Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 442: Absolutely not

I looked at him in surprise: "Really?" Zhou Shishuai nodded heavily: "Really!"

——Actually, I didn’t expect this effect. Black Spider beat him in order to cut off the thoughts of others. Unexpectedly, such a beating would bring him to our side. Sure enough, there are everyone in this world. Just say no, you have to be beaten to wake up. But at this moment, I can only hold his hand and say: "Good brothers, we will be a family from now on."

They all agreed to join me, but there was one thing that remained unsolved. If this matter is not resolved, our newly formed little gang will fall apart sooner or later - their own contradictions. As mentioned before, these bosses all have personal vendettas and have disliked each other for a long time. Think about it, they are all bullies from different schools, who can conquer whom? I have also made a detailed plan on how to solve this problem. I brought a glass of wine and said, "Since you have chosen to follow me, there are some things you have to say."

Everyone sat down and listened attentively. I continued: "As far as I know, some of you have been grudges for a long time, and this time we came together temporarily because of dealing with Qin Bo. Then I hope everyone will give me a face, put down your prejudices against others, and become a real person in trouble." We are good brothers, okay?" Then he looked at everyone with sincere eyes.

No one said a word, they all looked at each other for the enemy in their eyes, and there was even a look of resentment in their eyes. Because I can transform from an enemy to a brother with just a few words, which is simply impossible to happen in reality. Fortunately, I had already thought of this and glanced at the older brother. In my heart, the position of the eldest child is almost as important as that of the black spider. These two people can be my right-hand man in the vocational college, and Li Xiaojie and Yang Xiaotao are my confidants. Wen Xin has the combat power of a company.

When the eldest brother saw this, he immediately jumped up and said, "Brother Hao, I respect you very much, and I think everyone else does too." Then he looked around at everyone, and everyone nodded. The eldest brother continued: "But I'm sorry, the grudge between One-Eyed Dragon and I cannot be reconciled by just saying a few words." The One-Eyed Dragon also stood up and said: "Big Brother, what the hell do you mean?!"

I also said with a straight face: "Big Brother, what do you want to do?" - How? We have already thought about it.

The eldest brother said: "You have to listen to Brother Hao, but you have to avenge your personal grudges. One-eyed dragon, do you dare to challenge me? No matter who wins or loses, we won't care. Then we will abandon the past grudges and live together forever." Are you going to follow Brother Hao?" The one-eyed dragon snorted and said, "Let's fight one on one, I'm afraid you won't do it?!" As soon as he finished speaking, the two of them started fighting each other. There are only six beds in the dormitory of the vocational college, so the space is quite spacious. Even if there is a circle of people around, there is still room for the two of them to fight. Both of them were veterans in fighting, and their punches and kicks were quite vicious. One punched him in the eye, and the other elbowed him in the ribs. After a while, the two of them were panting and bleeding from the nose. After fighting for a long time, there was no winner. Both of them were a little tired. They were pulling each other's collars and their eyes were wide open, as if they wanted to eat each other. I thought to myself, they look really alike in this scene and they work really hard.

The two fought for a while longer. Who doesn't love to watch a fight? Everyone watched with gusto. Until both of them were tired and couldn't fight anymore, they sat down on the ground and started scolding each other, going over old scores, saying when he offended him and when he offended him again. After all, it was all about Chen Guzi and rotten sesame seeds, which caused everyone to burst into laughter. Smiling and laughing, the two of them were no longer embarrassed. They looked at each other and laughed, then stretched out their hands at the same time and held them together.

"Brother." "Brother!" The two of them shouted at the same time, truly putting aside their old grudges. Everyone clapped together, and this sensational atmosphere quickly infected everyone, making me, the director of this scene, unable to help but get a little teary-eyed. Are these two guys really acting, or are they pretending to be real? But these are not important, because a certain boss stood up and said loudly: "Little Tornado, I want to challenge you. No matter we win or lose, we will put aside our past grudges and follow Brother Hao wholeheartedly from now on..."

"Don't you dare!" The old man roared at the top of his lungs. He had wanted to have a happy fight with Little Tornado for a long time!

"Dare, why don't you dare?!" Little Tornado stood up and accepted the challenge happily. So Big Lao Er and One-Eyed Dragon got out of the way, leaving the battlefield to them. The two of them had a fierce fight in full view of the public, during which they were swore, cursed, punched and kicked, but that didn't stop them from sitting on the ground and laughing at each other after the fight, and then held their hands in each other's hands. together.

"Brother, are you enjoying yourself?" "Haha, it's so enjoyable! I thought you were a weakling before, but I didn't expect your fists to be so powerful!" "Damn it, who are you calling a weakling? Do you want another fight?" "Come on. Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

"Hey, that's enough for you two!" Another boss stood up: "Now it's my turn to solve it with him!" Then he pointed at the other boss... For a whole night, everyone just fought back and forth like this. , no matter how deep the fight is, it must end with laughter and handshakes. At the end, Ling Yufeng and Zhou Shishuai also had a fight. It is said that they were very unhappy because of a woman. But now it's better, they finally "explained" the misunderstanding clearly with their fists.

Friendship between men is sometimes so simple, so simple that it can be solved with just a drink and a fight!

That night, we got drunk again, and there was no longer any barrier between us, and we became truly good brothers.

The next day, we slept until the sun was shining three times before getting up. It is too uncomfortable for more than ten people to sleep on six beds, and some people can only sleep on the cold ground. Fortunately, it's summer and everyone is an angry young man, so sleeping on the floor is no big deal. After getting up, they went to wash up with each other, and after washing up, they went to class arm in arm, walking arrogantly on campus, announcing to the entire vocational college that we were the latest rising force, and if you see us, please stay away quickly. ! The eldest brother said with some worry: "Brother Hao, if we are so arrogant, will we be fucked by Qiu Feng and Nie Yuanlong?" I laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, my relationship with them is okay, basically as long as If their interests are not involved, they probably won’t take action against us.”

They dispersed in the teaching building and went to their respective classrooms. I have to say that this is the happiest day since I entered the vocational college. The joy of spring breeze in Chenggao and Beiqi seems to be back again. Sure enough, although my main purpose was to help Yu Chengfei, I actually like this exciting life of fighting and killing in my heart. It seems that this kind of restless blood is naturally flowing in my body.

When I entered the classroom, all the boys in the class stood up and greeted me, shouting "Brother Hao, Brother Hao" one by one. Of course, someone still looked at me coldly, and I tried my best to ignore his presence. Wen's heart came out and said with a sad face: "Brother Hao, are you ready to play? I really want to dress up as a man and go to the vocational college to have a drink with you. What a great opportunity to communicate with everyone!" Li Xiaojie said with a smile: " Forget it, don't forget that you and them once had an affair. As soon as you show up, I'm afraid they will get jealous over you and start fighting again!" Wen Xin said proudly: "That's great, I just like to do this. girl!"

While chatting, everyone sat down and started our usual entertainment activity - playing cards. It has to be said that when people are in a good mood, they are happy with anything they watch. The sky is blue, the clouds are white, and the birds chirping outside are so sweet. But Wen Xin was not in a good mood. She said, "Brother Hao, I have been with you for so long and I don't even have a younger brother. I also want to be a big sister!" I smiled and said, "Why do you want to be a big sister so much?" Huh?" I just asked casually. In fact, you don't need to think about it. Being the boss is very prestigious. I have never met anyone who doesn't want to be the boss. Even those nerds who only know how to study must have a dream of becoming a big boss in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Wen Xin heard this question, put the cards on the table, and said seriously: "Brother Hao, do you really want to know?"

I was stunned for a moment, wondering why Wen Xin was suddenly so serious. I couldn't help but nodded: "You say it."

"I want to protect the girls in our class." Wen Xin said word by word.

I was confused: "What happened to the girls in our class?"

Wen Xin quietly pointed at Xiaoxue in the corner behind her and said, "Does Brother Hao know about Xiaoxue?"

I nodded: "Yes, I know."

Wen Xin pointed to the other two girls in the class, one in pink and one in yellow. They were both pretty. I heard that they also took that kind of job privately. "You also know about the two of them, right?" Wen Xin continued to ask me.

I nodded again. Wen Xin continued: "Although Xiaoxue was deceived by Jia Tai first, it was considered voluntary. After all, no one forced her. The two girls were also voluntary. They thought that just by spreading their legs, they could get a lot of money. , this way of making money is easy and simple, and you don’t feel any psychological pressure. Everyone has a different lifestyle, and we don’t need to blame them. To put it bluntly, there is no distinction between high and low in career, right?”

I nodded again: "Yes." I don't know why Wen Xin suddenly said this, but what she said did make sense. Those girls who voluntarily sold their bodies neither killed anyone nor set fire to them, so why should they be looked down upon by others?

"I have never said a word to those girls who volunteered to do this." Wen Xin said and suddenly slammed the table: "But if someone wants to force others into the water and use force to touch the girls around me, then Absolutely not!”

"Forcing girls into prostitution?" I frowned: "In modern society, there are still people doing this kind of thing?" Those who volunteer to be young ladies have nothing to say. As Wen Xin said, everyone's lifestyle is different, but forcing others to be young ladies is acceptable. It’s different!

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