Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 154: Thanks to you

After beating Lu Xiang, I noticed that most of the classmates' eyes were filled with shock and fear, but they were also mixed with contempt and dissatisfaction. After all, half of the gangsters in this class were there, and I didn't expect to scare them all with just a few small moves.

Lu Xiang lay on the ground, making a sound of retching in his throat, obviously still unable to accept the smell of chalk. Suddenly, he suddenly stood up and ran out of the door. At the same time, he covered his mouth with his hands, as if he was afraid of vomiting on the classroom floor.

He did this not because he was ethical, but because he didn't want to be more embarrassed.

After Lu Xiang left, I said coldly: "If no one is around, I will go back to my seat."

Lu Xiang is a leader, but obviously he is not able to scare the monkeys. I scanned the class with cold eyes, trying to find a student who could intimidate the public. One of the students with a slim crew cut and earrings on his ears suddenly said: "For a transfer student who has only been there for a few days, your behavior is too arrogant."

It's really ridiculous. Can they still notice what Lu Xiang has been doing to me these days? But once in a while, I would explode and say that my behavior was too arrogant. I didn't want to argue with him, but said coldly: "Then what do you want?"

"Transfer students must behave like transfer students." The student snorted: "You can speak out if you have any dissatisfaction. What's wrong with hitting people casually? Do you really think that we, Beiqi, are afraid of you?" He said At the same time, he walked out of his seat.

"Hey, don't fight in class." The teacher on the podium finally said something again. But obviously, no one in the class paid attention to him. I found that after the student came out, four or five more students came out and looked at me provocatively. They were all in the same group. The other students all had excited looks in their eyes, as if they were going to watch a show.

Having seen bigger scenes, I didn't feel nervous because of this. Instead, I picked up Lu Xiang's stool with my backhand and stared at the little crew chief with contempt. Xiao Pingtou walked toward me with his knuckles pinched, and said as he walked: "You are quite brave. You dare to be so arrogant in front of me, Lei Yu, which makes me look at you with admiration. I hope you are not just showing off."

At the same time, four or five other classmates also came over and formed a posture to surround me.

I just stared at Lei Yu, and at the same time I pinched the legs of the stool hard to prevent the stool from falling out when I hit someone later.

When Lei Yu came over, he also picked up a stool, and several other students also picked up stools at the same time. I admit that I am a little nervous now, but I have not yet developed a mentality of retreating, and my blood is faintly boiling.

"I suggest you don't take action." Zhou Mo suddenly spoke. As soon as she spoke, all the classmates in the class looked at her, and Lei Yu also stopped and looked at Zhou Mo with a puzzled expression. Zhou Mo continued: "Haven't you always doubted whether this Wang Hao is the big boss Wang Hao in Chenggao? I'll tell you now, he is the Wang Hao who stabbed the wheat with a knife and kicked the dormitory of the sophomore and senior high school students in the middle of the night. Wang Hao from the sect, Wang Hao who led more than 200 gangsters to kick one of Su Xiaobai's testicles to pieces."

All the students in the class took a deep breath, and then looked at me with shocked expressions. Lei Yu even showed a surprised look in his eyes, staring at me up and down. "He is a life-threatening lunatic." Zhou Mo said with a sneer.

Lei Yu frowned slightly, still observing me carefully. My eyes became colder and colder, as if this was the only way to deserve the reputation of "Wang Hao". I don’t know whether Zhou Mo’s announcement of my true identity is good or bad for me. Will it scare Lei Yu and others completely, or will it give them the mentality of “Kill Wang Hao and I will become famous”?

"So you are really Wang Hao." Lei Yu looked at me several more times and finally put down the stool. Upon seeing this, several other students also put down their stools and sat back in their seats. After all, the fight did not break out.

"Everyone is seated, ready for class." The teacher lightly knocked on the desk, trying to save some face as a teacher.

I put down the stool and walked back to my seat to sit down. Although the teacher started teaching, I noticed that the classmates in the class were still staring at me, with passion, excitement, fear, and curiosity in their eyes, as if I was a yawning tiger in the zoo.

"You're showing off your power." Zhou Mo said softly from the side: "Your true identity will be spread soon. Your identity as 'Chenggao Big Boss' will make you very busy. There are batch after batch of people who want to become famous." The little punks will annoy you like flies."

I smiled bitterly and said, "It's really thanks to you."

"If you hadn't done this just now, you would have fallen into a pool of blood now." Zhou Mo said, "Could it be that you are really brave enough to turn defeat into victory under the attack of five or six students? Then I really shouldn't talk too much. Look at your mighty and dashing side."

"Forget it." I continued with a wry smile: "I don't have three heads and six arms, so I am satisfied that I can scare them away with my name."

"Okay." Zhou Mo said, "Then you have to be careful from now on. But if you call me sister, I can consider covering you."

I looked at Zhou Mo very seriously: "It's broad daylight, can we stop dreaming?"

The classroom door was pushed open, and Lu Xiang walked in panting. There was a large puddle of water on his mouth, and he seemed to have vomited a lot. He walked dejectedly to his seat, then buried his head and pretended to sleep. I looked at the teachers in the stands and continued to spread out my notebook to write reading notes. At the same time, I was also vaguely worried about my future in Beiqi...

Zhou Mo is right. Once my identity is made public, I am afraid that a large number of bastards who want to become famous will come to me.

I'm not worried that Lu Xiang will find someone to deal with me. As far as I know, he doesn't even have a backer in Beiqi. What kind of mentality does a short and short student who can only play tricks and pretend to be ugly have to entertain? Want to step on others?


Before the bell rang for the end of the evening self-study get out of class, I finally closed my notebook and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's over?" Zhou Mo woke up from his sleep. There was a pool of saliva at the corner of her mouth. It really affected her image as an iceberg beauty. Moreover, it would also be bad for the reputation of Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes if it spread. She didn't know how to control it a little. For a moment, alas.

"It's over." I lay on the table. I was really tired after the day and I rushed out almost non-stop.

"At the end of the day, you only went to the toilet twice, and you didn't even eat lunch or dinner." Zhou Mo looked at me and said, "Your endurance is beyond my imagination. Which girl is so happy? I can't help but look at it." A little jealous."

"She is a very good girl." Thinking of Taozi, a warm smile appeared on my lips.

"Ouch." Zhou Mo said, "A girl who can be favored by a big man in the city must be extraordinary. I must see it someday..." As she said that, she yawned and asked me again: "About how long until get out of class ends."

"Ten minutes."

"Well, I'll sleep a little longer." Zhou Mo lay directly on my arm, and his mouth was still pressed against the back of my hand.

I hesitated for a moment, but still didn't pull out my arm. Maybe she just felt more comfortable resting on my arm. Zhou Mo seemed to feel that his cheek was itchy, so he stretched out his hand to scratch it. After scratching, he placed his hand directly next to her face, which is also on the back of my hand, like a kitten dependent on its owner.

Oh my, this is naked seduction! I looked at Zhou Mo helplessly. With her burgundy short hair hanging down and delicate light makeup on her face, she looked like a perfect beauty from every angle. If she is really determined to seduce me, I really don't know if I can control it. But I think I might have overthought it. How could someone like Zhou Mo fall in love with me?

I was also a little sleepy, so I put my head down and took a nap before get out of class was over. I couldn't help but get very close to Zhou Mo's face, and I could almost kiss him with just a slight move. I smelled the body fragrance from her body and slowly fell asleep.

Ten minutes is not a long time, not a short time. It feels like I just stared for a moment, and the bell rang soon after class. I raised my head, but Zhou Mo was still asleep. I thought she was about to wake up, so I decided to wait a little. Anyway, Taozi won't leave so early for self-study. She will definitely study in the classroom for a while. As a result, one minute, two minutes... five minutes, ten minutes passed, and Zhou Mo still showed no sign of waking up. I couldn't help it, reached out my hand and shook her head gently.

"Zhou Mo?"

"Well..." Zhou Mo moaned softly, as if he was half asleep and half awake. He hugged one of my arms tighter and rubbed his face a little. This scene was originally thought-provoking, but I sadly discovered that Zhou Mo had drooled all over my arm. It was so sticky that I really didn’t know what to say...

"Zhou Mo, Zhou Mo..." I shook Zhou Mo's head again.

"Well... don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while." Zhou Mo said softly, relying more and more on my arm.

"get out of class is over. I still have things to go out..." I patted Zhou Mo's head gently: "Wake up, it's time for you to go home." I really couldn't do anything with this kitten. .

"No, I won't let you go..." I don't know whether Zhou Mo was asleep or awake, but he could still answer me fluently.

"Hey, I'm really in a hurry to leave. All the students in our class have almost left..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and a girl who looked delicate and cute came in. But if you knew her name, you wouldn't think she was so delicate, because she just gave Ye Zhan a headache. The incomparable Qi Siyu!

"Fifth sister, go home!" Qi Siyu's voice floated over before anyone arrived.

{Piaotian Literature

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