Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 450: We are all brothers

Just like Brick doesn't have a younger brother in Chenggao, but everyone still regards him as one of the big guys, and Mai Zi and Lao Gou, who have a lot of people, are also very afraid of him; similarly, even if Mustache leads the entire freshmen, For the time being, no one will regard him as a figure comparable to Nie Yuanlong, Yu Chengfei, and Qiu Feng. Being able to become a big boss must pass the test of time and consideration.

The simplest criterion is: Does his existence make other bosses feel a threat?

Nie Yuanlong continued: "Since we are brothers from today on, I don't want there to be any secrets between us."

I raised my eyebrows gently: "Okay." Naturally, I felt a little worried.

Nie Yuanlong asked: "How did you integrate such a force silently? Before this, no one noticed your movements at all." I took a breath and said: "Of course you can't let others I noticed, otherwise how could I give Qin Bo a fatal blow? I just went to find those students who had been beaten by Qin Bo one by one, and then asked them if they were willing to take revenge. According to the theory of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', I quickly Integrate a group of forces with the same hatred and hatred."

Nie Yuanlong's eyes suddenly lit up, while the four red sticks looked at each other, probably because they didn't expect the answer to be so simple. In fact, I can understand their surprise when they suddenly found out that I had organized a group of more than a hundred people out of thin air. Nie Yuanlong said with admiration: "You are indeed a man who can dominate Chenggao and Beiqi!" Then he said in a questioning tone: "Then after defeating Qin Bo, won't your power be dispersed?" I sighed deliberately After taking a breath, he said: "Who says it's not the case? The twelve bosses are unruly and have their own ideas. I will keep as many as I can, and I will try my best to win their hearts." Nie Yuanlong nodded and said : "I believe you can do it." I smiled at him to thank him for the award.

After saying that, Nie Yuanlong looked at the four of them and said, "Did you hear that? Use your brain more when doing things in the future. Don't think that you will be invincible if you are more powerful with your fists and feet!" Wang Lei said with a smile: "Hey, how can we? Comparing with Brother Hao?" Liu Xiangrong's body movements began to become unnatural, and I suspected that the guy's drug addiction was about to break out again. Just as he was thinking this, Liu Xiangrong reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette shakily, and eagerly stuffed it into his mouth. I noticed that the other three big red sticks were looking at him in astonishment, while Nie Yuanlong's eyebrows were knitted together. Liu Xiangrong took a deep breath, and his face immediately showed a comfortable look.

To my surprise, Nie Yuanlong suddenly stood up, pulled out the stool from under his buttocks, and hit Liu Xiangrong on the head! The other three big red sticks all shrank back nervously. Liu Xiangrong screamed after being beaten and quickly covered his head with his hands, while Nie Yuanlong still hit him hard, "Bang-bang-bang-" After a few blows , Liu Xiangrong fell to the ground. Judging from Nie Yuanlong's heavy technique, it is quite difficult for Liu Xiangrong to be able to hold on for so many times. Well, he is indeed one of the four red sticks. However, this technique was very familiar. It was exactly the same as when Zhao Peng beat the student before. It seemed that there were just as many subordinates as there were bosses, and each one of them was really ruthless. It was clear that they were brothers who had grown up together just now, but now they could knock him to the ground with a stool. It felt a bit incomprehensible to their world.

After Liu Xiangrong fell to the ground, Nie Yuanlong didn't hit him anymore. He threw the stool aside and looked at Liu Xiangrong on the ground angrily: "How many times have I told you to quit that thing quickly. You fucking Forget about it being a deaf ear, how dare you smoke in front of me?!" Liu Xiangrong lay on the ground, with a pool of blood next to his head, and said tremblingly: "I was wrong..."

While I was watching from the side, I actually felt very happy. Sure enough, I have double standards. When I saw the innocent students being bullied by the four red sticks, I felt a sense of justice in my heart, and I especially wanted to stop their atrocities; when I saw Liu Xiangrong being beaten by Nie Yuanlong, I You will feel very happy, and you can't wait for Nie Yuanlong to hit him harder.

This is just like "When you see an old lady falling down on the street, everyone will want to go up and help her; but when you see a thief being caught, everyone wants to go up and kick her." It is the same as sympathizing with the weak. It's a common thing to do.

"Damn it, is it enough just to say something wrong? You have to fucking change it, you know?!" Nie Yuanlong kicked him hard a few more times. The three red sticks didn't stop him, and they probably didn't dare to stop him either. The classroom was very quiet, and it felt like many people didn't even dare to speak out.

Frankly speaking, Nie Yuanlong's move made me feel that his mystery has disappeared a lot. It turns out that he is just an ordinary person who "can get angry, get angry, and can take action." In this way, the fear in my heart disappeared a lot.

After finishing the fight, Nie Yuanlong came back and said to me: "I have a rule here. You can sell these things, but you must not touch these things yourself." I nodded, thinking this rule was very good, and Nie Yuanlong was quite concerned about himself. Brother's. As a result, Nie Yuanlong went on to say: "This thing is addictive. If you get addicted to it, it will be your own damn trouble. How can you still make a dime?" I almost fell down. After all, it is still about money. At this time, Liu Xiangrong had already stood up and stood aside obediently. Wang Lei took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to him. Liu Xiangrong covered the bloody hole on his head with the tissue and said nothing.

"Let me ask you." Nie Yuanlong looked at Liu Xiangrong and said, "How is your sales this month?"

I saw Liu Xiangrong trembling obviously, but he still said: "It's sold out, I only smoked a little bit."

But I knew he was lying, because he told Wang Lei before that he had almost siphoned it all off by himself, and he was worried about how to pay the share with Nie Yuanlong. Nie Yuanlong nodded: "That's good." Then he said to me: "When I work here, I always pay attention to the principle of fairness and justice. The four brothers take the same quantity of goods. At the end of the month, they only need to give me 70% of the sales. Well, the remaining three achievements can be put into your own pockets, and the most important thing is that everyone gets rich together."

I nodded, wanting to say a few words of compliment, but I really didn't know what to say. I just felt that Nie Yuanlong's money was the best, and he just had to sit and wait to receive the money. But since he is the boss, he should enjoy this power. Just like when I was in Dongguan Town, I didn't need to do anything. Xiao Zhishan would give me some money every month. On the first day we met, Nie Yuanlong told me so much. It felt like he really regarded me as one of his own. Should I be happy or sad?

With that said, Nie Yuanlong took out a cigarette from the drawer and handed it to me. I had an intuition that it must have been adulterated, so I quickly said, "I won't smoke it anymore." Nie Yuanlong said, "I'm not letting you smoke it, I just want you to take a look." I took it strangely and looked at it carefully. On the surface, this cigarette is no different from other tobacco, except that there is no trademark on it.

"This is what I got from outside." Nie Yuanlong said: "It is specially made and mixed with some things. The purity is naturally greatly reduced, but the price is still expensive. It costs two hundred yuan a piece in our school. .”

I was shocked to see that this ordinary piece of tobacco in my hand could be sold for two hundred yuan! I asked again: "So, do all the students in our school smoke these things?" Nie Yuanlong nodded and said, "Yes." I thought about it and found that most of the students I saw smoked alcohol lamps, tinfoil and other things. Well, those are probably the cheap "noodles" that Black Spider calls, and they are still different from the cigarette I am holding now that is mixed with real "white powder". However, because this kind of mixed tobacco is very concealed and cannot be seen when held in the hand, so it is usually not known who smokes and who does not smoke.

I took this cigarette and played with it in my hand. I knew that this special cigarette did not have a trademark. In the future, I would know who is an addict as long as I look carefully. Nie Yuanlong continued: "Under our deliberate training, there are already many drug addicts in the vocational college, including some rich second generations from well-off families. They don't care about the money, so just sell to them."

"Oh." I nodded, suddenly feeling that what Nie Yuanlong told me was too detailed. Doesn't this guy want me to sell this thing too? Thinking of this, I shuddered all over. Damn it, I don’t want to touch this thing at all. But I don’t think so, because the four major red sticks already have their own markets, and the sales channels of the vocational colleges should have been almost occupied by them. If Nie Yuanlong gives me another share, doesn't it mean that he has to divide it with others? With Nie Yuanlong's shrewdness, he probably wouldn't do such a thing.

Just as he was thinking this, Nie Yuanlong suddenly said: "Since we are brothers, we must make money together. Starting from next month, I will also give you a batch of goods, so that you can also enjoy the benefits of joining our group. "

As soon as he said these words, Liu Xiangrong and the four of them changed their expressions, and I almost stopped breathing!

Damn it, is it really true? !

It can be seen that Liu Xiangrong and the others are not satisfied with this distribution, but they will never dare to say it!

I rolled my eyes and said, "Brother Long, thank you for your kindness. But I joined you just to deal with Yu Chengfei, and to help you beat Qiu Feng. As for making money, I don't really care."

Wang Lei also laughed and said: "Brother Long, since Brother Hao doesn't want to do this business, don't force him to do it together." Liu Xiangrong also said: "Brother Long, forget it if Brother Hao doesn't want to do it, we all We already have regular customers." Xiong Fei and Zhao Peng also looked nervous, and it was obvious that they were also afraid that I would share their cake.

Damn it, who would want to eat it? I don’t want to touch those things!

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