Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 798: Women are really troublesome

The expression on my face was a little awkward, but the embarrassment was fleeting and I quickly pretended to be nonchalant again. He looked behind him and said casually: "Director Ma, lend me fifty chips and I will return them to you tomorrow."

Director Ma was stunned, and so were everyone watching. Borrowing money at a casino is a taboo, as you will most likely not be able to pay it back. Director Ma looked at the big man in the field as if asking for help. The big man came over and said, "Brother Hao, we have a loan service here. Look..."

"I won't borrow your money." I said, "The interest rate you want is too high. I'll borrow Director Ma's money without any interest, haha."

Director Ma was unable to get off the tiger, so he had to go and bring fifty chips over. I took these chips and continued gambling with the short mule, and lost them all again in less than an hour. I slapped the table and cursed: "What a fucking time. Short mule, I'll bet again tomorrow. Don't run away, I'm going to make money again." The short mule chuckled and said, "I'm always here for you." I snorted, Then he got up and left.

The next day, I rushed to the Golden House again, still only bringing fifty chips. Director Ma was also there, looking at me eagerly, probably waiting for me to pay him back. I didn't even look at him, as if I had forgotten about borrowing money, I just sat down and bet with the short mule. After a while, all the five hundred thousand was lost. I raised my head and looked around. When everyone knew that I wanted to borrow money, they all lowered their heads.

"Director Zhao, lend me fifty chips and I will return them to you tomorrow."

He took 500,000 from Director Zhao and continued to bet with the short mule. I was lucky this time and finally got some books back. Director Zhao looked at me eagerly, waiting for me to return his money. But I still pretended not to see it and continued to bet with the short mule. The good times didn't last long, and I lost all my fucking money again. I looked up and looked around. Everyone was retreating, pretending to be doing their own thing. I said we would play again tomorrow and left. After a few days, I almost borrowed money from all the casinos, and everyone was my creditor. People borrowed money the first time but stopped borrowing the second time, saying they didn’t have that much money. Then I cursed and said there was no good person in the world.

Rumors gradually spread outside that I had lost all my money, and the chips I brought with me every day were borrowed from my brothers. After I lost all my money there, I borrowed money from other gamblers, but gradually no one lent me money anymore. The good person continued to count money and said that in more than half a month, I had lost 8 million and had a debt of 5 million. It was a big number and people speculated that I was out of money.

In fact, what they said was right. I did have no money. This was all a fake show. The speed of making money cannot keep up with the speed of losing money. You can lose the money you made in a month in one day. My creditors called me every day. One said: "Brother Hao, my family is in trouble." The other said: "Brother Hao, the business is not turning around." When I received these calls while gambling, I deliberately exposed them in front of the short mule and everyone. His face said: "Okay, okay, I'll pay you back if I have the money. I'm so damn upset."

In addition, the number of chips I brought here every day decreased, and later it was reduced to twenty or thirty, and the news that I had no money became even more widespread. When I went to the bar to change money, even Su Beibei would bite his lip and say: "Brother Hao, please stop playing for a while."

I waved my hand grandly and said, "It's okay, brother has money! Come on, give me ten chips! What, you have to draw one?!"

Of course, all this news reached the ears of the dwarf mule without exception.

One time my fortune turned around and I won more than a hundred with just ten chips. I was so happy that I shouted and danced. Everyone advised me to give up as soon as I could, but I said that today I would win back everything I lost before. Everyone shook their heads and sighed, with a look in their eyes that said, "This kid is hopeless." These old gamblers actually have the nerve to say that I am hopeless?

I was having fun when a girl suddenly ran in outside the door, with short red hair and a dashing appearance. She ran straight to my table and violently overturned the chips on my table to the ground. As the chips fell on the ground, she roared angrily: "Wang Hao, that's enough!"

The golden room fell silent, and everyone looked at the girl. The girl looked at me with an angry look on her face. Someone whispered: "Who is this?" Someone whispered: "This is Zhou Honglin's daughter, she seems to be having an affair with Brother Hao."

The person who came was none other than Zhou Mo. I frowned and said, "Why are you here?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" Zhou Mo's voice was loud: "Wang Hao, are you crazy? I'm so disappointed in you. If you continue like this, the Black Tiger Gang will be finished!"

I also got angry and cursed: "You can spend my money however you want, do you fucking care? Get out of here!"

"You..." Zhou Mo pushed me hard, turned around and ran out of the yard in an instant.

Everyone in the golden room looked at each other, and someone had already picked up the chips for me. I touched the chips and said nonchalantly: "Short mule, let's continue!" Someone around advised me: "Brother Hao, it's better to chase her." I shook my head and said: "Woman, why are you chasing her? When I got tired of running outside, I came back by myself." Then he yelled about dealing cards.

At this time, another girl came in outside the door, it was Su Beibei who was responsible for exchanging chips. Su Beibei came to me and said, "Brother Hao, women want to be coaxed. You'd better go out and take a look."

I pushed the chip and said, "Women are so damn troublesome. Short mule, wait for me here!" and then turned around and left.

After leaving the Golden House, I drove Poussin and searched around Wangjiapu, and finally saw Zhou Mo on the roadside. I honked the horn twice and stopped next to Zhou Mo. Zhou Mo opened the door and sat down, his face still very ugly. I drove forward for a while, and after making sure no one was watching around me, I said, "Hey, that's enough. Let's just do it again."

Zhou Mo laughed loudly, rushed towards me, put his arms around my neck and said, "How is it? Is your acting okay?"

"It's great." I said, "I can win the Oscar for Best Actress. I almost thought you were going to slap me."

"I really wanted to do it at the time, but later I couldn't bear it, so I decided to push it back."

"Haha, you performed well this time. Once it is completed, you will be a great hero and be worshiped by our Black Tiger Gang."

"Well, when will the net be closed?"

"Just for the past few days, no one has lent me money. Next, I will start borrowing money from dwarf mules."

It is true that no one lends me money anymore. Everyone can see my embarrassment. Even within the Black Tiger Gang, there are complaints. This crisis is obviously getting bigger and bigger. But I lost my mind because of the loss, so I still went to the Golden House every day. I was so depressed that I could only exchange ten chips every day, and I didn’t know where I got the 100,000 yuan. There are more and more creditors, and the mobile phone rings every day.

On the day I decided to show off to the short mule, another thing happened that almost messed up my plan.

Here's the thing. That day, as usual, I exchanged ten chips and went in to bet against the short mule. For nearly a month, the short mule came every day. He seemed to like seeing me in such a desolate state. Ten chips were really not enough to play, and I lost completely in less than ten minutes. As usual, I raised my head again to borrow money, but everyone lowered their heads again, trying not to meet my eyes.

"Director Ma, lend me some money."

"Ah, I don't have any money anymore. I'm waiting for my salary to be paid next month."

Damn it, if you work for a salary, can you still come to this place every day to be cool?

"Boss Wu, lend me five hundred thousand and I will pay you back tomorrow."

"Hey, business has been slow lately. Brother Hao, please forgive me."

I borrowed more than a dozen of them at once, but they were all rejected for different reasons. My credit in Golden House has been ruined and no one will lend me money anymore. I felt a sense of despair, lowered my head and gasped for breath, which sounded vaguely angry to others. The short mule said: "If you have no money, I will play with others." As he said that, he collected the chips on the table and prepared to move them to other tables.

"Wait..." I stopped him, about to ask for a loan. Suddenly there was a "bang" and a chip box was placed in front of me. I was startled, and when I looked back, I saw Su Beibei standing behind me. Su Beibei opened the box, revealing the colorful chips inside. "Here are a hundred. Brother Hao, you can play with it first." After saying that, Su Beibei turned around and left.

I looked at the chips in front of me and was a little stunned. These one hundred chips are enough for me to play for a while, and the time for my showdown with the short mule will be postponed. But for a person who is jealous of losing, the normal reaction should be to take it for his own use immediately.

I only hesitated for three seconds before slamming the table and yelling: "Take your chips back!"

Su Beibei stopped immediately, and the golden room became quiet. Su Beibei turned around and said: "This is my own money, not a loan from the Golden House. Brother Hao, you use it first, there is no need to worry about paying it back."

"You want to harm me?" I said in a harsh tone: "You are menstruating, but you give me money to play cards because you think I don't lose enough?"

There are various rules and taboos in the casino. I have been here for nearly a month and I have some understanding of these. One of them is that a woman who is menstruating will definitely lose any chips she touches. This is of course superstitious, but old punters firmly believe in it.

Su Beibei took a breath of cold air. She was indeed menstruating, and I knew it only because I saw the brown sugar water in her hand when changing chips. Girls don’t drink brown sugar water for no reason. I bet the chance of her menstruation is 80%. Judging from her expression, I felt that my bet was 100% correct.

"Okay, okay." Su Beibei sneered, walked over quickly, picked up the chip box, and walked out of the golden room again.

"Hey." I sneered: "What a vicious woman, she actually wanted to add insult to injury. Fortunately, I didn't fall for her."

No one in the room talked to each other, everyone lowered their heads and played their own things. The short mule stood up and said he was going to the toilet, and then walked out the door. Seeing that the opportunity had come, I followed him out of the door. The toilet in the Golden House was very sloppy, and I entered as soon as the short mule unbuttoned his pants.

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