Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 594 Appears in front of you again

"Boss, would you like to open an account on Facebook for you? This website has become very popular among young people recently. And you are the idol of many young people. If you open an account and post some personal information from time to time, you should It can expand your influence..."

In the office, Rosiana held a thin Sony laptop and talked to Wang Ye enthusiastically.


Wang Ye was stunned for a moment. This website should be the one he invested in!

On the first day of school, he went back to school and went back to the dormitory on a whim. His roommate Sergey came up with a simple website. The idea was pretty good, and it was quite similar to Facebook in "later generations".

Wang Ye casually invested a small amount of money, only one million U.S. dollars, and let Sergey do the work on his own.

It has only been more than two months, has Sergey really made a lot of noise?

He smiled and stretched his head to take a look at Rosiana's laptop screen. Sure enough, it was the name "FACE BOOK" he gave it!

It’s just that the interface design of the website is much more beautiful now than before, and the content is also very rich.

It seems that the money he gave Sergey was not wasted, but was used wisely!

This website is actually an improvement on the popular blog at the time. To put it simply, it is a short blog with mainly pictures.

Everyone can register an account, say a few words, and send one or more photos.

This is much simpler than that kind of long blog, and it is full of pictures and texts, making it very popular among young people.

In this year, although most mobile phones do not have the camera function or the camera effect is very poor, digital cameras have been popularized.

Especially among college students, digital cameras are very popular. The cheapest ones are just over a hundred dollars, and the expensive ones are two to three hundred dollars or more.

At the famous scenic spots in Red Square, you can see people taking photos with digital cameras everywhere.

Therefore, the launch of Facebook can be regarded as just in time.


Wang Ye didn't know, or he didn't pay attention, that Sergey had done a lot in the past two months.

After receiving Wang Ye's $1 million in venture capital, Sergey established a formal company with the help of a professional team sent by Polar Bear Investment.

We also rented an office on the first floor of the YANDEX headquarters building at a lower rent and recruited many employees.

The server is also a rented computer room from YANDEX, and the cost is much lower than the normal market price.

In addition, we have also obtained advertising display positions on the YANDEX website and the MAIL.RU portal website, and the price is still friendly!

With the vigorous promotion of these two major websites, and Sergey's team holding various activities in major universities, in just over two months, Facebook has become popular in major universities in Russia, and is slowly becoming more popular. Out of the circle, it started to become popular on the Russian Internet.

It can be said that in the development process of Facebook, in addition to investing one million US dollars in venture capital, Wang Ye’s invisible support and help are of immeasurable value!

Of course, this all happened without Wang Ye taking special care of him.

There is no need for him to make special arrangements. It is enough for others to know that this website is invested by Wang Ye...

After more than two months of development, when this website appeared in front of Wang Ye again, it had already gained considerable popularity.

Even Rosiana has become "tap water" and wants to recommend it to Wang Ye and ask him to open an account.


After taking a look at the Facebook website, Wang Yexiao asked, "Have you registered? What do you think of this website?"

Rosiana did a few operations on the computer, then turned the computer screen to Wang Ye, "Look, this is my account. I have been using it for almost a month, and it feels really good. There are hundreds of them." I’m a fan, and every time I post a picture, I get a lot of comments, hehe.”

Wang Ye took a look and found that there were indeed a lot of pictures and texts on Rosiana's personal page.

There are recommendations for personal outfits, and photos of her working at her desk. She even took photos of the big Land Rover she just bought and posted them on it.

And the interaction with fans is relatively active. There are many comments under each picture, which is quite active.

In fact, Wang Ye was not looking at what Rosiana posted, but looking at this personal page. It was the same as the Facebook in his memory.

However, because it is a web version, Wang Ye feels that this is quite similar to Weibo in later generations, but the functions are not as complicated as Weibo.

It can be regarded as a simplified version of web Weibo!

This is still the early stage, and having too many functions is actually not good. Simplicity and ease of use are the key.

So far, this website is doing pretty well.

He thought for a while and said cheerfully: "Then open an account in my name. In this way, I can also have a communication channel with everyone. However, the content posted on my account should not be too personal. Now, let Irina and the others take care of it. I can send more work information. If I want to release news personally, I can also use this account."

As a "latecomer", Wang Ye certainly knows the power and influence of online self-media better than anyone else.

If he seizes the opportunity, he can take the lead in becoming a so-called "big V" or "opinion leader" on the Russian Internet or even the world's Internet.

That will also be of great help to his future career development!


Rosiana skillfully operated the computer and helped Wang Ye register an account. The account name was naturally Wang Ye's name, Mikhail!

This is also the habit of Facebook, where most users use their real names.

Because at the beginning, the people you follow or the people you follow are classmates and friends. Use your real name to avoid others not knowing who you are.

But with the development of Facebook, many strange netizens will also pay attention to you, but this "tradition" of using your real name has been formed.

"Boss, do you want to post something? Otherwise, sit at your desk and read the documents carefully. Put more documents and materials next to you, preferably stacked up. I will take a photo for you and match it. Wen said this is the daily work scene of Commissioner Mikhail,” Rosiana suggested, half jokingly and half seriously.

Don't tell me, she posted a similar photo herself.

I have a lot of documents at hand, and I look like I am busy with work...

Wang Ye couldn't help but laugh. This kind of "posing" is indeed self-taught. Rosiana had already learned this trick when she came into contact with Facebook, the prototype of self-media website.

However, of course I don't need to do these staged photos.

Because I have a better way to attract more fans to follow me.

Moreover, his method will not only help him attract a lot of attention, but may even stimulate the development of Facebook in a small way!

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