Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 369 Taking the Lead

Obviously, after Mikhail grew up, it was not Hovchenko who benefited the most, but the Emperor and his faction.

Besides, Mikhail is also a smart enough young man who understands who is the real leader and starts to move closer to the emperor.

"Hey, do you think what Misha said is possible? It is that the Uzbek Kingdom may turn to the west in the future and start to be disadvantageous to us." The emperor suddenly remembered this matter and asked with a frown.

Gorbrev was not sure about this question, so he hesitated for a long time before answering:

“It’s hard to tell, there’s no sign of it at the moment.

But who can predict political matters accurately? If, as Misha said, someone who opposes us comes to power during the next election, we will really be in trouble.

So I also think that the plan mentioned by Misha is still necessary, especially what he said is right. There are some things we don’t have to do, but we must maintain the ability to do them! "

The emperor nodded with deep understanding and said: "You should pay more attention to Misha's plan. If he needs help, you can use some national power to help him. Because of what he did, It is indeed related to the future destiny of the country!”

At this time, the emperor and Gebrev still maintained limited support for Wang Ye's "judgments" about the future.

They are still waiting to see whether the world situation is developing as Wang Ye expected.

We are also waiting to see whether Russia's integration into the West is going smoothly, and whether the surrounding security environment will really become bad!

In particular, Wang Ye also vowed to make a prediction in front of the emperor, stating that within the next year, B contract will undergo a round of large-scale expansion!

By then, B's "heavy troops" will advance to Russia's doorstep...

To be honest, the emperor still can't believe this. He still has expectations for Europe and the United States.

If divided by "hawks" and "doves", many people may not believe that the emperor is a "dove" in Russia...

Even twenty years later, he still hopes to solve some problems peacefully.

Fortunately, it is not those real hawks who are in power. Otherwise, what would happen to this world is beyond our imagination!

And the emperor's "weakness" turned out to be the reason for his opponents to attack him. Doesn't it sound funny?

But in Russia this is reality…


Speaking of Wang Ye's big plan, he was indeed not deceiving the emperor and Gebrev, but was actually going to push it forward.

So, after returning to Moscow from Chukotka.

Wang Ye didn't care about other things. He locked himself in the office and spent two days racking his brains to sort out the big plan about the Crimean Peninsula in his heart!

Fortunately, this era is not that backward, and the Internet has become very popular.

Wang Ye made a phone call to Ajielina, and after telling her in detail for a long time, he sent the plan via email.

Although Wang Ye is the initiator of this plan, he is not the one who really wants to take the lead and "show the limelight".

But Agelina...

This time, he wanted to spend a lot of real money.

Well, in fact, it’s going to cost an astronomical amount!

After spending so much money, Wang Ye naturally wants to get more, so this plan will include both the apparent benefits and the benefits behind it...

Those on the surface belong to the commercial level, that is, things that will be made public and widely publicized.

But those behind the scenes can only be known to a few people in the inner circle.

Including Wang Ye, the Great Emperor, Gebrev, and Ajielina!

Even Natalya and Meshkov can’t tell them everything right now, or they can only tell them shallow things, and they can’t talk about deeper things...

Of course, Wang Ye still has secrets in his heart. Even the emperor and the others don't know what he ultimately wants!

In the next few years, Wang Ye will devote most of his energy and financial resources to this big project, and other things will also be carried out around this project.

When the day comes when the plan is truly successful, Wang Ye dares to say that he can barely control his own destiny...


After hanging up the phone, Agelina sat alone for a long time.

Because she was frightened by Wang Ye's plan...

After a while, he came back to his senses and remembered what Wang Ye said. He quickly got up and went to the study to open the computer and enter his e-mail.

Sure enough, there was a new email sent by Wang Ye.

After downloading the attachment, Ajielina did not rush to open it and read it. Instead, she got up and locked the study door. Then she returned to the computer and sat down, opened the attachment and read it carefully.

This thing was given to her by Wang Yefa, and she needed to understand it thoroughly and understand it thoroughly!

Because the big plan that Wang Ye is going to implement needs Ajielina to take the lead...

I don’t know how long it took, but Agelina was still sitting in front of the computer in the study, thinking hard.

She had read the plan several times and almost completely understood what Wang Ye meant. Now she was thinking about how to start promoting this plan!

"Dang Dang Dang", the door was suddenly knocked.

Natalia's voice came from outside, "Agelina, are you in the room? You came out to eat."

Only then did Agelina suddenly realize that she had been in the study for almost an afternoon. It was now completely dark, but she didn't even notice it, nor did she think of turning on the light.

She got up and walked out of the study, and went to the dining room with Natalia.

The servants had already prepared the food. When the two of them sat down to eat, Ajielina was still a little absent-minded and almost stuffed the food into her nostrils several times...

Natalia noticed something strange about her and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Ajielina shook her head, with a smile on her face, and said: "For work matters, the day after tomorrow is the first working meeting of our new parliament, and everyone will have to speak. I am thinking about what I will say when I arrive. what."

Natalia said nonchalantly: "Don't take it too seriously. Your parliament says it has power. It really does. Even Meshkov is subject to you. But if you say it has no power, , many things can really bypass you directly. Among so many congressmen, only a few can be considered truly high-ranking and powerful. The others are just make-up, including you, hehe."

It’s not that she looks down on Agelina’s position as a councillor.

It's just that a new member of parliament like Ajielina, who has no political foundation, really can't say much in the parliament...

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