Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 468: Stay far away from you

Li Kai said: "What does this have to do with it? It's just children fighting. Let's educate them and pay some money." I was happy when I heard this: "That's good, you don't even have to go through the back door." I hung up the phone. Later, I told what Li Kai said to the Four Heavenly Kings, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were all campus gangsters, and they always felt that it was terrible to get into trouble.

When I rushed to the Public Security Bureau, I saw a pair of middle-aged women standing at the door of the interrogation room making a fuss. They were Li Mingyang's arrogant parents. "You must put him in jail for being so cruel in broad daylight!" Li Mingyang's mother's face was distorted with anger. Two young policemen stood next to her and tried to persuade her. Standing on one side were Xia Xue and Xia Xue's parents, but they didn't say anything. I led the people over, and Li Mingyang's mother went crazy when she saw me: "Here you go again! Is it you, the little gangster leader, who had my son beaten?! Comrade police, arrest him quickly." Get up, people like this used to fight when they were young, but when they grow up, they sell drugs!"

I said in my heart: "Auntie, you are right. I am planning to sell drugs in the next few days." The two policemen still tried to persuade me, saying that they could not arrest people without evidence and so on. They have a way with the little hooligans, but they have no way with this kind of shrew. At this time, Ye Jianxiong suddenly ran out of the interrogation room, pointed at Li Mingyang's mother and said: "Don't slander me. This matter has nothing to do with Brother Hao. It's just me who doesn't like your son! It's so fucking disgusting. Tomorrow morning Even if he is pretending to be sick when he is fine, I will just beat him up!"

Li Mingyang's mother shouted "Wow": "Comrade police, listen to this, he is also called 'Brother Hao'. It is obvious that this person is a gangster leader." Then she pointed at me and said: "This person is the culprit. He was jealous of my son's good looks and excellent grades, and repeatedly attacked him. The last time my son was beaten, it was his master's plan! He is considered a repeat offender, he can always be caught and locked up in prison, right?!" What he said is true. Sliding away. The policeman still said: "We will definitely investigate this matter carefully." It was obvious that they were helpless and didn't want to take care of this kind of student fight.

Li Mingyang's mother became even more angry. She suddenly rushed towards me like a crazy woman, spreading her hands in an exaggerated way, as if she was going to attack me with her nails. For a moment, all I could see were her ten long, brightly red nails, which looked like Mei Chaofeng's Nine-Yin White Bone Claws in a dazzling way. This, your mother, scared me so much that I kept retreating. However, at the critical moment, Xia Xue’s mother rushed over, blocked Li Mingyang’s mother, and said to her: “Don’t get excited, don’t do anything to the child.” Li Mingyang’s mother shouted hysterically: “By the way, Why can he do something to my child, but I can't do it to him?!" Xia Xue's mother was speechless, so she had to say: "Don't do it in the police station." The two policemen came over and said, "Don't be too excited. Otherwise we will cuff you."

Li Mingyang's mother shouted like crazy: "The mastermind behind the scenes is here, why don't you catch him?!" It felt like her whole body was about to collapse. Also, no matter who sees his child being beaten like that, he can no longer maintain a calm mood. Although I haven't seen what happened to Li Mingyang, it's quite touching to imagine based on Gong Ning's description. But no matter how crazy Li Mingyang’s mother was, she never came to beat me again. I looked at Xia Xue's mother gratefully, but she ignored me completely. Beside the wall, Li Mingyang's father and Xia Xue's father stood there smoking, shaking their heads, and sighing. Xia Xue turned to the side, unable to see her expression, and probably regretted that such a thing happened.

Li Mingyang's mother cried, tears welling up from her eyes, and the three adults went over to comfort her. Li Mingyang's mother sobbed and said, "Yangyang's body hasn't recovered yet, and he was beaten like that again!" Ye Jianxiong yelled, "Fuck you! Before Xia Xue came, Li Mingyang could move freely. , laughing and making trouble; after Xia Xue arrived, she immediately lay on the bed and pretended to be sick. I saw all of this clearly! As for what other nasty things happened later, I don’t want to say more here. Come on! Give your precious son some face! He knows why I beat him!"

But I knew that he was trying to save Xia Xue's face, so he couldn't say something like "Li Mingyang asked Xia Xue to take off his pants for him." This kid is very clever. I like him more and more. I can train him to be a leader in the first year of high school.

Xia Xue raised her head in surprise and looked at Ye Jianxiong in disbelief: "Is what you said true?" Ye Jianxiong said firmly: "Of course it is true! I also heard Li Mingyang's parents say: 'Son , when Xia Xue comes, if you pretend to be weak and make her feel guilty towards you, you can get her! 'Do you think it's disgusting or not?"

I don’t know if this is true, because it’s not in Gong Ning’s version of description. But it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. The key is that Li Mingyang’s parents really had this intention, otherwise they wouldn’t have kept their son out of the hospital for more than a month. Even if Ye Jianxiong made it up, it would be very reasonable. When Xia Xue heard this, she was even more surprised. She looked at Li Mingyang's mother and said, "Auntie..."

Li Mingyang's mother's hands were trembling, she screamed "Ahhh" and rushed towards Ye Jianxiong: "You kid is talking nonsense and spitting blood!" Ye Jianxiong hurriedly ran into the interrogation room, saying as he ran: "Uncle policeman, hurry up protect me!"

Two policemen stopped Li Mingyang's mother again. Seeing that Li Mingyang's mother was under control, Ye Jianxiong turned around and said, "I have never seen such a nasty person as your son. It seems that you parents are not much better!" When he understood what was going on, his face turned red with anger, he stamped his feet and said, "I'm leaving first!" He glanced at me as he passed me, his eyes full of guilt. I smiled at her, meaning: "Silly girl, I don't blame you, go back quickly." Xia Xue passed me and left in a hurry.

Xia Xue's parents were not too excited. It seemed that they knew about Li Mingyang's pretending to be sick and acquiesced in this behavior of Li Mingyang's family. During the whole process, only Xia Xue was kept in the dark. This girl is so silly and kind, otherwise she wouldn't have encouraged me to bravely resist Zou Yang when she first met me. Therefore, even though she has taken care of Li Mingyang for more than a month, I am not angry with her at all.

At this moment, Li Mingyang's mother was still acting like crazy, baring her teeth and claws and saying, "I'll tear your mouth apart!" It seemed that she particularly hated Ye Jianxiong for telling the truth. Ye Jianxiong refused to give up and was still angry with Li Mingyang's mother: "Your son is the most disgusting person in the world, and you two are the most disgusting parents in the world!" This time, even Li Mingyang's father couldn't help it. , roaring and stretching out his old fist to hit Ye Jianxiong. There were only two policemen at the door of the interrogation room. It was already very difficult to stop Li Mingyang's mother, and they could no longer take care of Li Mingyang's father.

The four heavenly kings have long developed the concept of "brothers come together when something happens". When they saw Li Mingyang's father rushing forward to beat Ye Jianxiong, I didn't need to direct him at all. The four of them stepped out at the same time and attacked Li Mingyang's father. passed. Even though Li Mingyang's father was an adult, he could not withstand the entanglement of four "professional gangsters" and was already at a disadvantage in an instant. Chaos immediately broke out in the corridor. Seeing that her husband was being bullied, Li Mingyang's mother burst into tears and rushed over to help. The two policemen quickly shouted: "Stop, stop it!" Xia Xue's father naturally helped Li Mingyang's father. Yes, I hurriedly came over to pull Gong Ning and the others away. Xia Xue’s mother angrily said to me, “Wang Hao, that’s enough!”

All this happened in an instant, and even I hadn't reacted yet.

I looked at Xia Xue's mother blankly: "Auntie..."

"Don't call me auntie!" Xia Xue's mother was extremely angry: "You are so powerful and have so many brothers. Are you addicted to being a gangster? Even adults are beaten, right? If you beat them today, will you beat me and Xia Xue tomorrow? Her dad?"

"No, I will not……"

Before I finished speaking, Xia Xue's mother said again: "That's enough! Wang Hao, I will make Xia Xue stay away from you! She should no longer have a little gangster like you involved in her life!"

I was stunned and didn't realize what Xia Xue's mother meant when she said "stay away from you". There was chaos in the corridor. The long-standing tacit understanding of the four heavenly kings made them very effective in fighting. As an adult, Li Mingyang's father had no way to deal with them. Seeing this situation, Ye Jianxiong ran out very excitedly, joined the battle group of the Four Heavenly Kings, and followed him to beat Li Mingyang's father. Xia Xue's father was not a rude person, so he could only keep pulling Gong Ning and the others.

"Don't fight, don't fight..." Seeing that Xia Xue's father couldn't pull away, he said to me again: "Wang Hao, let them all stop, this is the Public Security Bureau, everyone, please don't be impulsive!"

And I was still looking at Xia Xue’s mother, and Xia Xue’s mother was still looking at me.

"I will take Xia Xue away." Xia Xue's mother said, "I will take her away from this city just to stay away from you!"

"Don't... don't..." My voice trembled, and my whole body trembled. I wanted to say something to beg, but nothing came out, and I didn't know what to say.

The chaos in the corridor quickly attracted attention. Many policemen rushed out from various rooms, shouting: "Give me assistants!" The two policemen caught in the melee immediately said: "Quickly subdue these boys. , one is really more arrogant than the other, and I can’t control them at all!”

"Auntie, please, don't..."

Before I could finish my words, a policeman quickly pounced on me and pushed me to the ground. At the same time, more than a dozen police officers rushed over and subdued Gong Ning and the others.

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