Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 463: Tell the truth

After saying goodbye to Su Ze, my heart still couldn't calm down for a long time. As soon as he returned to the vocational college, he ran to Yuan Xiaoyi. In her dormitory, listen to her singing and talk about college life. While talking, maybe because he drank a lot of wine at noon, he fell asleep lying on her bed. I don't know how much time passed after I fell asleep. After waking up, Yuan Xiaoyi was not in the dormitory, probably going to class, but I was covered with a woolen blanket, which still had a faint fragrance. I stood up, folded the blankets and put them away, tidied the bed, then opened the door and left. As usual, I looked around the corridor and saw that there was no sign of Liu Xinpeng before I walked out confidently. Of course, if Liu Xinpeng is not there, there will be other teachers who are often encountered in the corridor. After all, this is a faculty dormitory. Looking at the time, it's almost time for school to end in the afternoon. The sleep I just had was so comfortable.

At this time, I couldn't help but go to class. I thought about waiting for Li Xiaojie and the others downstairs, and then we would go to the cafeteria to eat together. I sat down next to the flower bed below the teaching building and lit a cigarette. I found that the leaves in the flower bed were turning yellow a lot. Autumn is really coming soon. While I was sitting, my phone suddenly rang. I escaped and saw that it was Nie Yuanlong, so I quickly picked up the call. Nie Yuanlong asked me: "Where are you?" His tone was very normal.

"It's downstairs." I looked up: "Look outside the window and you can see me."

After a while, a head popped out, it was Nie Yuanlong. For some reason, when I saw him, I felt the smell of blood in the air. It was indeed a psychological reaction. I waved my hand to Nie Yuanlong and continued on the phone: "Brother Long, what do you want from me?" Nie Yuanlong saw me and said, "Wait, I'll go down to find you." Then he hung up the phone. I felt a little worried, wondering why he suddenly came to see me. But after knowing him for a long time, I am no longer as nervous as I was at the beginning.

After waiting for a while, Nie Yuanlong came down, alone with no one around him. I didn't stand up to greet him, he sat directly next to me. At such a close distance, I felt the smell of blood was stronger, and I began to wonder again, this guy couldn't have really killed anyone, I hope it's just my imagination. Nie Yuanlong asked me: "Why did you come here to sit down?" I said: "I drank some wine at noon and just woke up, so I came here to sit down." Nie Yuanlong nodded and then asked: "Last time Liu Xiangrong and Fu Jiaming made an appointment Zhan, why are you hiding on the rooftop?" My heart skipped a beat, as he really knew this. Li Wenchao didn't tell Liu Xiangrong, so it couldn't have been Liu Xiangrong. After analysis, I'm afraid it's what Qiu Feng said.

Nie Yuanlong already knew it, and I didn't need to hide it anymore. I said directly: "I really want to see Fu Jiaming's strength and infer the strength of the four generals, so that I won't be blinded when I go into battle. But Liu Xiangrong won't let me Visiting, I had no choice but to hide up there in advance - don’t worry, I won’t let myself get hurt.”

Nie Yuanlong nodded and didn't speak for a long time. He was obviously convinced by my reasons. He came down to ask me about this alone, without bringing the Four Red Sticks or any confidants, which proved that he had no ill intentions towards me. Nie Yuanlong took out a box of cigarettes and handed me one. I looked at it quietly and saw that it had a trademark and it was not that kind of cigarette, so I started smoking with confidence. Nie Yuanlong asked me: "Then what did you find on the rooftop?" This question was very interesting, and it proved from the side that there was indeed a problem with the fight.

I thought about it and said, "Brother Long, do you want me to tell the truth?" Nie Yuanlong said, "Of course I have to tell the truth." I continued, "The members of both sides are very brave, even cutting and cutting is not a problem. It's an eye-opener for me, who came from Chenggao and Beiqi. But..." I sighed softly: "It's a pity that Liu Xiangrong and Fu Jiaming are just playing house..."

"Oh?" Nie Yuanlong's eyes flickered.

"Neither of them has shown their true level. Every punch and kick is just perfunctory. The two of them also have a tacit understanding of their attacks and will not hurt each other at all." I said: "I suspect that they may If it has anything to do with it, Brother Long had better check it out. Of course, I'm not doubting Liu Xiangrong's loyalty to you, maybe he and Fu Jiaming were good friends before. "

I would not say "I suspect you and Qiu Feng ordered them to do this" in front of Nie Yuanlong, so I tried my best to put the problem on the two of them, not only telling the strange things I saw on the rooftop. It would not make Nie Yuanlong wary of me, so I felt that it was more rational for me to deal with it this way. Sure enough, Nie Yuanlong nodded and said, "I will investigate. If there is anything wrong with Liu Xiangrong, as you said, I will not let him off lightly." I nodded and said, "It's the best."

Nie Yuanlong continued: "But Brother Hao, there is something I have to say. Qiu Feng and I have agreed to a battle. Both parties can only have one leader and a certain number of subordinates. If you appear at the scene at this level, you will It will be very difficult for me to make the other party think that we have evil intentions. If they hide some people next time, then this fight will be meaningless in the future."

I nodded and said, "I know, I won't do it again. But when will it be my turn to go into battle? I can't wait to fight against their generals, especially the one named Zhang Yunfei. I have disliked him for a long time." .”

Nie Yuanlong narrowed his eyes and seemed to be smiling: "Don't worry, good steel must be used on the blade, I will definitely arrange for you to go into battle."

I deliberately acted like I was looking forward to it and excited and said, "Okay, I'll definitely wait!"

As we were talking, the bell rang, and students poured out in droves, running towards the cafeteria crazily and excitedly. When I passed by the flower bed, I saw Nie Yuanlong and me, and unconsciously slowed down, lowered my voice, and stayed away from us. After passing us, he started running wildly again. Nie Yuanlong patted me on the shoulder: "Go to my place for a meeting tomorrow morning. See you then!" I nodded, and he stood up and walked against the flow of people toward the teaching building. Wherever he went, the flow of people consciously gave way to a path, causing him to walk smoothly and evenly.

I looked at his back and couldn't help but wonder: "When will I be able to bring him down?" While I was distracted, a crisp voice sounded: "Brother Wang Hao!" I looked up and saw that it was Wen Xin who was smiling like a flower. face, and beside her were Li Xiaojie and Yang Xiaotao. Wen Xin bent over, turned her face towards me, and observed me carefully, with a trace of doubt in her eyes. I said, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Then I reached out and touched my face.

"No, no." Wen Xin said, "I'm just curious what brother Wang Hao is doing here."

I smiled and said, "Of course I'm waiting for you to go have dinner together."

"Haha, great." Wen Xin pulled me up. The four of us walked to the cafeteria together.

When I returned to the dormitory in the evening, everyone in the dormitory and I went to fetch water and wash our feet. Then we called Black Spider and gathered around a table to drink. It has become our habit to have a few drinks every night. Because of my joining, the relationship between everyone in the dormitory has become better than ever before. It's so good, it's like a small family. When I was drunk, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside.

It's late at night and I don't know who is coming. Li Xiaojie wanted to stand up and open the door, but now it was his turn to drink, so I pressed his shoulder and said, "You sit down while I open the door." Then I stood up unsteadily and went to open the door. When I walked to the door and opened it, I immediately became nervous when I saw the person in front of me! When everyone in the dormitory saw this person, they were also fucking guys, and they came running over.

No reason, just because the man outside has a mustache!

Mustache is back, and he came to find me as soon as he came back! Anyone would think that he must have malicious intentions!

There were guys hiding in the dormitory. Li Xiaojie and the others quickly raised their machetes and rushed towards them, but I stretched out my hand to block them all. Because I found that there was only Mustache outside the door. In other words, if Mustache came alone, he couldn't be seeking revenge, otherwise it would be too stupid to do it alone.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked.

"Brother Hao..." The moment Mustache spoke, I was startled. Such an unruly person would actually call me Brother Hao? !

Not only was I shocked, but Li Xiaojie and the others were also shocked, because we all met and understood Mustache together. He was tortured by the instructors, but he never lowered his head or admitted defeat. Such a stubborn person!

I was even more puzzled: "Don't call me brother yet, what's the matter with you?" While speaking, I was also wary of him, worried that he was just paralyzing me and might suddenly take out a dagger and stab me. I felt that this guy It's possible to do this if you go crazy.

"Brother Hao, can you let me come in and talk?" Mustache's tone turned out to be very sincere.


Before I could speak, the black spider behind me had already spoken: "If you have anything to say, just say it clearly here, don't play tricks!"

Black Spider has always been a very sensible person, so he and I thought about going together, but both felt that there was something wrong with the mustache.

Although Mustache came alone, he still did not rule out the possibility that he wanted to seek revenge. Because the current dedicated freshmen have been kept submissive by Big Lao Er and the others, there is no way that Mustache can find anyone to seek revenge with him. If Mustache comes here alone to seek revenge, he must play some dirty tricks. It is common for him to stab someone with a knife, so he has to be careful about this person.

Seeing that we wouldn't let him in, Xiaozhu suddenly knelt down.

"Brother Hao!" Mustache said with tears in his eyes, "I'm here to thank you!"

I was completely stunned: "Thank me for what?!"

"Thank you for saving my life last time!" Mustache said: "I'm not stupid. I know that if you hadn't stopped that student, I would have been dead by now!"

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