Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 785 Controlling the Situation

After reaching a tacit understanding with Gryzlov, the obstacles to the expansion of the third faction were cleared.

As for the second faction, Wang Ye didn't bother to answer what they thought.

Because he didn't expect to attract people from the second faction. The second faction itself didn't have many people, and it didn't have many more seats in the Duma than the third faction.

Even if someone from the second faction really wanted to join him, Wang Ye would still have to think about it.

He can't trust the other party!

The backbone of the second faction is basically the politicians in Moscow State, led by the Governor of Moscow. These are veteran politicians with deep foundations and strength.

Maybe he will also get involved in the general election next year.

But that has nothing to do with Wang Ye, and he doesn't intend to go into that muddy water.

Therefore, the personnel Wang Ye wants to recruit are mainly aimed at the first faction and those small and marginalized factions.

Strive to help your faction win more Duma seats in next year's election.

However, he also needs to find a trustworthy and reliable person to follow up on these matters. He cannot be allowed to have him, the party leader, stay in the office every day to recruit people...

His assistants are not suitable either. After all, they are all young girls and do not know much about Dumari's intricate relationships.

I am not familiar with some of the unspoken rules in the political arena, and I don't know whether those who defected are suitable to stay.

After much consideration, Wang Ye came up with a suitable candidate.

He is an ordinary Duma member who belongs to the third faction. He is usually a very taciturn person and is not very eye-catching, but he has served as a Duma member for two terms.

Moreover, this congressman had previously served as a state legislator, and he had climbed up from the bottom step by step.

More importantly, before he came to the third faction, he was in a faction that later merged into the first faction.

Therefore, he also knows many members of the first faction, and he is one of the oldest members of the Duma who knows the most people.

For such a person, Wang Ye plans to use him and make him responsible for recruiting new members to the faction, and conduct a preliminary screening and review of those who join him.

Of course, the final check must still be in Wang Ye's hands!


After arranging things within the faction, the time has come to the end of June.

During this period, some small things happened. For example, my father called again and said that he had set up a poverty alleviation fund in his hometown according to Wang Ye's plan during the last phone call.

It has been running for a while now and the effect is really good.

Because when the fund was established, my father told the whole village that he had withdrawn the money from the company in advance, overdrawing his salary for several years in the future!

Anyway, it is equivalent to telling everyone that I have no money in my hand, so don’t come back to fight against the autumn wind!

I don’t know whether it was my father’s words that had an effect, or whether it was because everyone was now staring at the large amount of money in the fund, but no one came to borrow money anymore.

In addition, my father said that the respected old men in the village had a special office in the village branch, and several old men went there to work every morning.

It's fun to drink tea, chat and smoke. Of course, the main job is to be responsible for the daily management of the fund.

Including reviewing loan applications, investigating the borrower's background, announcing it to the whole village, and issuing loans...

Because the fund has just been established and few loans have been issued, there is no talk of recovering the loans, which will have to be done at least a year later.

At the beginning, almost every household in the village wrote an application and wanted to borrow money.

But after going through the three processes of preliminary review, background review, and publicity, more than half of them were directly screened out!

Because many people don’t need to borrow money at all, or their reasons for borrowing money are not valid.

It is said that there was a lot of commotion in the village at that time, and shrews would curse at the door of the village branch fund office every day...

But no matter what, these old men still have some prestige. In their minds, this money is the wealth of the whole village!

It is related to the future of the whole village. Of course, it cannot be squandered casually. It must be used wisely.

In addition, the people in the village are not unreasonable, and there are still many people who support it.

So after a while of quarrel, those who were in the wrong realized that their arms could not twist their thighs, and gave up their desire to take advantage.

The fund can be considered on track...

Dad was telling the story enthusiastically on the phone, while Wang Ye just listened quietly with a smile on his face.

He is not that concerned about whether the fund can change the fate of his family in the future. Anyway, he has contributed money. If it can't help, it means that his family is destined to be poor all his life, and no one can help...

But at the very least, the main purpose of his money was achieved, which was to allow his parents to no longer be disturbed and to live comfortably.

This is worth the money he spent!

As for how prosperous the business of the flour improver factory that Dad mentioned later was, and that it had already made millions this year, he didn't care at all.

Just kidding, it’s only a few million yuan...

It’s not even enough to cover the fuel expenses of your own private jet for a year!


In addition, Wang Ye also took the time to go to Crimea, because Ajielina began to expand the police system according to his plan, and used the power of parliament to take the leadership of the police system in her hands.

This incident also caused a strong backlash from Meshkov, and cracks began to appear in the relationship between the parliament and the General Office.

After all, Agelina had entered politics not long ago. Faced with such a complicated and severe situation, she was a little confused for a while.

After Wang Ye learned about the situation, he arranged for himself to visit Crimea in his official capacity as deputy speaker of the Duma and had friendly exchanges with the local parliament.

Casually, I also met Meshkov.

At the same time, Wagner Security Company set up a new base on the outskirts of Simferopol, and hundreds of heavily armed and capable soldiers settled in.

Moreover, Crimea's police system has also signed a long-term cooperation agreement with Wagner Security Company. All police system personnel must receive professional training at Wagner's security base before taking up their posts...

With a set of "combination punches", Krimi's situation was immediately under control.

Meshkov is not stupid and understands his situation.

In addition, when I met with Wang Ye, I received certain promises from Wang Ye.

After Wang Ye left Crimea and returned to Moscow, he went against the norm and publicly expressed his recognition and support for the work of the parliament. He also stated that Crimea was a free and open place and that he would transfer more power to him in the future. to Parliament.

Because the Parliament is the representative of the people and is elected by all Crimeans with votes!

And his main job is to cooperate with the Parliament and benefit all Crimean people...

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