Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 172: See once, catch once?

Scarlet Dragon Cavalry Chapter 172 Seeing once and catching once?

When the halogen is warm and lingering, like lacquer and glue, indistinguishable, he hears a messy toe sound when the tattoo is made, and the crisp sound of keys colliding.

Immediately afterwards, an annoyed voice came: "Sister Luolinna, how many times have I told you. Although Lorraine's crime is not serious. I also want to let him go. But according to the regulations. It’s impossible to find Senior Sister Silmelia before getting her permission."

As soon as he said this, he was frightened again.

That voice belonged to Abel, and it was obviously Luo Linna who didn't know the situation, for fear that something might happen to Lorraine. So early in the morning, he came to the door aggressively to ask for someone.

If this is blocked by them in the room, all eyes will be in harmony. The **** was caught on the spot. Not to mention that Silmelia, the daughter of the goddess, committed such a felony. What will the consequences be?

The consequences of Lorraine alone are not optimistic.

The group of women worried about Lorraine all night, once they were caught in bed. Definitely, like a druid among the savages, he will become crazy and transform into a tigress down the mountain. Tore him to pieces, and then washed his feet into the drain

"I care about you so much, hurry up," an angry voice said. Lorraine didn't even need to seriously argue, but from the characteristic domineering tone, he knew that it was Catherine.


"If you don't open the door, there is a ghost in your heart. You must be cutting my boss's raw pork. Tiger stool. Spicy catching water, the second of the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty." This is the excited voice of Leo's little ruffian. He kept booing beside him, and he didn't care what kind of impact these words would have on other people.

Silmelia heard this, no, she didn't dare to stay for long.

She hurriedly jumped off the bed, came to the table a few steps, and went to open the secret door. But with a pile of hands, he couldn't help but feel shivered. Turned his face. Looking at Lorraine for help, there was a look of fear in those beautiful eyes.

Lorraine saw her face turned pale, and couldn't help but said with concern: "What's the matter with you?"

Silmelia stomped her feet anxiously, pointed at the door, and cursed in a low voice: "This" the secret door is closed to death."

Lorraine was taken aback, and hurriedly went to the Throne of God Seal, and also stretched out his hands. Now the hidden door is like cast iron, not moving.

At this time, I heard a rush of footsteps outside, and then, Abbey's voice eagerly came, saying: "Al, have you found the senior sister?"

The voice of a panting little girl sounded and said: "No" No. I searched for "bedroom, dining room". But "But still no one was found. What shall we do now?"

"That's it." Hearing that voice, it seemed that Abel tilted her head and thought for a while, then hesitated.

At this time, Luo Linna's voice sounded, and said: "Abby, you open the door first, let us go in and see Lorraine. We won't take him away. This is not a violation of the rules, is this going to work?"

Hearing what she said was reasonable, Abbey had to murmur something, Ran Zhou reached out and took out a bunch of keys, rushing into the lock of the door.

The two people with ghosts in the room heard the sound of the metal hitting, and they felt that the key was twisting in their own minds, which was extremely uncomfortable. Can not help but look at each other. Then they looked to the door together.

Immediately afterwards, the lock spring made a soft "click."

The heavy wooden door squeaked immediately. Unpleasant sound.

Lorraine glanced at each other, and immediately saw the panic in each other's eyes. What should I do now?

Aibier pulled the wooden door, turned around and said uneasy: "Let's say it, I won't let people go without seeing my senior sister."

"I know, I know. You don't need to let people go. Just let us go in and take a look. I'll give you some theater tickets later, so that you can go to the theater with your boyfriend. The new repertoire, after the online rehearsal, is very exciting of."

That voice is soft and charming, not Adele, who is it?

Aibier immediately stammered and said, "You" what nonsense are you talking about. People "I don’t have a boyfriend yet"

"Ah? No? That's not right. There are a few nice boys in our troupe, lads. Who do you see, tell me. I'll bring them here. How about introducing you?"

After Adele finished speaking, he smiled charmingly again. The laughter was extremely seductive, as if scratching a person's heart, itching and numb, extremely comfortable. The soul of the hook is about to fly.

Aibi'er opened her eyes puffedly and said, "People" won't tell you. "

With that said, he must push the door vigorously.

But Lorraine was keenly aware that Abbey didn't say whether he refused or agreed.

Then he laughed unconsciously, realizing that he still thought about these things in this moment of life and death.

Silmelia looked at the smile on his face and immediately became anxious. She stretched out her hand and pinched him severely, saying: "I" I'm almost dying of anxiety, and you still have a smile."

Lorraine couldn't help but bark his teeth in pain.

Seeing the look on his face, Silmelia couldn't help feeling a move in her heart. Turning her head, she saw a hoarse groan from the door, which opened slowly and irreversibly.

She was anxious to regenerate wisdom, her beautiful eyes turned her mind.

Silmelia leaned over Lorraine’s ear and said softly, "I'm sorry,"

Lorraine couldn't help but blinked, then blinked. She stared at her with her hands on her chest, made a strange gesture, and then whispered: "Holy Light"

I saw a ball of light flew out of her hand, and then galloped over, knocking Lorraine into a scream, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Lorraine felt dizzy in his head and got up from the ground before he came.

At this moment, I saw that door B opened.

Seeing Silmelia standing majestic in the room with her hands on her hips, Abel could not help but exclaimed, "Sister, you" why are you here? "

As he said, he looked down at the key in his hand in confusion. I can’t help but wonder: This cell seems to have only my own set of keys, how did Senior Sister Silmelia get in?

Hillmelia snorted coldly. He didn't answer, but stepped to Lorraine's side, leaned over to look at him, and said loudly, "Are you dead? Say something if you haven't died. I think you dare not say our bad in the future."

With that said, Qing Shuyu arm, the probing hand picked up the collar of Lorraine, and whispered: "Forgot to say, you have to give me a bicycle when you turn back!"

Lorraine couldn't help but his eyes widened. He has seen many girls asking for things from their boyfriends, crying, shouting, making trouble, coquettish, angry, hanging, and pretending to jump into the river. In short, almost all human beings can think of. But I have never seen something so horizontal.

He couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "If you want something bad, give the bicycle"

I met with Aibi Er, thinking that Shilmefia was really making an injustice as Leo said, cutting Lorraine's raw pork. Play with fire to burn the island. I couldn't help but screamed: "No

She also didn't care much, and ran over in a hurry and reached out to stop Shirmelia; sincerely said: "Sister, don't hit people casually. It will be very troublesome to be investigated by the Internal Affairs Department at that time.

Hillmelie's face changed a few times. Then in Lorraine, "women are born good actors

"In the sound of sigh, he threw him on the ground heavily, patted his hands, turned around with a triumphant expression, and walked proudly in front of the crowd with unhurried steps.

She came to the door, after thinking about it, she was not reconciled, and then added another sentence, "You be careful, don't let me see you in the future, otherwise I will see you once and catch it once. Never do it."

Lorraine looked at the concern and playful virtues in her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help feeling a move in her heart. He groaned extremely cooperatively. He lifted his head from the ground and cried out angrily: "I'm afraid of you? Yes. We'll just go on the way"

Silmelia snorted coldly, then raised her head high, put her hands on her slim waist, which was particularly sore after exercising all night, with her fragrant hips, Shi Shiran walked out.

Seeing her, Aibi hurriedly called: "Sister, wait a minute."

With that, he chased it out.

At the same time, but also winking at everyone again and again.

At this moment, the crowd standing outside the door rushed in.

Catherine saw Lorraine, tears in her heartache eyes, but she cursed: "Life makes you owe you, spitting everywhere. If it's me, I will shut you down for half a year, so I can keep my memory long."

Although cursing in his mouth, he reached out and carefully lifted Lorraine from the ground.

After Vera rushed in, she looked at the furnishings in the room, especially the bed. It was as messy as a group of elephants and a group of wild boars fighting on it all night. She couldn't help blinking her pure and clear blue. Color big eyes. Suddenly his face blushed and he shouted, "Master, you"

Lorraine's heart trembled, for fear that she would reveal the secret.

You know, even though "seduce Hillmelia is the ultimate task assigned to him by those mad women, if they know the truth, Lorraine is not sure that he will survive."

He hurriedly turned around and gave Vera a ferocious look.

Vera closed her mouth immediately.

At this time, I heard a voice behind me admiringly said: "Wow, it's so terrible, I just spit out."

Lorraine looked up and saw a short and squat little old man standing behind the crowd, his small mung bean-sized eyes constantly turning around. I don't know what a bad idea is.

With his wretched eyebrows, he was vaguely named Blankrera, a non-famous expert in magical video shooting and the elder of the dragon clan.

Lorraine couldn't help being surprised. This thief-eyed guy was not a good person at first glance. Why did he get into the revolutionary ranks?

Everyone only cared about Lorraine. Asking questions around him.

"Is it cold yesterday?"

"Did you sleep well?"

"Have you seen any ghosts?"

"Are there fleas on the bed?

None of them noticed that there was something wrong with it. I just noticed a few strange things, but these are all just some innocent girls who are new to the style.

Although they are very energetic when they are usually booing, but most of the knowledge in this area is known from the novel history. In other words, they are all pure and pure like Bai Xue, even if they borrow a few more brains from them, they will not think about that aspect of the matter.

Lorraine kept his spirits up and talked a few words with everyone.

At this moment, Aibier walked back with a smile, and then announced loudly: "Okay, I asked Senior Sister, Lorraine can be released."

Everyone looked at her angrily, and then said in unison: "It should have been so!"

Abbey shrank her neck in shock. Then he hid beside him boredly.

Adele and Vera helped Lorraine up, and then walked to the door with everyone

Blankrera was at the end. He looked at the messy condition left after the fierce war in the room. He couldn't help turning his small eyes, then took a deep breath and coughed hard from his lungs. After a long time, I finally became the face of Aibier and spit out thick sputum.

After that, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and walked over to the Throne of God Seal in front of Abby.

Abel looked at him, then rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, pretending not to see it.

After a few steps, Blankrera couldn't help but walk back again.

He blinked his small eyes, looked at Aibier expectantly, and reminded: "I just spit out, you should grab me too"

As he spoke, he actively extended his hands in cooperation.

Aibier rolled her eyes, waved her hand impatiently, and said, "Go, go, die fat and play. I still have business to do!"

Blankrera couldn't help but his fat face collapsed, and said: "What a fat guy, this is too hurtful! How do you enforce the law? It is too unfair to implement double standards."

When Aibier saw him, he still didn't leave. He was still talking strange things next to him, he couldn't help but stared, his hands on hips, and sneered: "But since you said it, that's fine."

As she spoke, she took out a subpoena from her arms and said, "Spitting anywhere and fined five gold coins. Hurry up and pay the money, otherwise you will see the law."

After that, he signed the number and threw it to the God Seal Throne.

Blankrera saw the fine and couldn't help being surprised, "Ah. Then he muttered something unwillingly, took out five gold coins and handed it to the God Seal Throne.

Then he lowered his head dingy and walked out. As he walked, he whispered: "Really, these young people are real. The world is getting worse."

Lorraine, who was following Catherine whispering something, heard his words, first smiled, and then thought of something, her pretty face sank, and she turned and walked over to the Throne of God Seal.

She has a pink face with cream, her eyes are staring at Blankrera, and said: "Old man. You"

Blankrera looked up at her, then blinked her small innocent eyes, so she acted and asked knowingly: "Which sentence?"

Rowlingna looked at him coldly and said: "I'll say it again, and you will repeat it with me."

She paused for a while, and then said one by one: "The young people nowadays are really rude, the world is getting worse.

Blankrera saw the light in her eyes and immediately remembered that this was what he and Lorraine had said when they wanted to peek at the bottom of the girls' skirts in the female wizard flight class.

He couldn't help swallowing hard. Then he laughed dryly and said, "Young people nowadays are really rude.

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Linna had already pulled out her wand in despair. He cursed: "I feel familiar. I must have seen you somewhere before. I didn't expect it to be you, an old perverted **** monster. I thought I would not recognize you if I was fat? This time I saw you. Where to go"

After speaking, he waved the magic wand in his hand, muttered something in his mouth, and then pointed to Blankrera.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for words) The huge fireball shot by Rowrina.

He was angry with Rowrina, still continuing to use magic, and he didn't dare to wait any longer, and the only way was right behind her. He rolled his eyes and didn't know what spell he had used, his feet seemed to be on the wall. Just like that, he moved his feet quickly, crossing his body just like that, passing by the position above everyone's head like a gust of wind. Then he rushed out without looking back.

Seeing this, Leo couldn't help but stare in his eyes. Admiringly said: "It's really amazing!"

Rowrina glared at him, and then chased him out with the magic power. But when I walked outside, I found it OK. "The perverted old **** monster has long since disappeared.

Angrily, she couldn't help stomping her feet bitterly. Gritted his teeth and cursed: "If you run fast, don't let me see it next time" to remind the intermission

In the days that followed, Lorraine found himself back to the tranquility of the and lived extremely boringly. Except, uh, except for being caught by Silmelia every few days, and then tidy up. Although she is often the one who gets cleaned up in the end, she never gets tired of it.

Just let outsiders watch it, and can't help but mumble, how much hatred did the two people have before, can they fight like this?

Lorraine saw the trail of Blankrera. Again, she brought her own ticket of female magicians to patrol and arrest people everywhere, and tossing the whole academy.

After Catherine sent away her father and fought countless official lawsuits with the imperial bureaucrats, she finally got the college funding she had long hoped for. Then began to flex his muscles and fight for the hegemony of the college.

Adele and Vera lived more peacefully. Every day is the end of get out of class, and then go back to eat and sleep. Just a okay molesting Lorraine by the way. Another catty, when it was all right, was molested by Lorraine.

Although Flying Eagle’s business has lost Almohard’s huge order, it has a wide variety of products because of its leading technology. Business is also booming.

Finally, with the light snow falling in the sky that day, Lorraine ushered in his first winter vacation at Maple Leaf Danlin Academy. (To be continued)

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