Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 239: The Incredible Cracking Method Is Unimaginable

Just after Shiyu said these words, one of his eyes suddenly turned golden, and there were very strange lines in this eye.

"What's going on with you?" The captain seemed to have noticed the other person's golden eye, and for the first time, his tone sounded very panicked.

"What happened?"

Everyone outside became curious, wanting to know what exactly Captain 08 saw that made him look so surprised, and even the tone of his words began to have a sense of exaggeration.

A cold smile appeared on Shiyu's lips, and then he started to activate the ability of the reincarnation Sharingan on the right, and this ability obviously belongs to the Ōtsutsuki clan.

In just a moment, his body seemed to have suddenly disappeared, or to be precise, it had become very small.

Now he feels as if he is the size of an ant.

And through a period of observation before, he had already understood that the walls formed by the golden light around him were actually made of scales one after another.

And the cracks between each scale are very large, so it leaves a very large space for people.

It is precisely because of this that after he successfully made himself smaller, he was able to escape from these cracks very smoothly.

After turning off such an ability, his body returned to normal size again, and his body had already reached the outside of the wall.

"What on earth is going on? What happened just now!"

"Why did this Earthling actually escape? I obviously didn't see anything happen!"

"Did he really crack the trick created by the captain by then? This is really incredible!"

"There seemed to be no movement just now. What kind of method was used to crack it? It's simply unbelievable!"

The people next to him couldn't help but open their eyes wide, especially those who were closer to the captain. They must know that they had definitely experienced the captain's move first-hand.

Even under this siege, no matter what means are used, there is no way to force a breakthrough.

In addition to finding some flaws this week, I am afraid it is also very difficult to crack, and there is no other way.

Even he has no way to find a way to solve it. This is just a small earthling in front of him, how can he do this!


After Shiyu successfully escaped outside the wall, several walls collapsed in an instant, and the captain's figure 923 appeared in the center of the wall.

At this moment, the captain turned around and looked in the direction of Shiyu, and the expression on his face became very complicated.

"It's really unimaginable that your last ability is actually this!" He seemed to remember something and couldn't help but frown tightly. The smile on his face even made people feel a little bitter. .

But this time, Shiyu began to feel a little weird. He had already guessed what kind of expression the other person would have on his face, but he didn't expect that the expression on the other person's face would be so rich!

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