Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 843 Far-reaching Impact 2

The four-member team has received initial recognition, at least from the ratings. As for the quality of the program, it is mainly determined by the content. It also depends on the specific performance of the commentators. ABC executives are very confident in this combination.

As the host, Alice must bring in several guests. And she was the only one who had just participated in the press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, and she was considered to have first-hand information.

Alice: "I just attended a press conference from the Ministry of National Defense and learned that Heiyun Group purchased a lot of retired weapons and equipment from the military. These include naval ships and helicopters. Regarding the performance of the US military's weapons and the weapon levels of the militaries around the world; Admiral Turner has the best say. I would like to ask Admiral Turner what is the technical level of the weapons and equipment purchased by Black Cloud Group from the US military."

This is definitely the right person to ask. Admiral Turner is not only a senior general of the U.S. Navy, but also has the rank of admiral. He also served as the director of the CIA and was in charge of American weapons and weapons and equipment from various countries around the world. What he says is absolutely convincing.

Admiral Turner came here just to cause trouble for President Reagan and to attract public attention. While increasing your visibility, you can also increase your revenue. He must work hard, otherwise no one will ask him to be a commentator on the show in the future. For retired U.S. government personnel, this is a considerable amount of income.

Admiral Turner: "Heiyun Group purchased 8 warships from the United States this time, 4 of which were produced during World War II. Their performance has completely lagged behind, and even if they are modernized, they will hardly pose a threat to the U.S. Navy and its allies."

"The other four ships should not be underestimated. They are products of the 1970s. Fortunately, they are all small ships and do not pose much threat to the United States. This shows that the Ministry of National Defense has very strict control over naval equipment."

Admiral Turner was born in the navy, so naturally he could not offend the US Navy. There is always love and affection, and no one will easily embarrass colleagues.

In addition to nuclear weapons, the most powerful military service in all countries in the world is undoubtedly the navy. Now that the sale of naval weapons and equipment does not even have a chance to threaten the United States, the American people are naturally more relieved.

In fact, I knew before that the military would not be stupid enough to sell weapons and equipment that would harm the interests of the United States to the Black Cloud Group. Admiral Turner's analysis undoubtedly gave the public a shot in the arm.

Turner continued: "As for helicopters, Heiyun Group has purchased four models in total. The most threatening model is undoubtedly the AH-56 developed by Lockheed, which is the world's first high-altitude and high-speed armed helicopter. Although it was replaced by the AH-64 model, it did not receive much funding."

"But the strength should not be underestimated. Many of the technologies of this aircraft are leading. Except for the United States, no country in the world has an armed helicopter that can compete with it, including the Soviet Union. At least there is no intelligence that shows that the Soviet Union has more powerful helicopters than the AH- The Type 56 armed helicopter is a helicopter with more advanced performance."

"This also means that Heiyun Group has acquired advanced technology to develop helicopters, and Bao Zixuan itself attaches great importance to aviation development. I believe that American companies will face huge challenges in the helicopter market in the future."

"But you don't have to worry too much. Technology development requires continuous investment and research and development. The success of Heiyun Group not only has a talented boss, but also includes huge capital investment. The United States has never lacked talent, let alone financial support."

“It’s not that easy for Heiyun Group to achieve transcendence.”

"As for the 300,000 military vehicles, they seem inconsequential. Most of the vehicles currently in service in the US military were produced during the Vietnam War and have failed to keep up with the times. Replacement is imperative."

"The retired equipment of the United States is at least 15 years ahead of other developing countries, or even more. However, it does not pose any threat to the United States. After all, military vehicles are mostly used as transportation vehicles and do not have strong capabilities. Combat ability."

People felt reassured by Admiral Turner's analysis. The Black Cloud Group came to the United States to collect junk, and the Ministry of National Defense finally did something right.

After General Turner finished speaking, Alice quickly took over the topic and said to the camera: "Thank you General Turner for your wonderful comments. I believe that with his authoritative analysis, the American people can rest assured."

"The purpose of selling retired weapons and equipment is to replace them and improve the combat effectiveness of the U.S. military. These retired weapons and equipment do not threaten the U.S. mainland at all."

"Then the question is, where will the Black Cloud Group purchase so much weapons and equipment and sell them to? Next, we will ask military expert Mr. Jimmy Watt to give a wonderful comment and see what he thinks."

Jimmy Voight has always been the protagonist before, but in this situation today, he does not have the strength and courage to be the protagonist. It is a rare opportunity to hear that it is your turn. So he quickly said: "Heiyun Group has developed rapidly in recent years and has trade relations with many countries in the world."

"However, the sales of decommissioned weapons and equipment has its limitations. Customers can only be developing countries with relatively backward economies. Currently, it seems that Bao Zixuan has four regions to choose from."

"They are Africa, South America, the Middle East, China and surrounding areas; these places are all possible. There are too many military vehicles, which are almost all the transportation equipment of the US military. No country in the world can eat it alone."

"Heiyun products are very popular in Africa. Most of the business in Africa is controlled by warlords. They will definitely be interested in the retired weapons and equipment of the US military."

"After all, the weapons used by African warlords are relatively backward. Obtaining decommissioned weapons and equipment from the US military can at least improve their combat effectiveness. African warlords mostly use gold and diamonds to purchase weapons and equipment. I believe that Heiyun Group will get a lot of hard currency. Of course, this is only one-sided. guess."

Although this was said in a subtle way, there was a hint of conspiracy inside and outside the words. It is also telling the world that Heiyun Group's sale of decommissioned American weapons and equipment to African warlords will definitely bring about a bloody storm.

What does Jimmy Watt mean? You shouldn't do this just to attract attention; at least you must know how to assess the situation. Bao Zixuan is not something to be trifled with, and it is estimated that ABC Radio and Television will also be affected to a certain extent.

At this time, the ratings determine everything, as long as the audience likes to watch it, which is more important than anything else, and they don't care about that much.

Jimmy Watt continued: "Heiyun Group cooperates very closely with Brazil. It is estimated that Brazil may become one of the sales places for decommissioned weapons and equipment in the United States."

"Although Brazil is not rich in funds, it is very rich in mineral resources. It can be exchanged for minerals. Bao Zixuan owns the largest steel production enterprise in China, and it can digest any amount of minerals."

"At the same time, we can also rely on Brazil to cover South American countries except Argentina. Through barter, we can solve the sales problem of at least 50,000 military vehicles."

"It's easier to do in the Middle East. Heiyun itself has a car factory in Jordan. The vehicles can be refurbished anywhere and sold directly to all parts of the Middle East."

"Whether it is oil and gas or land exchange, it can solve the vast majority of military vehicle sales. Heiyun Group has a good customer base in the Middle East; as long as Bao Zixuan wants it, it can even build a large railway in the Middle East. This is not an empty talk, But it does have the ability.”

"As for Huaxia and surrounding areas, it is not a problem for Heiyun Group. Bao Zixuan has invested a lot in China, and is known as the number one investor in China. It is very easy to sell some low-priced weapons and equipment."

"Heiyun Group itself has profound technical accumulation; whether it is maintaining retired military vehicles or improving helicopters, it is not a problem. The only disadvantage is in ships, but with Bao Zixuan's pursuit and persistence of technology, he should be able to do it Certainly."

"Although I don't want to admit it, the Ministry of National Defense made the right choice in choosing a cooperation partner this time. It is estimated that only Bao Zixuan has the ability to digest so many military vehicles. American domestic companies may not be able to handle it."

"Involving dozens of countries on three continents, we have to admire Heiyun Group's customer base and Bao Zixuan's strategic vision."

This is the result of Jimmy Watt preparing a lot of information and comprehensively analyzing it. Even he himself couldn't believe it. It was not easy for a company to achieve this, and it was even scary.

Bao Zixuan, a super genius known as MIT, actually only took six years to lay such a solid foundation. No matter in terms of market share or network building, it is unique.

There is no other company in the United States that can compete with it, and it will be difficult to win the international market in the future without changes. You must take it seriously at this moment, which is why Jimmy Watt introduced it this way. He just wants to attract enough attention from the US government and enterprises, even if it means offending Bao Zixuan.

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