Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 865 Can’t keep a low profile

The future development direction of Kitty Eagle Group is to integrate gaming, tourism, high-end hotels, and luxury shopping malls.

These businesses originally complemented each other and were inseparable.

In addition, the Kitty Eagle Group already has a great advantage. It holds the only gambling card in Russia and has unimpeded access to Crimea. In addition to Wang Ye, there are also the support of several powerful shareholders.

Except that the gaming industry cannot expand outwards, high-end hotels and luxury shopping malls are all projects that can be "copied" outwards.

In the future, in mainland China, it is impossible to only engage in tourism business. At the very least, hotel business will be introduced.

So Liu Mei doesn't have to worry, there will be times when she will be busy in the future.

"By the way, Xiaoxi, it's time for you to graduate from college, right? What are your plans in the future? Should you study abroad or stay at home." Wang Ye remembered something and asked casually.

He and Zhang Xiaoxi were high school classmates. They both graduated from high school in 2000 and went to college.

Of course, because Wang Ye studied abroad and took preparatory courses, he officially entered university a year later.

Zhang Xiaoxi went to college one year earlier than him.

This year is already 2004, so Zhang Xiaoxi should have just graduated from college.

Zhang Xiaoxi pursed her lips and smiled, and replied calmly: "Of course I will stay in China and continue my graduate studies, but I plan to study for an MBA from the School of Economics and Management, still at Tsinghua University."

Tsinghua SEM and Peking University Guanghua are probably the two best business schools in China.

Zhang Xiaoxi made the right choice.

She now controls a large company with assets worth billions, and it will soon reach tens of billions. Of course, she does not need to study abroad anymore.

Stay in the country, firmly control the company, continue to operate the company, and get the approval of the boss Wang Ye.

This is more important to her than anything else!

Wang Ye nodded and expressed his approval.

Of course, he also hopes that Zhang Xiaoxi can focus all his energy on the asset management company and help him manage his "private money". After all, there are not many people he can trust in the country, and even fewer are capable of helping him.

Zhang Xiaoxi was almost the only one. He didn't want to see Zhang Xiaoxi get dizzy and go study abroad or something.


The convoy soon arrived at the gate of Wang Ye's palace garden.

Two strong young men in neat suits stood on both sides of the gate. When they saw the convoy arriving, they quickly opened the gate.

Several Mercedes-Benz cars filed in and drove straight to the small square in front of the main building.

In front of the main building, a housekeeper and several servants were already waiting here.

Although Wang Ye hasn't come back to live in it for about a year, there are always many people responsible for maintaining such a large garden, otherwise it would be abandoned.

It's quite helpless when I think about it. I spent so much money and got favors to buy this palace garden.

After being carefully renovated, we didn't even stay there for a few days, but ended up being occupied by the hired servants.

Not only are they given free food and accommodation, but they are also paid a hefty salary...

Of course, these matters are all left to Zhang Xiaoxi to take care of. Wang Ye does not have the time to care about these matters.


After settling down, washing up a little and changing into clean clothes, Wang Ye went to the living room on the first floor.

Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi haven't left yet, it's almost evening now, and the welcome dinner has been prepared.

At the dinner table, the three of them continued the conversation they had left on in the car.

"Boss, are you going to the southern Guangdong Province for inspection this time? Do you want me to accompany you?" Zhang Xiaoxi asked with a smile.

She also knew that Wang Ye returned to China in a private capacity. Not only did he not say hello to Chinese officials, he did not even say hello to his Chinese business partners.

So she and Liu Mei went to pick them up at the airport.

Wang Ye shook his head, "No, after I stay in the capital for two days, I will fly directly to Yangcheng. Then I will walk around and see the development situation in the country. In the south, in addition to Yukos's oil refining base and gas stations , I have other investment projects, and I will go there to take a look this time."

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Zhang Xiaoxi was a little curious.

Because Wang Ye's domestic investment projects are divided into two categories. One is private investment, which is invested through the asset company she manages.

The other category is the Kitty Hawk Group and the Yukos Group. Are there others?

She didn't know that.

"Other investments? I don't seem to have heard the boss talk about it. Mr. Liu, do you know?" Zhang Xiaoxi asked in surprise.

Liu Mei thought for a while and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either.

Wang Ye smiled and said casually: "I just invested in Penguin Company. It was just a financial investment. It was a long time ago. It's normal that you don't know."

He was talking about the investment that Polar Bear Investment Company made in Penguin, which was three years ago.

At first, Wang Ye personally went to meet with Brother Xiao Ma to negotiate the investment, but later he didn't have much involvement in the matter and left it to people from Polar Bear Investment Company to follow up.

It is said that Penguin has gone through two more rounds of financing in the past two years, and its valuation has increased rapidly.

Of course, Polar Bear Investment Company has also followed up on every round of financing, and even led the investment, so its shareholding in Penguin has not been diluted.

Brother Ma once left a message on Wang Ye’s personal Q, inviting him to visit Penguin Company at a suitable time.

As for whether Brother Ma already knows Wang Ye's "official" identity, that's unknown...

He probably knew, after all, when Wang Ye contacted him on behalf of Polar Bear Investment Company, he also used the identity of "Mikhail".

In addition, although Wang Ye has not had any dealings with Brother Ma in the past two years, he has appeared on the domestic "News Network" several times!

As long as Brother Ma pays a little more attention, it's impossible not to know his identity...


Hearing Wang Ye say that he had invested in Penguin Company, Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi both widened their eyes in surprise.

"Wow, is it the QQ company? This is the most popular Internet company in China in the past two years. Basically everyone is using QQ." Liu Mei blurted out.

Zhang Xiaoxi also nodded and added: "This software is indeed very popular. It is said that it has more than 300 million users now. You must know that there are only more than 400 million Internet users in the country. That means that as long as you go online, you will have a Q number. It There are no competitors anymore.”

Wang Ye nodded slightly. In just over three years, Brother Xiao Ma and the others have done a good job.

From a little-known small company on the verge of bankruptcy, it has grown to nearly monopolize the domestic instant messaging market today.

Of course, when Wang Ye invested in Penguin, Penguin had already done not bad, and at least it had passed the most difficult time.

Otherwise, Wang Ye would certainly not give it a valuation of US$100 million...

That time, Wang Ye personally made the decision and invested US$50 million in Penguin, acquired 50% of the company's shares, and invested an additional US$20 million to use for the company's rapid development.

In the next three years, Penguin went through two more rounds of financing, and Polar Bear Investment also had investors, so now, it still controls 50% of Penguin's shares!

Unless Penguin officially goes public on Nasdaq, these shares will not be diluted.

Even if Penguin goes listed on Nasdaq, the shares held by Polar Bear Investors will be diluted to about 30% at most, and it will not be lower.

Because polar bears are not short of money when investing, they are not in a hurry to cash out.

When he first invested, Wang Ye said that he would be Penguin’s “cornerstone investor”.

To put it simply, I plan to hold Penguin shares for a long time and will not sell them no matter how high or low the price is!

"This investment was made three years ago. It was operated by an investment company of mine in Moscow. Oh, strictly speaking, my investment company is the largest shareholder of Penguin." Wang Ye said casually. .

Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi were amazed again. Even though they have known Wang Ye for so long, they still know a lot about Wang Ye.

But they still feel that they don't understand Wang Ye at all, because anything Wang Ye says casually at any time may surprise them...

However, considering Wang Ye's outrageous "titles" and his net worth that no one can calculate, it is obviously nothing if he has the identity of a major shareholder of Penguin Company.


In 2004, the global Internet winter was basically over, showing signs of recovery.

Especially in China, major Internet companies have begun to flourish, and many so-called major Internet companies have emerged.

The more famous ones include Sina, Sohu, NetEase, Baidu, etc. Penguin is still just a "little brother". It can only be said that it is starting to show its prominence, but it cannot be called a giant.

After all, no one in the Internet industry around the world, including Xiao Ma, can clearly explain how network communication software like Q can monetize traffic these days.

It is said that even if Penguin has more than 300 million registered users, hundreds of millions of monthly active users, the maximum number of people online at the same time is as high as 7 to 8 million.

But it is still equivalent to "sitting on a gold mine and begging for food", and the company is still in a state of loss.

In the last two rounds of financing, the company's valuation has only increased from US$100 million three years ago to US$600 million now. Although the increase is not low, it is definitely not high in the Internet industry.

It is said that the most urgent thing for Brother Xiao Ma now is not to develop new users, but to turn the company from losses to profits!

When Wang Ye returns to China this time, he also plans to meet with Brother Ma to talk about Penguin's next development direction.

Others can't tell how Penguin should develop in the future, but he knows!

Perhaps with just a few clicks, the prototype of one of the world's leading Internet giants will emerge...

Of course, there is no need to talk to Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi about these things. They don't understand much about these things either.


Although Wang Ye returned to China in a low-key manner this time, he certainly could not escape the eyes of "relevant departments".

Before his special plane even landed, Wang Xueqing received a notice saying that Wang Ye was coming back.

Her work has also come. She needs to coordinate and take charge of Wang Ye's personal safety in the country and related itineraries.

As for finding an excuse that would not make Wang Ye feel unhappy, this is something Wang Xueqing has to consider.

Therefore, since receiving the notice, Wang Xueqing has been wondering what kind of excuse she can find to talk to Wang Ye...

She understood that Wang Ye's return this time was so low-key and did not notify any Chinese units, which meant that he did not want to be disturbed.

If you contact him rashly, the effect will not be good, and it may make Wang Ye unhappy, or even think that he is under "surveillance"!

This kind of thing is definitely a big taboo for a big shot like Wang Ye.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Xueqing finally decided to test Wang Ye's attitude sideways first.

She and Liu Mei have a good relationship now, and they have a bit of a personal relationship, and they have helped Liu Mei with a few small favors.

Of course, doing this is also for Wang Ye's sake.

Wang Xueqing sent a text message to Liu Mei, pretending not to care and asked Liu Mei: "Sister Liu, what are you busy with? I will have a rest tomorrow and go to see you to play?"

When she sent this text message, Liu Mei was still having dinner with Wang Ye.

Therefore, after receiving Wang Xueqing's text message, Liu Mei's heart moved.

She is also a good person. Although she is not too clear about Wang Xueqing's identity, she knows a little bit about it.

Liu Mei even knew that Wang Xueqing was one of the Chinese receptionists and accompanied Wang Ye the whole time when Wang Ye returned to China in an "official" capacity.

If her sudden text message had nothing to do with Wang Ye's return this time, Liu Mei would definitely not believe it.

How could it be such a coincidence? I was still having dinner with Wang Ye when a text message from Wang Xueqing was sent...

So, after putting down her phone, Liu Mei smiled and said to Wang Ye: "Boss, do you still remember Wang Xueqing?"

Wang Ye was stunned and subconsciously thought about who Wang Xueqing was...

When Liu Mei saw that Wang Ye didn't think of it immediately, she reminded him: "The last two times you returned to China, you were accompanied by that girl from the Foreign Affairs Department..."

After being reminded by her, Wang Ye immediately remembered.

He suddenly realized: "Ah, it's that girl. Remember, what's wrong?"

"She just sent me a message. Although she didn't mention you, I think it should be related to you." Liu Mei said with a smile.

She was a little unclear as to whether Wang Xueqing and Wang Ye had any... other relationship, so she simply left the choice in Wang Ye's hands.

If Wang Ye is willing to see Wang Xueqing, then he has done Wang Xueqing a favor, and Wang Xueqing will repay this favor in the future.

If Wang Ye didn't want to see her, then he had conveyed it well enough, and Wang Xueqing couldn't blame herself...

When Wang Ye heard this, he understood what was going on.

It seems that even if I want to keep a low profile, it will be difficult!

He shook his head helplessly, but he didn't resist too much. Compared with himself in China, he was considered "unfamiliar with the place he was born in", especially this time he was going to the south.

I heard that the security there is not particularly good. If there is any emergency, it is not enough to rely on yourself and the security personnel you bring.

If someone with a special status like Wang Xueqing is around, many things may be much easier...

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