Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 782 Mr. Mi pays the bill

As time enters June, those who often watch TV or newspapers and magazines will be surprised to feel that something seems a little abnormal recently.

Because there are too many politicians appearing in various media!

All of them were well-dressed, talking about "patriotism", "economy" and "freedom"!

It's a bit like the scene at the critical moment of the general election in previous years, but there is no election this year. The general election will not start until next year...

And those who know the inside story will understand what is going on.

The newly established faction by Kovchenko and the third faction led by Mikhail have already been conducting campaign promotions a year in advance!

This left many people a little stunned. Was it really effective so long in advance?

Everyone can only sigh that this is money and willfulness!

In next year's general election, with two super oligarchs joining the party, it is expected to be really exciting.

One Kovchenko and one Mikhail, both of them are very representative.

Kovchenko is definitely a representative figure among the older generation of oligarchs. He is currently the only one who has not had any accidents and is also the oldest oligarch with the highest net worth.

Mikhail, he should belong to the new generation of young oligarchs, and his rise is extremely fast!

In just two or three years, it went from being unknown to being unknown to everyone!

His net worth is even worse than that of the older generation oligarchs like Kovchenko!

The most outrageous thing is that the two of them are uncles and nephews...

It can only be said that the "Old Huo family" produces talents...


Recently in the Duma Building, the members of the third faction were all beaming with joy, their faces glowing red, and they walked with a wind in their eyes.

There is no way, who let them have a generous "boss".

The campaign funds are 200 million US dollars, and everyone in the faction will have a share!

Originally, there were not many people in the third faction. Just to put it casually, the guaranteed campaign funds for each serving member of Congress started at US$5 million.

This is not enough, it is simply a waste!

No wonder the faction is starting to do campaign propaganda now. They probably have too much money and are afraid they won’t be able to spend it all by then...

During this period, every member of the third faction, especially the key members, received a document from the office of Deputy Speaker Mikhail.

And what everyone receives is different, because this is a campaign plan tailor-made for each congressman!

There is a timetable in it, when to do TV interviews, when to accept exclusive interviews with certain major media, when to go to certain constituencies for local promotion, when to go to road shows...

All content requires huge funds to support it.

In the past, many congressmen would dare to be so "extravagant". Even congressmen with high net worth could not afford such squandering.

But now, "Mr. Mi" will pay for everything!

All we need is a "person"...

Therefore, in the Duma recently, when members of the third faction met with members of other factions, the content of their chats was similar.

"Hey, I heard that you have recently been interviewed by two TV stations in a row. The influence of the program is not small, and the ratings are also high. It seems that you are in a stable position to run for the next parliamentary term. What has happened to your faction recently? Why, when I turn on the TV or read the newspapers, they are all about you people."

"Haha, actually I don't want to. It's all arranged internally by the faction. There will be elections next year. We are a small faction and cannot be as competitive as your big faction. So we have to take the lead and do publicity in advance."

"Tsk, tsk, Mikhail seems to be really rich, and he is willing to spend it. The big guys in our faction are all pretending to be deaf and dumb. When they talk about next year's election, they say it's still early, so do it now. Propaganda is a waste of money. It seems to me that they are obviously unwilling to spend money. Why are your faction and Kovchenko’s faction starting to promote it? After all, money is the only way to have confidence!"

"Haha, no, you can come over to our faction. As you know, our faction has fewer people and more money now, so we should continue to be the backbone. If you come over, you will immediately feel the feeling of vomiting during an exclusive interview... "


Don't tell me, there have been quite a few people from the first and second factions recently who came to Wang Ye's office and expressed their intention to "jump" to the third faction.

They didn't dare to say it clearly. After all, the Big Three of the Duma had just made a joint statement a few days ago, prohibiting sitting members from switching factions.

Mikhail himself was one of the initiators of the statement.

But they couldn't help it, and had no choice. The first and second factions already had more people, and their financial resources were not as good as those of the third faction and Kovchenko.

Naturally, it is impossible for every congressman to allocate sufficient campaign resources. Although the campaign will only start next year, we need to start making plans now.

Otherwise, when the election starts next year, if the factions do not allocate resources and they cannot raise enough campaign funds, then they will lose the election...

So they have to figure it out on their own.

Compared with Kovchenko's faction, most Duma members are actually more optimistic about the third faction led by Wang Ye.

After all, it is the existing third faction in the Duma, and the popular party leader Mikhail has both sides in the Duma and the Kremlin.

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be more promising than Kovchenko’s new faction...

Now it seems that the third faction is not inferior to any other faction in terms of financial resources. Some smart-minded people have begun to wonder whether it would be better to join the third faction.

For these people, Wang Ye said the same thing.

He did not refuse directly, but he did not explicitly agree.

They just vaguely expressed that if they really made up their minds, they would quit their faction before the end of this year.

You can find any excuse, whether it's retirement or re-employment, but don't explicitly say that you want to join the third faction.

Then after two or three months of cooling down, you can join the third faction.

And the third faction will make a promise to ensure they have sufficient campaign resources!


Wang Ye is also trying to avoid enmity with the first and second factions.

After all, it is not good to poach people from others, even if you do not take the initiative to poach people, but those people take the initiative to find you, this is not good.

In addition, the method he gave can also help screen whether these people really want to join the third faction.

These days, even political speculation requires you to have a good vision and a strong will.

You can't just sit back and enjoy the gains without paying any price.

There is no such thing as a good thing!

Therefore, he is willing to provide resources, but at the same time, those who want to join him must pay a small price.

That is to withdraw from the Duma early and cool down for a few months...

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