Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 438, Done

"Actually, it's not strange at all." Black Spider said: "He is ruthless to his enemies, but kind and loyal to his friends. This is the Wang Hao in our minds who is invincible in Chenggao and Beiqi, and invincible in the world!"

I smiled helplessly: "What about now?"

"He is kind enough to his friends, but to his enemies..." Black Spider looked up at the running Liu Xinpeng, and then said: "Any other boss would not let him go so easily."

"This is the gap between ideal and reality..." I shook my head. Ma Wulong told me to be ruthless, Yu Chengfei told me to be ruthless, and I also told myself to be ruthless. But sometimes, I just can’t be ruthless. Is it because of my natural personality?

"Brother Hao." Black Spider added, "I'm not trying to overstep my bounds. I just think that if it's just to this extent, that guy might dare to stir up some trouble in the future. If you think it's beneath your dignity to attack him, this matter Just leave it to me."

I nodded. After getting my approval, Black Spider led the people and ran towards Liu Xinpeng, so the whole playground was filled with Liu Xinpeng's screams like killing a pig. Black Spider is right. Only after Liu Xinpeng has been baptized in this way will he develop a deep-rooted fear of people like us. Wen Xin sat next to me and watched with great interest. This girl who aspired to be a gangster never concealed her ambitions. The last task given to her was also completed very well. Ling Yufeng was already taken care of, but Zhou Shishuai was still missing. According to her, it is: "Within three days. After three days, I guarantee that he will surrender."

Wen Xin quickly found Zhou Shishuai and chose a straightforward approach. She came directly to Zhou Shishuai's class, came to the slightly famous boss, looked at him with charming eyes and said, "How about you, do you want to treat me to a meal?" There are few men in this world who would Zhou Shishuai is just one of thousands of ordinary men who refuses the beautiful women who come to his door.

So the date went smoothly, and Zhou Shishuai happily held Wen Xin's hand. When passing by the corridor of the first grade, he didn't notice a cold look looking at him. While eating, Zhou Shishuai asked Wen Xin: "Why do you fall in love with me?" Wen Xin said: "You are handsome." Then she looked at him with a nymphomaniacal look. Zhou Shishuai was very satisfied with the answer and asked: "What else?" Wen Xin said: "You are doing well. Who is not afraid of you in the second year of junior high school?" This statement is a bit exaggerated, but who doesn't like to hear compliments? Zhou Shishuai was even happier. He didn't expect that this was just a trap.

After eating, Zhou Shishuai wanted to take further action, such as going out to get a room with Wen Xin or something. As a result, Wen Xin flatly refused. She said: "I don't know why, but after eating a meal, I feel that you are not so handsome anymore. This is the end between us. Just think that I lied to you for a meal." Come on." Then he left lightly. Zhou Shishuai looked at Wen Xin's back and was really puzzled. He didn't understand what was going on. He wouldn't believe that Wen Xin was trying to cheat the meal. In the end, he could only comfort himself: women are too fickle. But he has no shortage of women, because he is handsome and has a good life, and he has never stopped having women around him. So he didn't think too deeply about it and continued to go back to class.

As soon as he went to class like this, he suffered disaster. He was having a good time smoking with his brother and chatting about recent major and minor events in the vocational college. One was the gathering of the three big guys in the activity room for Wang Hao, and the other was the rapid rise of the dedicated mustache. Just when Zhou Shishuai said, "The vocational college has not been peaceful recently. All kinds of gods have come out. Everyone must be careful." The classroom door was suddenly kicked open. Mustache led more than 20 people and rushed in aggressively. He grabbed Zhou Shishuai and beat him. While beating him, he asked him if he knew he was wrong. Many people had been beaten in the past few days. Of course Zhou Shishuai knew what to say at this time. He immediately sobbed and said: "I was wrong, I was wrong. I will never dare to do it again." Mustache was still not relieved and beat Zhou Shishuai. As if the beating was not enough, he also beat his brothers one by one. After the beating, Mustache left in a swaggering manner.

Very much in line with Mustache's style, he doesn't tell you why he hit you, but lets you guess for yourself. This guess gave me an opportunity. In the evening, I came to Zhou Shishuai's dormitory, comforted them as usual, and then asked the classic saying: "Do you want to take revenge?" No one in this world does not want to take revenge "after being bullied" , so this is basically equivalent to asking nonsense. After getting the answer of "I want revenge," I told him: "I can help you get revenge, but you have to listen to me." This is a very simple deal, and most people will agree to it, and Zhou Shishuai is no exception.

The last person, finally got it done. Coming out of Zhou Shishuai's dormitory, I took a long breath. Standing outside the window of the corridor, looking at the bright moon outside the window, I recalled what Yu Chengfei said to me that day: "Idiot, be careful." Nothing in the world seems to be more beautiful than this sentence, which makes me feel all the hard work, The grievances are all worth it. So far, I'm a little closer to my goal. I was very aware of my current situation. Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng were both staring at me. They wanted to know how I would fight against Mustache. Last time in the activity room, Qiu Feng's attitude towards me made me understand that only with strength can others respect me.

One night a week after the activity room incident, I asked Black Spider to call all the bosses that I had recruited over the past few days to come to our dormitory. The eldest brother, the one-eyed dragon, the little whirlwind... Ling Yufeng, Zhou Shishuai, a total of twelve second-level bosses, all sitting on the bedside, a bit like holding a small secret meeting. These people looked at each other and found that each other had been beaten by Mustache, but they didn't say a word to each other, and they usually stayed away from each other until death.

I bought cheap liquor outside, the kind that costs one yuan a small cup, and distributed it to them one by one. I said, "I hope everyone will temporarily put aside their past prejudices. This time we have a common enemy, which is the single-minded Qin Dynasty." Bo. Kill him. You should stay silent in the future. But now, I hope everyone can unite." After a pause, he added: "If someone is unwilling and thinks he can kill Qin Bo on his own. , then you can leave."

The eldest brother stood up first and cursed: "Brother Hao, stop talking nonsense. I have been waiting for more than ten days and I can't wait to beat that bastard! As long as I can kill Qin Bo, I can cooperate with these grandsons." It doesn't matter." As soon as he said this, he was immediately scolded by others: "Fucking big brother, who are you calling your grandson? Do you think we are willing to cooperate with you?"

Before I could do anything, chaos broke out in the dormitory. Fortunately, this situation was what I had imagined, so I immediately gave Black Spider a wink. Black Spider immediately said: "Big Brother, One-Eyed Dragon, you two, stop arguing! If you want me to give you an idea, you should work together to kill Qin Bo first, and then have a good fight to see who is more powerful, okay?" "

The eldest brother slapped his thigh and said, "I agree!" The one-eyed dragon also said, "I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

The two stood up and shook hands, expressing a temporary alliance. With the two of them setting an example, others who had issues with each other would of course be put aside and deal with Mustache first. Of course, I also arranged the scene between the eldest brother and the one-eyed dragon, just to show it to the other eldest brothers. Even if the two of them can temporarily put aside their prejudices, others will naturally follow suit.

After achieving the goal of unity, the next step is to discuss a detailed attack plan. The twelve bosses, including Black Spider, can raise a total of about 150 people. This number has already exceeded Mustache's current power of 100 people. However, if we analyze it further, we are considered to be a ragtag group of people. Although we verbally say that we should be unanimous in dealing with the outside world, we are still afraid that someone will hold us back. So I deliberately spoke very slowly that night. The main purpose was to let everyone drink more and have more feelings. Men, when they get drunk, will put their arms around other people's shoulders and call them brothers. Although this brother is a bit fake, it is better than tit-for-tat.

After a night of organizing and planning, I tried my best to let everyone speak, carefully considered their suggestions, and praised them as "worthy of being the bosses who can make a name for themselves in the vocational college." All in all, I had a happy night. The barriers between people are no longer so deep. By the time it was almost dawn, everyone was very drunk, lying on the bed in a mess, and some were lying on the ground, with their arms around each other, their knees and legs, and they felt like a family.

They all drank too much, but I didn't. This night, I deliberately suppressed my drinking. I had to be sober when everyone was intoxicated. Looking at the drunk people in the dormitory, I know that the "Razor Plan" has been half successful. Now, I suddenly want to go somewhere. So I left the boys' dormitory building, stepped on the morning light of the morning sun, left the school, and kept walking forward. It was still early and there was no one on the road. I came to the Internet cafe street, and more than a dozen Internet cafes were closed. At this time, the whole night was not over yet. I walked towards the opposite wall, jumped over, put my hands on it, and stepped on the wall.

Under the wall, there was only one person. He was kicking the tree hard. According to my observation, every punch and kick was with all his strength! You must know that force is mutual. The more force he hits on the tree, the more force the tree will give him back!

Summer morning, five o'clock. The sun has risen and the sky is bright.

At this time, only one person was practicing boxing.

Mr. Yuan and the others once said: "It's because of his diligence in training! He gets up earlier than us!"

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