Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 402: Lost on Journey

"Wang Xiaoer!"

Almost subconsciously, this familiar name blurted out!

The guy on the other side was also taken aback: "Do you know me?!"

Ha ha!

My heart is talking nonsense! Without you, for nothing, can I stay in the account? !

But just when I was thinking about this, suddenly a new idea appeared in my mind.

I looked at the guy in front of me, the real Wang Xiaoer. He would definitely not be as aggressive as I was, but he was very embarrassed, no different from a beggar.

Killing people and being arrested, there is no other way but to hide everywhere. If the clothes are torn or dirty, there is no way, and they cannot be washed if they are dirty. As Wang Shun said, it's really unlucky to commit trouble at this time!

Especially today, he was hiding in this bush. He thought he could survive the night, but he didn't expect such a big incident. The soldiers arrested people all over the street, and the main target of the arrest was himself!

That's not a big deal. The most important thing is that the real initiator of this event-I, so dying, hid in the same bush with him...

I looked at him and smiled gradually. I stretched out my hand and patted his shoulder vigorously. With the intensity of patting your friend, I grabbed him, looked at him with a "gentle and pleasant look" and said, "Wang Xiaoer, do you hear that? Stay with you, reward one hundred taels of silver!"

"That's not me!!!"

Wang Xiaoer's words are heartbreaking! To strongly express his injustice, I have to use three exclamation marks, otherwise I feel sorry for his state.

"That's not me! I haven't done those things!" Wang Xiaoer almost cried.

"Oh, does that mean you know what happened?" I raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Of course, someone robbed the prison, planned a collective escape time, killed the guards and guard soldiers, and ran out."

"Oh, so clear, you did it!"


Wang Xiaoer is so crazy, who knew that there would be another one who would do so many things by himself!

And this street is so messy, it can be said that this Banla City knows what happened, how can't I know?

Still unreasonable?

Ha ha, don't talk about it!

I stood up, pulled him up, and waved his hand: "Go! Go see the officer!"

"Do not--!"

Wang Xiaoer still wants to resist, but where is he my opponent? I have reason to believe that this guy is a killer, but what about? First, I killed someone by accident, then I copied my face by coincidence, and finally I met him directly.

This can only show that he is unlucky.

Very unlucky!

That being the case, let's be a little bit unlucky...

I took him out of the grass. At this time, he didn't dare to shout. The officers and soldiers were attracted to me, whether you were right or not. Your face is right and your name is right. I didn't discuss it if I caught you!

I took him down a street and reached a small alley entrance. Inside, there was a group of soldiers, about six or seven people, searching for the fugitive.

They are very clever. The fugitives can't take the main road and will hide in the small road, so searching in the small road is the most appropriate.

When I saw them, I strode directly in, carrying Wang Xiaoer in my hand, and said generously: "Master!"

A few soldiers immediately turned their heads and pointed their swords and guns directly at me.

"I'm giving you someone here!" I didn't have the slightest fear and made a carefree look.

Wang Xiaoer is crazy! It's a slap, but I just don't let go, and I'm still going inside.

The soldiers rushed over, surrounded me first, and then said something else, and a man who seemed to be in charge came over.

"who are you?!"

"Hey, Jun Ye, my name is Li Si, my family is poor, and I am a beggar. I heard that you are searching for prisoners. I caught one and brought you. I want to receive a reward!

I pretended to be a marketer, smiled like I was about to bite, and let Wang Xiaoer pass.

The two soldiers immediately grabbed Wang Xiaoer, fluffed his hair, and showed his face to the officer.

The officer took a step forward. He didn't take it seriously, but when he saw it like this, he was shocked: "Wang Xiaoer?!"

Soldiers are familiar with the portraits of these prisoners. What's more, for such a big event, Wang Xiaoer was the mastermind, and the portraits were so rotten. Just one glance, I recognized it at that time!

What do the surrounding soldiers hear? This is Wang Xiaoer? ! He put the knife on his neck at that time.

Wang Xiaoer was so scared that his soul was out of control: "Innocent!"

"Shut up! Fart!"

The officer reprimanded, looked carefully, and frowned: "That's not right—I heard that Wang Xiaoer arrested and killed officers and soldiers, wounded and wounded prisoners in prison, and when he escaped from prison, he overturned countless people alone. The guard, logically speaking, is superb martial arts, can be caught by your little beggar?"

"I am born with supernatural power!" I said affirmatively.

I, Chang Wei, don't admit that I can martial arts!

"Huh?" The officer narrowed his eyes and looked at me with a suspicious look: "No! This Wang Xiaoer can't be so weak! Nor can he be so embarrassed! Face right, but who knows what medicine you sell in the gourd? Maybe you are Wang Xiaoer. After you change your face, you will blame him!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soldiers surrounding me shot their guns, and the tips of their guns were aimed at me instantly!

I looked at him and couldn't help showing an expression of admiration.

You guessed it so well!

I almost wanted to applaud him!

"Master Qingtian!" Wang Xiaoer knelt and yelled, as if grabbing the straw, extremely happy.

I frowned and looked at him, and shook my head helplessly: "Brother, you narrow the road by yourself..."

A minute later, I walked out of the alley with the appearance of the officer, pretending that nothing had happened. In the alley, there were a few more corpses that had turned into monsters.

"What do you think you are so smart for? Harming others and yourself!" I muttered, choosing a random direction and starting to run over.

I didn't kill Wang Xiaoer. I always think it's useful to keep this guy in the future, but of course I can't give him a good one. After being knocked out by me, I put it in the system. I also told them specifically that this cannot be killed, but if he wakes up, he will pass out again.

I won't do the same thing again, he can react, others should be able to do it, it is too unwise to do so, let's change it.

I ran forward, not too far, and another team appeared in front of me.

This team has more people than just now, there are more than ten!

I just yelled: "Help! Brother help!"

The leader of the team turned his head, and I looked quite a bit like me now.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Prisoner, a bunch of prisoners with weapons and armors are on my side. They have killed all my soldiers. Go!" I shouted as I approached.

The man was shocked when he heard it: "What? Hurry! Hurry up!"

The soldiers got an order and rushed over immediately. I pretended to breathe hard, clasped my fists and clasped my hands: "Thank you!"

"Hey, you and me, do you still use so many gifts? It's all a family."


Are these two still in the same family?

Oh-I said it looks a lot like him, but I look a bit older than him, it should be my brother.

"Well, brother, you and I will go together."

The man frowned suddenly and looked at me suspiciously: "Brother? I'm your brother!"


There are indeed people who keep their youthful looks, and there are indeed young and old people in this world, but if you don't tell me, who would think about that? !

I looked at his increasingly suspicious look, and sighed: "You brothers, you really have narrowed the road..."

As I said, I suddenly stretched out my hand, put the red glow on my chest, and put him in!

It was the same process, and before he could react, the four strong men rushed up to give him a violent beating, and finally Cheng Qianyu came over and smashed his head--

I changed into this person and rushed to the place of the accident.

The advantage of these creatures is that they look exactly the same after they die, and even their clothes disappear. You can't tell who is dead. Then let me say?

More than a dozen soldiers checked the wounds, and they were all wounded by sharp weapons-caused by my ghost face Feiyun sword-there was no life in the audience, the murderer was unknown, and the number was unknown.

"How's it going?" I walked over and asked pretentiously.

"They have already run away, hey, where's the sir?"

"He went to another place for help. According to him, there were thirty people who came. Be careful. If we meet them, we may not be well."


The soldiers took their orders and began the search in a team of three. They were not far away from each other, so they could take care of them.

At this moment, behind him, "Guo's GangGuo's GangGuo's Gang——" The sound of horseshoes!

I turned my head, and there was a lonely person behind me, but looking at the armor on this body, it should be no ordinary person!

Sure enough, the man ran up to me, pulled the reins, rolled over and dismounted, and the soldiers around immediately saluted: "Centurion!"

I thought about it carefully. This official position should be bigger than mine, so I immediately saluted.

"What's the matter?" The officer asked when he came up to me.

I repeated the rhetoric that I just said, anyway, no one can find out that it is false. It's just that I don't know the name of the previous officer, so I can only vaguely say "There is a brother."

After hearing this, the officer looked worried: "I didn't expect this group of guys to be so rampant. This kind of thing has never happened before. I hope it can be solved perfectly. Military rewards and other rewards are second."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Sir..."

"Hey, you don't need so much courtesy. It's all a family, and there are no other officers here. Just call it the family name."


I took a closer look at his appearance again, hey! It's really a bit like!

I said to my heart that this is a special thing, your family is going to eat the imperial food to die? Why is the whole family in the army? !

But what can we do? Go ahead!

"Yes, let's do it." I don't know who this person is, I can only say so vaguely.

The man nodded: "Well, let's protect ourselves first, not for merit, but for nothing. Hey, have you seen your brother? Son."


Three seconds later, there was another corpse in my system...

This time it’s not because I exposed, but because I really don’t want to be taken advantage of by him...

The soldier who was searching turned his head and looked puzzled: "Where is the officer?"

"Go," I said.

The soldier looked at the horse next to me and expressed deep doubts. And I, in the look of his eyes, I am not surprised.

Very calm!

This family can be considered loyal!

At this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise. I wondered why this market is so big today? Looking back, this time, there was a huge crowd!

The leader of the general, riding a tall horse, with more than a dozen cavalry behind him, and a group of infantry behind him, walked over in great strength without stopping.

I breathed a sigh of relief. If this stops, what if I say something more, how can I deal with it?

This can't be killed all!

I stood aside and looked at them pretending to be nonchalant. The cavalry in front passed by, and the infantry in the back ran forward. Suddenly, two familiar faces flashed in this team.

Fat monk, Murong Lei!

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