Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 581: You know so much

The whole audience was immersed in the two gentle singing voices. I was lying on the sofa, just looking at the two of them, and my heart was filled with happiness. Their singing was very soothing and had a hypnotic effect, and I fell asleep without even realizing it. In a daze, when he opened his eyes again, he was already ready to leave, and everyone was walking out in darkness. I also thought about it, but my head was dizzy and my body was weak. I vaguely saw a group of people surrounding me, as if they were discussing where to send me. Some said they would go to Chenggao, some said they would go to Beiqi, and some said they would go back to the vocational college. I thought about how many places I could go. I had something to say to Ye Zhan, but I never had the chance tonight, so I wanted to tell Ye Zhan to take me away, but I didn’t have the strength or the words to speak.

While we were arguing, I heard Ye Zhan say: "Don't go anywhere, just send him to my house so he can rest." I felt relieved when I heard this, thinking that Ye Zhan is the one who knows me. Just like that, I fell asleep again and let them do whatever they wanted with me. I had a good sleep this time because there was basically nothing in my mind. I woke up in the middle of the night due to urination. I opened my eyes and saw that the room was dark. I looked next to me and saw Ye Zhan lying there. I knew it was at Ye Zhan's house. I pushed him and asked him where the toilet was. He told me in a daze, and I put on my slippers and went to the toilet. After finishing school, I came back to sleep. It was already winter, and the heating in the room was very comfortable. I slept until morning again, when someone knocked on the door and asked, "Aren't you going to class?" Ye Zhan said he couldn't go any more and had a rest today, and then there was no movement in the room. After hearing that Ye Zhan's parents had gone to work, I opened my eyes and sat up. Ye Zhan was also awake and said in surprise: "I thought you were going to sleep for a long time."

I said: "Don't sleep, get up and go for a run." We both got up, had something to eat, and then went downstairs for a run. I regretted it only when I started running because it was so cold today. But now that I'm down, I'll just make do with running. The two of us were running together, mainly talking about returning to the city. Now I have nothing to do in the vocational college, and I am about to go on winter vacation. When school starts next year, it will be a good time to go back to the city to study. Ye Zhan transferred away on his own at the beginning, and he didn't make any big mistakes, so it was relatively easy to go back. It's more difficult for me. First of all, I was expelled from the school. Moreover, the Slap King hates me very much and will definitely try to prevent me from returning to Chenggao. So when it comes to finding a way, it’s mainly about finding a way for me.

In this way, we brought up old matters again and revealed the plan we had discussed before. Ye Zhan asked me: "Do you want to go back to Chenggao now?" I said firmly: "Of course I want to go back." Ye Zhan said: "But I think you want to join the society with Brother Yu." I said seriously: "Nothing, it's more important to go to school. Xia Xue is still waiting for me in Xinxiang." Ye Zhan said, "What if Brother Yu says he needs you?" I remained silent. In fact, I didn't know what to do. . Ye Zhan said again: "Forget it, let's find a way to get back to Chenggao first." I nodded in agreement. The two of us discussed it while running, and finally made up our mind to officially start implementing our plan after the winter vacation. At that time, the winter vacation was only a month away, and I just needed to hang out in the vocational college for a while.

After running around their neighborhood with Ye Zhan, I gradually stopped feeling cold. We talked about a lot of things, including what we wanted to do in the future. In fact, we are still young and cannot think that far ahead. The closest thing to reality is to go to college. I said that Xia Xue was going to be admitted to XNU, and I had to find a way to get in. Ye Zhan said that we should take the exam together, which made me very touched. Xinda University is Xinxiang University, which is also a top-notch university in China and the best university in our province. But then I added: "Damn it, if I don't pass the exam, I will join the society with Brother Yu and turn Beiyuan City upside down!"

Oddly enough, when I was talking about going to college, I felt quite calm, but when I was talking about being in society, my whole body was filled with enthusiasm.

Ye Zhan was happy when he heard this: "Mouse, if you want to go to college, I will go to college too; if you want to join the society, I will go to the society. Anyway, we have to be brothers. It would be boring if we were separated." I finished listening I was even more moved, and immediately said boldly: "Then it's settled, we will take the exam together, and we will hang out together." To be honest, after transferring to three schools, only Ye Zhan and I said such things. Others are not unfaithful, but they are still a little bit inferior, and they will not always follow me. Once you graduate and those who get into college leave, those who fail to get into college will have to find a way out, and who will hang around behind me all day long?

After recognizing this reality, I don't feel too sad. I just feel happy when we are together.

After two laps with Ye Zhan, I finalized my plan to return to Chenggao. In fact, there are certain risks in this plan. It is not to say that it is perfect. If the Slap King decides to burn the boat, we will not be able to get any benefits at all. But, this is the only way.

After running, I felt relaxed and even sweated a little. We had nowhere to go, so we went to the Internet cafe to play for a while. Although Yu Chengfei and the others can return to the vocational college, most of them are still willing to stay in the Internet cafe. They should have found the feeling of home here. I asked Mr. Yuan: "Where is Brother Yu?" Mr. Yuan said: "Sleep in the dormitory. He needs to be refreshed. Doesn't he have to negotiate with Bai Yanluo at night?" I just remembered this matter, and I still want to go to the dormitory tonight. Need to negotiate. I asked Mr. Yuan: "Do I need to go?" Mr. Yuan said: "You are the great hero who won the vocational college. Do you think you need to go? Even if you don't want to go, Black Yama will not agree."

After hearing this, I felt very ashamed: "Then Black Yama doesn't want to do anything to me, right?" Mr. Yuan glared and said, "How dare he! I'll kill him!" Biao Jin'er came up again. Although I know it’s unrealistic, I’m very happy to hear it.

Ye Zhan and I just play games, the same ones that Yuan Shao and the others play. Ye Zhan and I have created accounts a long time ago, but we don't play often, so the level is still very low, and we just hang out outside the village and fight monsters. While typing, the system suddenly kicked me offline. I didn’t know what was going on, so I muttered something. There was a student behind me who said, "You don't have any point cards anymore. Let me recharge one for you." At that time, I didn't know that point cards cost money, and I thought they were props in the game. I feel ashamed. I only know how to fight every day and know nothing about games, so I asked that student to charge me. After recharging, he didn’t ask me for any money. He just asked me to get to know him. He was from Beiqi. At that time, I was a well-known figure in three schools. Even on the Internet, some people took the initiative to send me a bottle of Coke. There were also many people who took the initiative to give their names and make friends, so I didn't take it to heart.

I played all morning, had some lunch at noon, and continued playing in the afternoon. I slowly found fun in online games. When it was almost evening, Yu Chengfei came and asked us to pack up and go to Kaiyuan Restaurant. Ye Zhan was there at that time, and I asked Yu Chengfei if he should ask Ye Zhan to go with him. Yu Chengfei said forget it, this matter has nothing to do with Ye Zhan, so don’t let him get involved. Then we left the Internet cafe, and Ye Zhan went to Beiqi for evening self-study. A group of people took a van and rushed to Kaiyuan Restaurant. When I got off the bus, I looked up and saw that it was not very impressive. From the outside, the decoration looked a bit old. Later I learned that Kaiyuan Restaurant is indeed not very grand, but it is the oldest restaurant on Kaiyuan Road. It is said that it has existed since liberation. In the early days, it was very favored by the political circles, and only prominent figures could eat here. After the reform and opening up, the domestic economy picked up and luxury restaurants sprung up. Kaiyuan Restaurant gradually faded out of people's sight, but the background of the boss behind the scenes is said to be very deep.

This is also the reason why Bai Yanluo chose to negotiate here, because few underworld people dare to act recklessly here. Not only him, but the bosses of the underworld in the south of the city also like to come here for negotiations. No matter how fierce the quarrel is, they don't dare to fight here.

Mr. Yuan told me all this, and I was deeply impressed after hearing it: "You know so much!" Mr. Yuan said: "Of course, you do what you do and love what you do. How do you start a business if you are not familiar with it?" These words made me happy. I think Yuan Shao can be very good at other things as long as he doesn't join the underworld. Under the leadership of Yu Chengfei, a group of us walked into the lobby of the restaurant.

There are rest areas on both sides of the lobby, which are full of people at this time. Judging from their clothes, you can tell that they are people on the road. As soon as we people came in, people on both sides stopped talking. They all looked towards us, and vaguely said something like, "Is that Yu Chengfei who killed Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong and dominated the vocational college?" I understood. It seemed that these were people from the Black and White Yamas. There were twenty or thirty people on both sides. Could it be that there would be a fight if the negotiation failed?

Yu Chengfei looked around and walked towards one side, and a group of us followed him in a hurry. Only then did I realize that there was Zhang Shundong among those people. The reason why I didn't notice him before was not only because he was much more honest today, sitting there silently, but also had a bandage on his head. It seemed that he was beaten badly yesterday. Yu Chengfei walked over and said, "Brother Dong."

Zhang Shundong nodded, his face no longer so arrogant. It seemed that the beating yesterday was worth it.

Yu Chengfei asked again: "Where is the eldest brother?"

Zhang Shundong said: "I'll be here soon, sit down and wait."

We found a sofa and sat down. There were so many people that there were not enough seats on the sofa, so most people stood and talked and laughed from time to time.

After a while, the revolving door moved, and Bai Yanluo led four or five people in, wearing the same white suits as yesterday. As soon as he came in, everyone on our side stood up and walked over under the leadership of Yu Chengfei and Zhang Shundong, while people in the rest area on the other side also glanced over from time to time.

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