Rebuild SCP to Save the World

Chapter 330: Horizon defeated

"Isn't it an ordinary person." Dilluk rubbed his painful hand before he understood.

However, Di Luke was not afraid, and was about to rush up again.

However, the Hydra Commander didn't have time to entangle them, and after one blow, he turned around and wanted to escape.

At this moment, the next attack was followed by Violet's bullet. Violet's eyes allowed her to accurately shoot the bullet into the weak point of the Hydra Commander.

Of course, this weakness is also what Violet thinks.

The joints hit by those bullets couldn't even stop Commander Hydra.

Violet's attack did not work as expected, but it unexpectedly disturbed the Hydra Commander for a moment.

Let him not notice that Di Luke has run to his feet.

The whip leg in the supersonic state was so powerful that although it would not hurt Commander Hydra, it overturned him to the ground.

The Horizon Team finally blocked the departure route of Commander Hydra.

"Take it to death!" Misia shouted and rushed towards the Hydra Commander who had not had time to get up.

While running, Misia, who was getting bigger, suddenly became unable to advance an inch just before his fist hit the Hydra Commander.

His fist was caught by the Hydra Commander.

"Ah!!!" Misia's veins violently violently, exhausted all his strength, and raised to his fist.

Still can't make progress.

"The weak, go to death." The Hydra Commander whispered.

He was angered by the Horizon Team.

After that, the Hydra Commander began to growl in a low voice, his arms swelled suddenly, tearing his clothes.

Grasping Misia's hand and slamming it forcefully, Misia easily fell dozens of meters away and hit an armored car.

Knocked the armored vehicle directly to the ground.

This very visually striking picture did not cause much damage to Missia.

But the insult to Missia was extremely strong.

In terms of strength, Missia has never lost.

The insulted Missia directly lost her mind and screamed again and rushed up.

"Misia! Come back!" Violet's shout did not reach Misia's ears.

Unsurprisingly, Missia flew back again.

Smashed at the feet of Violet and Di Luke, lying on the ground groaning, it was difficult to stand up with the help of Di Luke.

The Horizon Team wanted to take a break, and Commander Hydra would not give them this opportunity.

After knocking Misia back with a punch, Commander Hydra stepped on and rushed towards the Horizon Team.

"heads up!"

Di Luke greeted him immediately, ready to repeat the old trick, and let Commander Hydra throw another dog to chew on the mud.

But Di Luke in his own world was about to trip over Commander Hydra.

But he was hit hard, as if hitting a copper wall and iron wall.

"The same moves won't work again, little mouse."

It turned out that Commander Hydra had just stopped with his arm ahead of time on the only way that Di Luke had to pass.

Excessive speed actually caused Di Luke himself to be seriously injured.

A big mouthful of blood spurted out.

Dillock was lifted up like a chicken.

"Di Luke!" Violet's eyes widened, and his pupils changed from blue to gold.

The original clear world changed in Violet's eyes.

A lot of things like creatures that were invisible before appeared in front of Violet.

Whenever Violet looked at those creatures, those creatures would look at Violet as if they had sensed it.

Violet's eyes became more and more bloodshot, and she insisted and said, "Kill that person!"

Violet could order these unknown entities.

This is the top secret of Violet's eyes, and it is also the current limit of Violet.

But this ability has another limitation, the target must be kept within Violet's sight.

Otherwise, these unknown entities will have no way to affect the real world.

Facing such an attack, Commander Hydra had obviously never thought of it.

He couldn't see any attack at all, he only felt a pain in his arm, and let go of the hand that was holding Di Luke.

"What a trick?"

The Hydra commander took two steps back cautiously, but the attack still did not stop.

What kind of attack could hurt him! Commander Hydra has not encountered such a situation.

But soon, Commander Hydra realized that although such an attack could cause him a little harm, it was nothing more.

Moreover, the Hydra Commander also clearly saw the person who launched such an attack.


Commander Hydra grinned.

Instantly rushed to Violet.

Violet had consumed a lot of energy because of his eyes. At this time, he could only watch the Hydra Commander rushing towards him.

Just when the Hydra Commander was about to meet Violet, Di Luke appeared.

Di Luke appeared between the two in a blink of an eye.

Then he pushed Violet out.

After being pushed a few meters away, Violet was steadily caught by Misia.

This period also allowed Misia to recover and return to the battlefield.

The two of them were temporarily safe, but Di Luke fell into the hands of the Hydra Commander once again.

"What an annoying bug."

The Hydra Commander decided not to talk nonsense and broke Di Luke's neck directly.

So, the Hydra Commander lifted Dillock high,

At the time of life and death, Di Luke did not struggle, but first grinned and said: "Go to hell, bastard!"

Originally thought this was just a cruel remark made by Di Luke before he died, but he didn't expect that, go to hell, these three words seemed to suddenly become effective.

Under the hard scales of the Hydra Commander, an unbearable pain suddenly struck inside the body that was no different from ordinary people.

"How is this going."

The Hydra commander was forced to loosen Di Luke's hand, arching up.

Dillock, who was loosened and thrown to the ground, could finally breathe, taking several breaths.

But at the same time, Commander Hydra's pain seemed to ease somewhat.

Di Luke seized the opportunity, exhausted his last bit of strength, and left the side of Commander Hydra.


When the Hydra Commander reacted, the Horizon Team had already stood far away, staring at the Hydra Commander.

The Hydra Commander ignored the Horizon Team, glanced at the surrounding battlefield, and snorted coldly.

I chose to evacuate with a suitcase.

Di Luke wanted to intercept, but he had more than enough energy and he could only watch the Hydra Commander getting further and further away from them.

"Damn it."

As Missia was beating her chest,

Suddenly, the Hydra Commander further and further away was attacked, and a small missile exploded in front of the Hydra Commander.

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