Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 266: strange man

Three carriages came to Edwin Manor, and the three groups dismounted.

The manor's guard stepped forward to check the invitation letter, and after checking, he signaled the three of them to hand over their guns.

Several people didn't actually bring it, but John's was put on the carriage.

But Shady took out two navy revolvers and handed them over to the guards.

In this scene, John and Lambert gave her one more look.

Shady looked at John with some doubts and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No, no," John responded, and the three walked into Edwin Manor.

Walking into the front yard garden, this side has obviously been transformed.

There are already many people in the venue, all of them are successful people in suits and leather shoes, and there are noble ladies who are gorgeously dressed and beautiful.

Just a few steps away, Steve walked over with a glass of champagne in a black suit and a white shirt. The guy's still in good spirits, and he's also had a bit of a beard all this time, which makes him more like George Clooney.

Handsome old man.

"John, I heard that your business has been doing well recently." Steve said with a smile.

"It's okay, but I owe the bank a lot of money again." John took the champagne on the sommelier's tray.

The others also took a glass of their favorite.

"The more assets you have, the more you spend each month. No one can change this law. You will get used to it later." Steve raised his glass and touched a few people.

Steve greeted Kane and Lambert, as well as the three ladies, in a very gentlemanly manner.

"I took you to see Mr. Edwin, he was talking about you just now." Steve said and turned to lead the way.

John whispered in Anna's ear, "Bring Mrs. Lambert and Shady to meet them here, let's go first." John gestured to the glamorous ladies over there and said.

With Anna's background, this kind of banquet should not be difficult.

"Go." Anna said confidently.

Then John said to Sadie, "You stay and look after the two ladies."

"Don't worry, John, I still have a handful that I haven't handed over." Shady approached and whispered to John.

John raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and wanted to tell Shady that it was safe here. There are more than 20 guards on the bright side of the manor. Those who pay attention to abnormal personnel in the dark, he also found nearly ten along the way, and there must be other places.

Moreover, near the periphery of the manor, he also found many guards who were patrolling.

So the number of people at the party tonight may not have as many escorts as Steve arranged.

This place is stronger than Railcom tonight.

John nodded and then affirmed Shady's due diligence "Yeah."

Then the three of John followed Steve towards the core of the party.

Mr. Edwin was chatting on the balcony with several people of obvious identities and temperaments.

Steve's presence allowed Mr. Edwin to end his conversation with the men.

And those few just got up and walked towards their respective goals.

As John and the others approached, Edwin also got up and walked over.

He has a gentle smile, a handsome face, and an extraordinary bearing.

"John, I haven't seen you for a while." Edwin and John gave a small hug and pressed each other's shoulders to show their friendship.

"Congratulations, Mr. Edwin, oh ~ now it should be called Senator Edwin." John also smiled brightly.

"I'm still used to what you used to call me, after all, I've only been in office for less than 20 days." Edwin motioned for a few people to sit down.

"Sir, it's twenty-two days." John helped correct.

"Hehe~ You're still so humorous." Edwin patted John on the shoulder, and then a few people sat down.

The servants beside him poured cigars and wine for several people.

"This is Mr. Kane, I heard Steve mention you." Edwin turned to look at Kane and asked.

"My pleasure, sir." Kane responded with a generous smile.

"Head of the detective agency, Mr. Lambert?"

"Yes, sir." Lambert nodded restrainedly.

Then Mr. Edwin picked up the cigar and the servants started lighting the crowd.

After taking a breath, Edwin said.

"John, thank you for your help last time."

"Poverty area?"

"Yeah, Baylor says you're good at dealing with them, and that place is pretty much done once and for all. And finding the head of the guard for William, Karls. William has a good opinion of him, and Steve is reassuring him." Ed Win talked about the retired sheriff.

"They're not difficult to deal with, I just made them more detailed." As for those gangsters who were eaten to death by the rules set by the former director Leite, it was not difficult to deal with.

Perhaps the poor area has always had a bad reputation, and Mr. Edwin has never understood it, which makes him feel that the gangster in the poor area may be rebellious.

But in fact, under Leite's thunderous means, those guys were as docile as cats.

"I heard that you recently took out another loan from the bank. Are you really planning to buy all that land to the south?" Mr. Edwin also asked about his recent loan.

"Ah~ this, seeing that there is still some land over there, it's not my heart that feels uncomfortable, so I just bought it all. The small farmer thinks, the more land, the better." John said with a smile.

"Actually, if you want to invest in land, you can consider other places. For example, places such as Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow in the UK, or Lyon, Montpellier, etc. in France, where the land is more valuable."

"If you don't want to go out of the Commonwealth, San Francisco, California, if it is a long-term investment, I personally think the state capital of Texas is also very good, and I can help you introduce some very high-quality real estate." Edwin Said with a smile.

"Yes, I also bought a few plots of land in Austin, Texas, and plan to go there to retire and become a farmer when I retire." Steve interjected.

"It's a pity that it's broken. I already owe a lot of money to the bank, and it's estimated that I won't be able to take out much during this time." John said with a smile.

"There is an opportunity. There is never a shortage of such opportunities in the Federation, and if you have a shortage of funds, you can come and talk to me or Steve. My interest rate is much lower than that of the bank." Edwin responded with a smile. .

John smiled and agreed.

The five chatted for a while, and Mr. Edwin invited John to play polo with him next month.

John agreed.

Immediately after John and the others talked for a while, Steve took John and the three to meet the rich people in Blackwater Town, as well as some more important officials.

And Edwin took two people to his study.

"You seem to have arranged a lot of people tonight." John was chatting with Steve.

"Of course, it took nearly a hundred guards to know each other for a week before they started working. For this banquet, I was exhausted during this time." Steve stretched his waist pretending to say, "Hey~ I'm an old bone. "

"Hehe~" John laughed without saying a word.

Lambert went to find his wife a long time ago, while Kane was very speculative in chatting with several senior government officials.

Only the unsociable John and Steve were left drinking and chatting in a corner of the banquet.

"I said, did you really sell land in Austin?" John asked Steve about what happened just now.

"Of course, I went to that place when I was young, and it was very good. I advise you to buy a few dollars there too. William said it is worth investing in there." Steve looked serious.

"I really have no money now, and I owe too much to the bank." John said with his hands spread.

"Come on, it's not like I don't know how profitable bootlegging is." Steve gave me an expression that didn't lie to me.

"By the way, your detective agency doesn't seem to be good. It's not the same as what you said about making money in half a year. It has been losing money. Don't forget, I'm still a Steve suddenly mentioned.

"You also know what that is, and Lambert has been running business everywhere, and he will definitely start making money in half a year at most." John vowed to guarantee.

"Half a year and a half year, how come it's not credible to say it from your mouth."

"Hi~ By the way, is Baylor here tonight?" John asked another person.

"No, he's much busier than you, and he seems to be making big moves recently," Steve said.

"That's it~"

John was just about to talk about something when a voice thought to the side, "Mr. Steve, Mr. Wick?"

John turned his head to look, it was a man in his thirties.

"Ah~ Ornn Tucker, the interim head of the Pinkerton Detective Agency." Of course Steve knew, he knew almost everyone present.

Interim head of Pinkerton Detective Agency?

John looked him up and down, then smiled and held out his hand.

"Hello, John Wick, nice to meet you, Mr. Tucker."

In New Hanover, next door to West Elizabeth, Valentine's train station, Arthur lit a cigarette to satisfy his hunger after getting off the train.

Yawen Bar

Then he got on the horse.

Suddenly Arthur felt as though someone was watching him.

He looked towards the place of induction, and sure enough, a man leaning against the train station saw him looking over, so he politely took off his hat and gestured to him.

Arthur thought there might be something wrong with this guy, so he turned his head, ignoring it, and then Arthur rode in the opposite direction of the camp.

Chapter 266 Strange ManClick to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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