Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 749: Tiankeng

Looking at the owner in the seat, Wendy said softly: "Fairness and freedom. This is what most humans yearn for. The Resistance believes in freedom and fairness. This alone can attract many aspiring people who are not willing to be ordinary. Shi, in today's world, resistance forces should be spread all over the world."

"That's true too!"

With a smile, Li Meng continued: "The compromise of the rebels is a good thing. Although it will take a month, but it takes a month to capture the small cities without a bloodbath. The truce is worth a month. This is what Natasha made. The decision is very accurate."

Reducing casualties is only one of them. The more important factor is to reduce the killings caused in the war.

If you just forcibly fight all the way, siege the city, and when the war ends, I don't know how many people will die.

And too many killings are undoubtedly very detrimental to the First Army to rule Bentley.

Because war will give birth to hatred, and hatred will drive people crazy, by then, the First Legion’s rule of Bentley will be impossible.

"Huh? What is this?"

On the interface of the data terminal, a small blinking sign suddenly lit up.

Suspicious Li Meng reached out and clicked in.

With a single tap, another page suddenly popped up.

It turned out to be a task newsletter being generated.

The text refreshed quickly, which showed that the task being generated was very close to Qingcheng, maybe it was on Nanlin Island.

Curious Li Meng glanced at the location of the mission.

"this is……"

With an accident on his face, Li Meng looked sideways at Wendy and asked, "Is Sergeant Luo Ruoman on a mission today?"

Luo Luomanfu?

Wendy shook her head and said, "What did the master find?"

Looking at the tablet computer in his hand, Li Meng said: "The mission report shows that today, Sergeant Luo Luoman will conduct an exploration of the underground space of Nanlin Island."

Hearing what the master said, Wendy suddenly said, "I know something about this. Does the master still know about the sea beasts invading the harbor?"

It didn't take long for this to happen, Li Meng certainly remembered.

Under Wendy's gaze, Li Meng nodded.

Wendy continued: "During the battle against the sea beasts, a large number of polluting beasts rushed out of the forest. Although the polluting beasts and sea beasts were successfully eliminated in the end, it also let us know that there is an underground space on Nanlin Island. After some exploration, we found two entrances to the underground space on Nanlin Island. They are at the north and south ends of Nanlin Island. The entrance to the north is narrow, while the entrance to the south has a cave-in not long ago. A tiankeng with a diameter of more than 100 meters and a bottomless depth."

After speaking slightly, Wendy continued: "For the safety of Nanlin Island, I planned an exploration of the underground space to find out the threat of the underground space, and today, it should be the time to implement the plan."

It turned out to be so.

Li Meng knew it.

No wonder the task details are being formed step by step.

It seems that the exploration team is about to set off.

When Li Meng was paying attention to the new mission report, at this time, in the south of Nanlin Island, in the forest tens of kilometers away from Qingcheng, an exploratory mission was in progress.

The sea of ​​forest is boundless and continuous.

But in the green forest sea, there appeared a blank area several miles in diameter.

In the blank area, there are lots of chaotic rocks and no grass grows. It is a world of chaotic rocks.

On the edge of the rocks, there is a withered forest.

Yes, it is a withered forest.

A large area of ​​trees somehow, the green branches and leaves fell and gradually withered.

On the ground in the forest, the shrubs and weeds that had been seen everywhere have disappeared, mixing with the soil.

Outside the rocks, the withered forest was more than a mile wide and still expanding.

"What is the result of the observation, and, have the test results of that green smell come out!"

In the withered forest, a small group of mobilized soldiers was moving forward.

Luo Rumanfu, who was walking in the front, asked the mobilizers behind him through the communicator.

As soon as Luo Rumanfu's words fell, the communicator immediately responded.

"The results have come out. The withered forest is spreading outward every day, about one meter away. The culprit for all this is the green gas emerging from the tiankeng. According to the test results, the green gas has a very Strange substances are harmless to life, but they have a very powerful lethal power to plants. They can instantly wipe out the vitality of all plants and make them wither slowly."

The answer he got made Luo Rumanfu's expression in the helmet very solemn.

The seriousness of the matter seemed far beyond his expectation.

Not long ago, it was peaceful here.

Since the incident of the harbor being invaded by sea beasts subsided, the entrance in the rocky forest has also subsided, and the black polluting beast has never appeared.

But the accident still occurred. Somehow, more than ten days ago, the entrance in the rocky forest suddenly collapsed, forming a bottomless sinkhole.

From that time, a light green gas began to emerge from the tiankeng.

The gas seemed to be endless, and more than ten days passed without stopping at all.

This makes Luo Luomanfu very worried.

After discussing with the senior sergeants, the exploration mission was decided.

An exploration of Tiankeng to find out the source of green gas.

That kind of gas is too strong. If you don't want to solve it, it won't be long before the entire Nanlin Island will become a desert island.

Although the sea of ​​forest is a paradise for polluting beasts, it is also difficult for humans to survive without the forest.

Leaving the withered woods, Luo Luomanfu led a small group of mobilizers into the rocky forest.

At this time, mobilized soldiers can be seen everywhere in the rocky forest. They are either standing on the rocky rock or patrolling in the rocky rocky forest.

At a glance, there were dozens of dark green figures.

As we approached the middle of the chaotic stone forest, there were more mobilized soldiers.

In the spacious open space, you can even see some equipment.

When the line of sight in front of him became broad, Luo Luomanfu walked out with the mobilized soldiers from behind a rock.

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