Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 182: The roar of the rabbit

Almohad, who was originally a strategic guard against 70,000 wolves, was at an absolute disadvantage. Moreover, the practice is uneven, the morale is insufficient, the personnel are not under the control of each other, and the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy without a sound organization is the best method. It was shouting "Turn in!" and then everyone avoided.

The big guy took advantage of the chance that the traffic on the landing road was not blocked. Apply oil to the soles of your feet together and run as far as you can.

But this soap is Xie Ye Danlin.

Not to mention that there are hundreds of thousands of books in its big library, with a vast array of books. Technological knowledge that is beyond the reach of all countries. Not to mention that it has taught many disciples, peaches and plums are everywhere, and it has a decisive influence on the world.

Just thinking that it was the light of hope for human civilization during the War of the Saints, and it still stands proudly under the fierce attack of the demon coalition forces. This historic monument is worthy of the blood of the descendants of those warriors. He Niu Ming to defend.

So on. Even in the face of thousands of troops, they could not take a step back and give up this great castle.

When Lorraine was in danger of saving Lu, he drove the ducks to the shelves and took over from the temporary management committee.

Although he had expected the situation to be difficult, he did not expect it to be so difficult.

At that time, he ordered a hundred soldiers to follow him out of the city. However, he was surprised to find that it took more than a day to mobilize a hundred more experienced soldiers to form a commando from the stretched defensive force and organize them out of the city to meet the enemy.

Not to mention the hurried ballistas on the wall, many of them don't even know what the demarcation field is.

He couldn't help but sigh up to the sky, vomiting blood for three liters. But I also know that this kind of thing is not anxious, only to order those more experienced soldiers to teach them hand in hand.

despite this. But it is not without good news.

Although Maple Leaf Danlin Academy is on holiday now, it is different from the military academy students who are desperately needing to go back to find a job. The majority of senior students in the Magic Academy and the Priest Academy do not have the problem of finding a job. Therefore, there are quite a few senior magicians and senior priests left.

These two teams alone are enough to cover the full staff of magicians and priests in the court of a second-rate power. It was even too big, and it was led by the two powerful women of Master Luolina and the daughter of the gods Sylmelia, which can be described as powerful.

Completely relieved Lorraine's worries about the Almohad Empire's Mages.

In terms of government affairs, because of Lorraine's relationship, Catherine did her part and took the government affairs from the temporary committee, and then rolled up her sleeves to deal with it.

She is the governor of the eastern provinces of the Ruman Empire and has extremely rich experience in handling government affairs. Dealing with a small college is even more trivial, but it took less than an hour to tidy up the rotten beach that made the professors feel headache.

Like where to give birth. Who cooks, where is the grain and grass collected from, and how much is distributed each time. Where are the various troops stationed and where are the medical camps" and so on, the assignments are clear, so that everyone has less worries.

In addition. It was stated that the "collection of materials" actually went to various places in the castle to smash the door and pick the lock, and there was also good news from the check team who had robbed things.

They found a large variety of crossbows and arrows in a certain material warehouse of the casting department. All are exquisitely designed killing weapons.

This is not surprising. In the Foundry Department of the Military Academy, the requirements for students' graduation works are to design and produce a weapon.

Although there are not too many crossbows and arrows among them, they have accumulated a lot over the years. And a large part of them can still be used normally.

Lorraine immediately issued an order to drop all these crossbows and arrows and equip them with the troops defending the city. Just like standard equipment, one hand. And also to ensure that there is more than one crossbow arrow on the crossbow machine at any time.

The bigger surprise for him was that hundreds of kilograms of sulfur were found in the raw material warehouse!

This kind of thing is **** to others and is of no use, but it is a treasure to him. With this thing, it is very simple to make a chemical weapon of mass destruction.

Lorraine smoked a little, ignited with kerosene on the spot, and immediately billowing, choking smoke. Everyone in Huang's presence could not open their eyes, tears streaming down. Both crawled on the ground, coughing again and again.

The three professors of the interim committee have no worries about food and clothing, so they are still somewhat conscientious, and they have not been transferred to become truly conscientious "beasts".

But when they saw that chemical weapon, they opened their eyes and their confidence skyrocketed, and they couldn't help but regret secretly: if they knew this thing could be used in this way, why let this kid command the battle. Even if we go on our own, we can hold the castle firmly and make this great contribution.

By the time. Maybe you can still get the honor of being a military master today

They turned their minds nastyly, thinking about whether to hold some procedures to remove Lorraine, and then gave up again.

Even if Lorraine was really dismissed, the two guys next to him would definitely be rushing to become commanders. When the time comes, the three of them will fight forever, but they will get things wrong.

by that time. This person is lost.

After a while, the messenger came to report, and the 100 soldiers gathered together.

Lorraine didn't say much. He took the one hundred soldiers, took a large can of kerosene and a series of igniting objects, and then set off.

Lorraine intends to learn from classmate Zhuge Liang's advanced experience in Dongfeng and the burning of Chibi, and wait for the enemy's landing troops to gather at the port. Then use the lush tree hands around the Mechanical Leaf Danlin Academy to burn the opponent into a roast pig.

He thought about the name. It's called "Luo Jue burns Jingshui Lake.

These people are all head snakes, and they are very familiar with the surrounding situation. Now he followed the secret trail in the forest. He rushed back to the vicinity of the port.

It was already mid-afternoon, and the sun was already westward.

Lorraine led everyone to the back of a small hill, left the soldiers in the woods to rest, and then took Adele. Boarded the hill and looked into the distance.

Looking at it, I couldn't help but be shocked, secretly crying.

I saw that the ships at the port were slowly landing,

The soldiers swarmed off the boat, and then under the beating and scolding of the officers, even though they were tired, they picked up their swords and axes one after another to cut down the woods in the harbor on a large scale.

Come, build camps and build siege equipment.

Second, clear out a large section of the fire barrier to prevent fire.

More ships in the distance are still floating on the water, and they will not easily land until the camp is cleared.

And in order to prevent the air raid of the mages of the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy, they not only full of crossbows, but even sent mages to patrol in mid-air.

Obviously, the opposing commander was also quite clever, and immediately realized the fire attack problem.

Lorraine sees this situation. Can't help thinking about countermeasures. But even after thinking about it a few times, he rejected it again.

After all, there are too few people here, and they can't fight the other party. In this situation, he is a great skill. But there is no cooking without rice.

Just as he was thinking hard. At this time. An imperial mage patrolling in the air loomed and flew into the air suspiciously.

Adele heard the sound of hunting in the clothes, and immediately pulled Lorraine.

The two hurriedly turned over from the hill.

Lorraine dragged her to dash under a tree, but still did not forget to turn to the soldiers behind him, and drank, "Hidden"

Everyone heard the order; they all bowed down alertly. Hiding in the woods.

Everyone just hid. The mage had suddenly arrived and flew to the county above his head.

Everyone held their breath. Quietly watched the mage slowly fly over his head. In the dark, countless crossbow arrows were lifted quietly, and if something was wrong, the person was shot on the spot.

Lorraine looked. Can't help but worry: In case that guy shakes his hand and hangs up the hapless wizard. They were all exposed, and then they had to face the enemy's chase.

But fortunately, the hundred soldiers he transferred out were all relatively experienced soldiers, even though most of them had not experienced the battlefield. I was nervous. But they also know that the military is strict, unlike those rash rookies. Before getting the order, he dared not open fire casually.

The mage slowly flew twice in the air, carefully looking at the woods below him, but the shadows of the trees were gloomy and dark. But nothing appeared, and finally felt that the magic power was consumed too much, and then he turned and flew away.

Everyone watched him fly away. They all let out a long breath.

At this moment, I heard a long bugle sound from a distance.

Lorraine couldn't help but move in his heart and climbed up the hill again, looking into the distance.

I saw a huge warship with a royal flag in the distance, with full sails very arrogantly, and quickly approaching the harbor. I didn't worry about running into other ships just because it was too fast.

The warships that were waiting to enter the port saw its arrival, and they evaded. Even the soldiers on the deck of the battleship didn't dare to neglect it when they saw it passing by. They raised their swords and saluted it.

But Lorraine looked from a distance. But you can still feel that when the soldiers salute, they seem to have a strange emotion, like anger, like contempt, and a little bit of sadness.

The warship did not pay any attention to them, dashed into the port, and then stopped on the side of the flagship with the handsome flag in the port.

After a while. Several generals in scarlet capes appeared on the flag deck, respectfully welcoming a middle-aged man in heavy armor from the huge ship to the Throne of God Seal.

Lorraine couldn't help but wonder. What the **** does this happen? Respect the coach on the battlefield. An army can only have one voice. How did this jump out of a guy with a higher level than the coach? Who should listen to when the war begins?

He could not see the fire. I wanted to retreat back to the city, but when I saw such a peculiar pantomime, my curiosity suddenly grew, and I simply sat down and waited to see how this reminded me of the intermission.

Remitide, commander of the Almohad Joint Fleet, suppressed the disgust in his heart and welcomed the middle-aged man into his command room.

If Lorraine is there. Although he didn't recognize the person, it could be based on the person's face that looked very similar to Despi. You can tell at a glance that this handsome, handsome guy must be the "dead rabbit, father."

Old Despi lifted Mitide with his eyelids, then snorted coldly, flicked the cloak behind him, and sat down on the main seat.

When Lemitide's guards saw this, their faces were full of anger. Quietly pressed his hand to the hilt of the knife at his waist, and then looked at Lemitid inquiringly, and only waited for him to give an order, he rushed to kill the old rabbit.

The only thing these slaughter men respect is strength, they don't care whether Despi just got up from His Majesty's bed.

See Remitide. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and gestured everyone to calm down. He did not dare to offend the prison army sent by the Emperor. In case he is upset, the emperor's body is round and the most straightforward, and the words are awkwardly saying "I owe the pillow wind. It is himself who is moldy. Old Despi seems to have not even noticed it, so he looked down." Looking at the map, he said in a deep voice: "Marquis, why don't you pursue the victory and attack? Do you want to camp here for a long time? .

Remitide glanced at him and said patiently: "My lord, we didn't land smoothly at the beginning. Moreover, the trees around the Maple Leaf Dan Forest are lush, and it is winter again. It is very easy to burn. Once the other party launches a fire attack, we are here. Tens of thousands of troops are about to die in flames."

Old Despi knocked on the table and meditated: "Marquis, this shouldn't be possible. You know that the Mechanical Leaf Danlin Academy is famous for their mechanical forest. It's like having a Serris porcelain at home, no matter what So it won’t break that precious porcelain. You say yes

Speaking of later, there was a smile on his face.

Lemitide could not help cursing in his heart: this **** old rabbit. Don't understand the fart. Actually dared to come and gesticulate. It's because of you. Those of us have to risk a war with the whole world and expedition across the sea.

Return the Serris porcelain, for fear that others might not know that His Majesty the Emperor rewarded you with a urinal?

Although he thought this way in his heart, Lemitide was still calm on the surface and said calmly: "My lord. You have a certain point. But what if there is a lunatic in Jiye Danlin?"

Old Despi couldn't help but froze, with an unhappy look on his face.

Remitide pretended not to see him, and continued: "We can't pin our hopes on what the other party won't do. Now we are sitting on a heavy army and we have an absolute advantage. What we need now is to fight steadily. Even if we advance slowly, we can definitely relax. Break the opponent down."

Old Despi immediately caught the loopholes in his words and counterattacked: "Marquis, don't forget, when I came, I saw that the wolves of the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy had been ignited. Before long, they would There will be reinforcements. At that time, they will have the absolute advantage.

If you can't solve them with lightning speed. We will fall into passivity. Just in case they react. The whole army is surrounded, our army is in danger of being destroyed

Remitide took a step forward and said earnestly: "My lord, we have considered what you said. General Amor has clearly written it in the battle plan given to us. It is good that they have reinforcements. But those Reinforcement takes time to rectify and assemble. It will take half a month to mobilize materials and grass at the earliest.

At that time, we had already invaded the Yedanlin Castle and took away all the book technology and the female craftsmen left behind. Became our slave. "

He paused. Then he continued: "General Amor said that we have tens of thousands of troops. And Maple Leaf Danlinburg is on holiday and extremely weak. Don't rush at this time, as long as you steadily press the throne of the gods, it will be an iron ball. It will turn into powder."

The old Despi was furious, and he slapped the table angrily and rebuked: "General Amor, General Amor. You only see that General Amor, and the Emperor of the Empire?.

Everyone was taken aback. All fell silent

Old Despi became more and more angry, raised his leg and kicked the table over, and the paper documents on the table were scattered all over the floor.

With the pieces of paper flying, Old Despi raised his fists high. Angrily roared: "I want to ask, this army, this country, is General Amor or His Majesty the Emperor?"

Lemitide heard his words of humiliation, and a layer of fine sweat broke out on his forehead. He took a half step back and stood upright, letting the pieces of paper fly in front of his face, but he dared not move.

The rest of the people were too scared to speak out. Although they were dismissive of this old rabbit, they were in awe of the emperor standing behind him and did not dare to touch the dragon's face.

Old Despi got a big temper, seeing that everyone didn't dare to confront him, and then he was a little relieved.

He looked at the trembling Remitide and let out a long breath. Wen Yan said: "Marquis, I know you are also for the good of the empire. But I think the best way for us is to take advantage of the high morale now, and attack the opponent with lightning speed. It is just right to hit them by surprise. You can take it in one fell swoop"

Remitide grinned involuntarily and wailed: "My lord, this won't work."

Old Despi broke his words and said coldly: "Marquis, do you want to resist? You forced me to do this."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and took out a parchment scroll, threw it down, and said to the sky: "Marquis you are unwell, go to the back to recuperate."

Lemitide was taken aback. Reached out in disbelief and picked up the paper roll. When I opened it up, my whole body was cold.

The letter of dismissal was also stamped with the big red seal of the emperor, which was obviously already prepared. When the time is right, take it out and usurp military power.

The color of his face changed a few times. After half a day, he let out a long sigh, and then said every word in a hesitant voice: "In this case, I forgive you for rudeness and leave."

After finishing speaking, he staggered and turned away. As he walked, he whispered in a low voice, "Pity these seventy thousand soldiers. I can't return to Haicheng safely.

Old Despi looked at his back and coldly cursed: "Trash One" to remind the intermission

After a while. Lorraine saw from a distance, the Shuai Qi falling from the flagship, and then rising on the newly arrived giant ship.

Then, a green signal flare slowly rose into the sky.

Lorraine thought slightly. Suddenly changed (to be continued)

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