke immediately became nervous when John asked the girl's name.

John took a step forward, then picked up Yorke with one hand and said grimly to him, "I asked you what her name is~"

Yorkel found that John's face suddenly enlarged in front of him, and then fear took over his whole body, and he found himself being picked up by John like a chicken.

The courage he had just mustered was instantly destroyed.

"Milani Simon." Yorke said immediately.

John put him down after hearing it. "Very good~ Yorke, don't do anything until I come back, just stand here. Don't run around, or I'll be very angry. Understand~" John whispered told him.

Yorke looked at John's serious face, then nodded.

Immediately afterwards, John patted his shoulder and glanced at the timid companion standing behind him.

After watching a few ignorant young people confirm that they understood, they turned and walked towards the thin girl.

Milani saw that the tall and handsome man walked towards her friends and knew that it was not good. Sure enough, after chatting with her friends for a while.

The guy turned his head and glanced at himself, then walked towards him, what should I do? So nervous, are you going to shoot him? John has come to her and asked himself.

'Miss Melanie, do you mind if I sit down? ' John asked and sat down.

Looking at the innocent little girl, she said, "My name is John, I'm a bounty hunter, and a good gunman. I don't know why you want to rob this train, but I advise you not to."

"When the train arrives, you go down. Then go home, then put the guns back to your parents, Desperados isn't a novel, it's not a fairy tale. It's not something you kids can touch, you know? ?"

Melanie was stunned when she heard his words, and then John repeated it again.

"At the station, get off, and go home. Don't lose the lives you shouldn't have lost for the so-called hero worship. You are still children, go back and live with your parents, this is what you should do." John's rebuke tone was like The elders in the family scolded the child for being ignorant.

Melanie didn't care at first, but in the end, her eyes were reddened by the tone of John's elder, and her mouth began to pout high, like a junior who was yelled at. The girl stared at John very stubbornly and did not speak.

John looked at their appearance and then turned to look at the teenagers who were whispering over there. It was obvious that these half-year-old children had been hungry for a while.

So he asked again, this time in a much softer tone.

"What happened to you guys? Where are your parents?"

Melanie, whose eyes were already red, sniffed, but still didn't speak.

"If you tell me what happened now, I might be able to help you. But if you don't, at the next stop, I will collect your weapons and drive you all out. You will continue to be hungry, you think Is that so?" John threatened softly.

Hearing this, Melanie looked at John seriously, and then said, "They are all dead."

Seeing that the answer was no different from what he had guessed, he asked again, "How did you die? What happened?"

They are miners of the nearby Cornwall Mining Company. Life was not difficult at first, and several families were still living. But three months ago, the Odrico Gang ransacked the mine and killed more than a dozen people, including, unfortunately, the parents of several children.

Several children rely on the leftover items in the house in exchange for food, but after two months, several children were chased away by the miner chief. The head of the miners said that they would not support them.

So several children took some belongings of their own and lived in the forest not far from the station. They found two guns and several boxes of ammunition among their parents' belongings.

Several children decided to rob, and when they were about to rob the train, they successfully robbed a passerby.

In fact, this guy drank too much, fainted on the side of the road, and several children took his valuables away.

Got a total of eight dollars and thirty cents.

After buying some food to satisfy their hunger, several people discussed for a few days to prepare to rob the train, because in the previous stories, the train was a frequently robbed item, and it was very easy to obtain.

So they bought the tickets with the rest of the money, ready to go after the train entered the wilderness.

But who would have known that they met John on the first order, and the life of these children was terminated prematurely by John before they even started.

After listening to the stories of these children, John found a question "Did the mine not pay you compensation?"

White people have compensation, Chinese and black people basically do not.

Milani sniffed and shook her head, "The person in charge said that this is not the responsibility of the company. It's not that the guards didn't fight back, and they also killed a lot of people."

How is that possible? The only possibility is that the person in charge saw that these people were children and greedily paid compensation.

John's brain hurts a bit after hearing the ins and outs of the He has to rush to the east of Grizzly, but these little guys are not easy to ignore, and it's okay if they don't meet. But when I met myself, I intervened, and I had to deal with it no matter what.

"So~ the next stop is Valentine, you can get off there when the time comes, I'll rent a house for you, and then you can stay there for a few days." John was afraid that they would misunderstand, so he continued.

"I have to deal with a more important matter first, and then I will come back to find you. You take me to the mine to find the person in charge, and I will help you get the consolation money back."

Melanie's tears flowed from her eyes, and she said with a weeping voice, "Really? Are you willing to help us get the money back?"

"Well~ Really, do you know this?" John took out his landscape certificate and police badge. "I'm the sheriff~ I'll keep my word."

While the two were talking, the train had begun to slow down, and then the air of cow and horse dung that Valentine was familiar with began to enter his nose.

"Let's go~ I'll take you to rent a house first." John took his five and a half children off the station.

Yorke and the other three were still a little afraid of him, but they let go of their nervousness after learning that John was a sheriff under Melanie's explanation.

John took them to lunch, then took them to find a house, and asked the owner to help take care of them. I came back to pick them up three days later.

Before leaving, John also handed Melanie thirty dollars as expenses for the past few days, explaining that they had better not run around, especially not to leave the city of Valentine.

After receiving repeated reassurances from Melane, John set foot on the journey to the east of Grizzly again. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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