Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 465: Pay the membership fee

Hearing this, it was Mustache's turn to be stunned. He looked at me in shock: "Brother Hao, are you willing to let me develop my own power?"

Not only Mustache was stunned, but Black Spider and the others were also stunned. Even if what Xiaozi is saying now is sincere, after all, people's hearts are separated from each other, and no one can tell what Xiaozi is thinking. Allowing him to develop his own power would be a huge threat to us. I just smiled softly and said: "Don't doubt people who are suspicious of you, don't be suspicious of people who are employing. Since I have decided to treat you as a brother, I must trust everything you say and do. I hope you will not betray my trust." Mustache His eyes became even more moist, and he looked very moved: "Brother Hao, don't worry. I don't like playing tricks, just wait and see my performance!"

"But there is one thing you have to remember." I said: "About you joining us, you must keep it secret for the time being. Maybe one day I will use you as a secret weapon. Also, how will the power develop?" It's too much, otherwise even if we don't move you, Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong should move you, you know?"

There was a touch of sadness in the mustache's eyes: "Brother Hao, I know. Only after I suffered a big loss last time did I understand how hidden dragons and crouching tigers are in this vocational college. It's my fault that I am arrogant and arrogant. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. I actually thought that I can dominate the campus as before, but I only realized how shallow and ignorant I was after living in the hospital. Now, I will no longer be so sharp."

"Being able to realize this can be regarded as a kind of growth." I have to say that I was also inspired by some of Mustache's words. Man, you really have to be in a desperate situation before you can figure something out.

"Moreover." Mustache straightened his back and said, "After I finally survived the critical period and was transferred to the general ward, my former brother came to see me and told me your past story." At this point , he looked ashamed: "It turns out that Brother Hao's experience is so legendary. It's ridiculous that I didn't know my own abilities. Once... once, that... In short, it was my fault. I hope Brother Hao can forgive me."

I knew he was talking about the time he threatened me to stay away from Wen Xin in front of the hospital, so I said calmly: "It's okay." I would not tell him that the beating he received on the way back was the person I was looking for. . Not to mention telling him that it was precisely because he and his men threatened me that Wen Xin got the idea to deliberately flirt with Big Laoer and the others in front of him. Some things need to be kept inside for a lifetime. From now on, if he treats me sincerely, then I will definitely treat him as a brother.

"Okay, go back." I patted his shoulder: "Go to rest early and stay at ease. No one will cause trouble for you for the time being."

He is now back at the vocational college alone. Without my help, he would probably be killed by Big Brother and the others.

After Mustache left, Black Spider couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Hao, do you think this person is trustworthy?" I turned to look at Black Spider and the others, each of them looked puzzled. After all, in a place like a vocational college, which is similar to a gangland, undercover agents, traitors and the like are quite normal. I nodded and said: "It's credible." Black Spider asked again: "Why?"

"No reason." I said, "I felt his sincerity. And my feelings are always accurate."

The next morning, I arrived at Nie Yuanlong’s classroom on time because he said he would have a meeting here.

When he arrived, Nie Yuanlong was the only one in the classroom, and all other students had been cleared out. I wondered if this was just for me. Nie Yuanlong asked me to sit down and continued to wait, which meant that there was someone else. Nie Yuanlong and I were chatting casually, and he asked me how many brothers I had in Chenggao and Beiqi. I said casually: "There are more than 200 people in Chenggao, and there are also more than 200 people in Beiqi." In fact, I don't have detailed data, but this number should be a lot more. Because after I leave these two schools, the Four Heavenly Kings and Ye Zhan will continue to expand their power, and many people will take the initiative to defect to them for fame.

"I'm very envious." Nie Yuanlong said: "In the vocational college, it is too difficult to completely unify the school. Not to mention the big guys who are comparable in strength to me, even the little heads who are not strong enough, each one is more unruly and difficult. training.”

After chatting for a while, Wang Lei came in first. As soon as he came in, he greeted Nie Yuanlong and me warmly, and asked us what we had eaten in the morning. Then he introduced himself and said that he ate soy milk and fried dough sticks. After a while, the other three big red sticks also came and sat in a circle around Nie Yuanlong's desk. "Okay." Nie Yuanlong knocked on the desk with his hand and said, "Our meeting will officially begin."

The five of us sat up straight, waiting for Nie Yuanlong to say something. Nie Yuanlong said: "It's the end of the month again, how are your goods going?" Wang Lei was the first to say: "I've sold all my goods." Then he took out a stack of money from his pocket and handed it to Nie Yuanlong. Nie Yuanlong took it and nodded "swish, swish, swish". I had nothing to do, so I ordered it with him silently. After ordering, I found out there were 28,000 yuan. Nie Yuanlong nodded and put the money into the desk. Xiong Fei then said, "I've finished paying that out." Then he handed Nie Yuanlong a stack of money. Nie Yuanlong took it and started counting again. I was bored, so I also counted along. After it was done, I found out that it was also 28,000 yuan. Then Zhao Peng also handed the money to Nie Yuanlong, which was exactly the same amount of 28,000 yuan.

I was bored, so I did some calculations in my mind. According to what Nie Yuanlong said last time, he would be given 70% of the sales, and based on the price of two hundred yuan for a cigarette, it was easy to draw the conclusion: They are At the beginning of the month, each person received two hundred cigarettes.

Finally it was Liu Xiangrong’s turn. Liu Xiangrong also took out a stack of money from his pocket and handed it to Nie Yuanlong. Nie Yuanlong took it and counted it again, the same amount of 28,000 yuan. I found that Wang Lei, Xiong Fei, Zhao Peng, and even Nie Yuanlong all looked shocked. They are all smart people. They know that Liu Xiangrong has smoked a lot this month, so how can they still hand over the money? Only I know in my heart that Liu Xiangrong borrowed loan sharks from others outside. Nie Yuanlong asked: "Xiang Rong, have you quit that thing?" Liu Xiangrong said: "Brother Hui Long, I borrowed it, and this time I really quit." Nie Yuanlong said: "As far as I know, this month you are on your own I smoked a lot, how can I still pay my share?" Liu Xiangrong said: "Brother Long, even if I am wasting my family, I still have to take care of my capital. I have to pay 70%, but I still keep 30%, right? I I’m not very addicted, so I smoked a little.”

"Well, not bad." Nie Yuanlong looked very happy: "If you have the ability to control yourself, no wonder you can quit."

Then, Nie Yuanlong talked about his plans for next month, which mainly revolved around my upcoming drug sales in Chenggao and Beiqi. He said: "Chenggao and Beiqi have unlimited potential, and there are many second-generation rich people who can afford this stuff. Everything depends on Brother Hao. When he opens up this road, he can instill more supply of goods. If you go in, you will make a lot of money."

The four red sticks all looked happy, as if they had become millionaires. I said: "Brother Long, I have thought about it carefully these days. This matter may not be that easy." Nie Yuanlong said in surprise: "What's wrong?" I said: "First, now Cheng Gao and Bei Qi are attacking me They think that my betrayal of Yu Chengfei is a matter of revenge. Because of this, my actions will be restricted. They are quite resistant to me now, and their words may not be easy to use. "

As soon as these words came out, the four red sticks shook their heads and sighed. Nie Yuanlong said: "Don't be afraid of this. The key is the four heavenly kings and the seven dragons and six phoenixes. What is their attitude towards you?" I said: "I haven't contacted them for a long time. I don't know what their attitude is now." Nie Yuanlong said: " I have inquired about it, and they have a relatively firm attitude towards you. They have beaten students who spoke ill of you in school more than once." I was shocked that Nie Yuanlong had actually done such an investigation. He was really...

Nie Yuanlong continued: "As long as your brothers support you, there is no problem. They are the actual rulers of Chenggao and Beiqiming. As long as you give them the goods, they can help you sell them. Don't worry about that. Anyone who speaks ill of you can just feed him two cigarettes and he will kneel down and call you grandpa in the next minute." When he said this, Liu Xiangrong twisted unnaturally.

Nie Yuanlong asked him directly: "What, did it hit your mind?"

Liu Xiangrong said quickly: "No, no." Then he touched his head and smiled stupidly, with some unnatural tremors on his face.

Nie Yuanlong didn't seem to notice, and continued to talk to me: "So, Brother Hao, everything depends on human effort. As long as you do it, you will definitely succeed. Now you can talk about the second point."

I was so sulky that I had no choice but to continue: "Secondly, both Chenggao and Beiqi have extremely important people in charge. For example, Chenggao's Slap King can't put a grain of sand in his eyes. This kind of thing will never be allowed to breed in the school. If he finds out, he dares to twist the heads of the Four Heavenly Kings! And Beiqi's..." Only then did I remember that Huang Yancheng has already I left Beiqi. In desperation, I bit the bullet and said, "There is also Zhou Mo from Beiqi."

"Zhou Mo?!" Nie Yuanlong was surprised: "Five phoenixes from seven dragons and six phoenixes? That rich second generation? What happened to her?"

"I'll be honest." I said, "Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School is a half-public, half-private school, and most of the buildings are sponsored by Zhou Mo's father. Zhou Mo attaches great importance to this school, as he loves his house." I will never be allowed to do this in Beiqi."

"You can't even handle a mere Five Phoenixes?!" Nie Yuanlong's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

I said: "It's not that I can't handle it, but...but..." I said bravely: "Zhou Mo is my woman, and I can't bear to see her sad."

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