Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 563: It’s not your turn to intervene

After my roar, Nie Yuanlong's anger reached its peak: "Damn it, why don't you throw me away?!" He raised the dagger, just waiting for the word "three" to fall and stab him. He took a breath, and the word "three" was about to come out.

"Wait a minute!"

Black Spider suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "We threw this guy away and he won't resist. Will you really let our brother Hao go?"

"A gentleman's words are hard to chase." Nie Yuanlong's voice was filled with pride.

With a "clang" sound, Black Spider dropped the machete on the ground first. Immediately afterwards, Da Lao Er, One-Eyed Dragon and others also dropped their machetes on the ground. I watched all this with great anxiety. If they gave it a go, they would still have a chance to fight back. If they threw the guy away and let the opponent attack him, they would have no chance at all! I yelled: "Black Spider, how can you believe him! Pick this guy up for me!" My voice was hysterical, and my whole body was shaking.

"Brother Hao." Black Spider looked at me and said slowly: "We don't want to dominate any vocational college, we just want you to be well."

I looked at Black Spider stupidly, his eyes were full of determination: "Nie Yuanlong, I hope you will do what you say!"

With the sound of a large number of weapons being thrown away, Qiu Feng, who was not far behind him, laughed loudly: "Wang Hao's people have already thrown away their weapons. What are you guys waiting for?!" He meant Those brothers with mustaches. Within a moment, the sound of throwing away the guy was heard behind him. I closed my eyes and knew it was all over.

"Nie Yuanlong!" Black Spider yelled: "If you dare to touch a hair of Brother Hao, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"Hahaha..." Nie Yuanlong actually laughed loudly: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what I say. Chang Jian, lead the brothers to do it!" Chang Jian yelled: "Yes!" and then picked up the machete. , ready to slash at the black spider.

At the same time, Qiu Feng also shouted: "Fu Jiaming, chop Qin Bo!"

As soon as the first knife is struck, everyone will fall in a pool of blood, and we won’t even have a chance to fight back...

"The guy has already been thrown away, let's forget about killing him." A familiar voice suddenly floated over from a distance behind him.

"Who?!" Nie Yuanlong put his arms around my neck and turned around suddenly.

The sound came from the long wall at the edge of the grove, on which a handsome young man was standing steadily. At this moment, the sun suddenly broke through the clouds and hit the young man's face, making it blurry and unclear.

"Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School, seven dragons and six phoenixes." The young man said slowly: "Ye Zhan."

As soon as he finished speaking, several figures rushed up the wall together, including men and women. The cold wind blew by, making their clothes rustle.

"Seven dragons and six phoenixes?!" Nie Yuanlong gritted his teeth: "It's not your turn to interfere in the affairs of our vocational college, right?!"

"Rat is our boss, do you think we should intervene?" Ye Zhan's voice had a rare coldness: "Rat has lost this battle, and we have nothing to say. You let Mouse go, An Just be your boss with peace of mind."

"Bah!" Qiu Feng also turned around and looked up at the figures on the wall: "You just let him go as he says? Wang Hao has harmed so many of our brothers, just because you, the boss of Beiqi, say In one sentence, we just pretend that nothing happened?"

Everyone in the grove was looking at the fence and the dozen or so figures standing on the fence.

"There is no way, this world respects the strong." Ye Zhan said: "Our fists are harder than yours, so of course our words will be effective. The rat guy has already admitted defeat and has thrown the guy away, you might as well Just go down the slope and donkey..."

"Fuck you!" Nie Yuanlong spat hard on the ground: "Your fists are harder than mine?! Let all the students from Beiqi come in and try to see whose fists are harder!" There was great arrogance in his tone.

"Yes, yes!" Qiu Feng also said: "Ye Zhan, why don't you jump down now and let's try two moves?" His tone was even more sarcastic. If the students from Beiqi really dare to jump down, other students from the Vocational College will not just sit idly by.

"If Beiqi is not enough, what about the height of our city?" Suddenly another voice sounded, followed by four more figures running up the wall. Gong Ning, the tallest among them, was standing next to Ye Zhan, and he was the one who spoke just now. Gong Ning's face was stern: "Although our four heavenly kings are not good enough, it is not a problem to bring hundreds of students from the city high school into the vocational college."

As soon as the words fell, a deafening roar sounded from the other side of the wall. Although no one could be seen, it was enough to make people feel frightened. Two hundred people? Three hundred people? Five hundred people? No one can tell how many students are on the other side of the wall! But everyone can imagine what terrible things would happen if all these students climbed over the wall!

I couldn't see Nie Yuanlong's face, but I could hear his sudden rapid breathing. Qiu Feng, who was on the other side of the flower bed, also stared blankly at the figures on the wall, speechless.

No matter how brave and good at fighting, it is impossible not to be afraid when facing so many people.

In the staff dormitory, Yuan Xiaoyi stared blankly at the scene below, too shocked to say a word.

"The folk customs of Beiyuan City are indeed tough." Tie Nian finally grinned: "I didn't expect Wang Hao to have so many men."

"Then...then..." Yuan Xiaoyi said tremblingly: "Is Wang Hao okay?"

"It should be fine. Wang Hao has already admitted defeat. Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng will not be stupid enough to go head-to-head with so many people." Tie Nian quietly put back the gun he had just taken out. In this unfamiliar place, he had to try to keep a low profile.

"But...but..." Yuan Xiaoyi gasped: "I'm still not worried."

The roar from the other side of the wall lasted for five minutes before gradually dying down. Nie Yuanlong was still holding my neck and holding the dagger in his other hand. He didn't say a word, but his breathing was rapid, whether from fear or anger.

But I think there are more of the latter, right?

"I think you already know what I mean." Ye Zhan said seriously: "The rat has given up, and his brothers have also thrown the guy away. I think this matter can be overturned. If the dispute is too tense, it will be over." It’s not very good, what do you two think?”

Neither Qiu Feng nor Nie Yuanlong spoke. They both looked at Ye Zhan in silence, presumably thinking about countermeasures. It's definitely not possible to go head-to-head. Even though the students from the Vocational College are relatively tough, I'm afraid they're still a little out of their depth when it comes to fighting against the students from Chenggao and Beiqi schools. What's more, there are hundreds of students in the vocational college who belong to me, Xiao Hu, and Yu Chengfei. So if they really fight, Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong will definitely not get along.

"Yes, yes." Nie Yuanlong suddenly said, "But we also have conditions."

"Tell me about it." Ye Zhan stood on the wall, the sun shining on his face, and his expression could not be seen clearly. But since I've known him, I've never heard his voice sound so cold. Seeing me being held with a dagger, he must have been extremely angry.

Nie Yuanlong stood behind me. He was taller than me, and his breath blew on the top of my head when he spoke. Just listen to him say: "Since Wang Hao has given up, he can no longer stay in the vocational college. From today on, he must leave this school. In order to prevent him from continuing to manipulate behind the scenes, a group of bosses participating in the decisive battle today, namely Qin Bo, Black Spider, Da Lao Er and others must also leave the Vocational College with him. Wang Hao has harmed so many of our brothers, is it enough to ask him to leave the Vocational College? "

Interesting enough, indeed interesting enough. You know, Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng want to kill me now. Just asking me to leave the vocational college with a group of people, the two of them have indeed made a lot of concessions. In the final analysis, it was the combined power of the Seven Dragons, Six Phoenixes and the Four Heavenly Kings that scared them. In the past, students from Beiqi could never enter Chenggao. But after having Ye Zhan and me, the people from the two schools now have a very good relationship and are very united, so Ye Zhan can take the students from Beiqi into Chenggao and stand on the other side of the wall with the students from Chenggao and make loud noises. Roar.

Frankly speaking, it is quite difficult for Ye Zhan to do this. Xiao Hu and I were held hostage by Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng respectively. It is no exaggeration to say that our lives were in danger at any time. Black Spider and the others were forced to throw away the guys, and with Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng's acting style, after killing Black Spider and others, they still would not let me and Xiaohu go. I am very sure of this. So Ye Zhan made such a fuss, although it did not completely reverse the situation, it did save me and Mustache, and also kept Black Spider and the others from being harmed. The final result was just that I and the Thirteen Taibao and others left the vocational college. This result It is actually a very good result.

At this moment, Nie Yuanlong said loudly: "I want Wang Hao to do it in front of the students of the vocational college, in front of his brothers, in front of the seven dragons and six phoenixes, in front of the four heavenly kings, in front of the other side of the wall Swear in front of hundreds of students - admit defeat in this battle, admit defeat to me and Qiu Feng, promise to leave the vocational college and never come back again. How about that?!"

The woods were quiet, and occasionally when a breeze blew, a little bit of snow would fall from the tops of the trees.

All the people looked at me. Seven dragons and six phoenixes, four heavenly kings, thirteen eunuchs...

With so many people, as long as these words are spoken, I must keep my promise. I am not Nie Yuanlong, and I cannot do things that “break my word”. But...after these words were spoken, it meant that I was leaving the Vocational College in despair, that all my past efforts were in vain, and that Yu Chengfei still could not return to the Vocational College.

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