Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 819 The foil becomes the protagonist

Bao Zixuan knew that there must be an organization behind it. Otherwise, the Washington Post would not dare to offend him easily, let alone ask this question.

Since a reporter is asking questions, you can't just say nothing, as that will make you look scared and timid. This time when I came to the United States, I wanted to be high-profile. Mr. Bao felt that the matter was definitely more than just a military vehicle bidding, there must be something unknown.

The probability of Heiyun Car winning the bid is lower than the probability of Mars hitting the earth. How could he be allowed to come to negotiate in person? Even though he knew that he could not give the order to Heiyun Automobile, he still asked the boss to come in person. Isn’t this annoying! No matter how arrogant the US military is, it will not make such a low-level mistake, let alone be so arrogant.

After all, Bao Zixuan is also the richest man in Hong Kong and a person with huge influence in the world. He is not a cat or a dog, someone who can be dismissed easily.

He will definitely have to pay a price for playing tricks, and the US military does not dare to do anything wrong. Sooner or later, the senior management will retire one day, at least in terms of face, they have to live well.

Mr. Bao said with a smile: "The United States is a country of immigrants, and I spent a very important and beautiful few years of my life here. Without MIT, I might not have achieved what I have achieved today."

“If a country wants to develop, it must learn to be tolerant and pool the strengths of everyone.”

"Although I am not an American, Heiyun Automobile is an American company. The headquarters of Heiyun Automobile and Heiyun Computer Company have always been in the United States, and more than 80% of the company's employees are Americans."

"Heiyun Motor alone paid more than US$3 billion in taxes last year, and these tax authorities can prove it. To put it bluntly, Heiyun Motor is the largest taxpayer in the U.S. auto industry."

"This is one of the reasons why the Department of Defense includes Heiyun Automobile as a supplier. The origin of Heiyun Automobile is American."

"Now you say that Heiyun Motors is not an American company, which is simply ridiculous. If most people in the United States think that Heiyun Motors is not an American company, I can move the registration place to anywhere in the world. I believe that with this report card, Heiyun Automobile should be able to settle in smoothly."

"Many people have advised me before that I can change the registration place of the headquarters of Heiyun Automobile and Heiyun Computer Company to the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and other places. This can save billions of dollars in taxes and fees every year, which is a real profit, and It’s absolutely reasonable and legal.”

"Why didn't Heiyun Group do this? Because I think it's a bit shameless to make such money. The country provides you with all the conveniences, and after you make money, you still think about how to avoid taxes. You have taken all the good things in the world by yourself. What if there is a crisis in the country and there is no money? Of course, I also want to tell all employees that you are paying taxes for the country and are useful members of the country."

"When chatting with relatives and friends, I hold my head high and say: Our company is the largest taxpayer in the U.S. auto industry. This is what American companies should do."

Bao Zixuan's words made the scene a little silent. It turned out that there was still something like this. Heiyun Automobile has become the company that pays the most taxes in the U.S. auto industry. It seems that it has a right to be tough.

Mr. Bao’s remarks have caused great pain to other companies. Of course, these are mainly companies that have registered their places of registration in tax havens.

The struggle for hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union required huge military expenditures every year, and the amount of tax revenue determined military expenditures. After seeing the report, President Reagan began to pay attention.

Let the tax department investigate how many companies there are in the United States and place their registration places in places such as the Cayman Islands. You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

According to statistics from the tax department, there are about 30,000 companies at all levels in the United States that have their registration places in Cayman, the Virgin Islands and other places. All companies combined can save US$120 billion in taxes every year. In other words, the US government reduces taxes by US$120 billion every year.

The results of the investigation made Reagan very angry and even regarded these business leaders as national worms. At the same time, we are actively discussing with the staff to see if this situation can be handled gently.

What adds to the Reagan atmosphere is not that American companies are registering in tax havens, but a set of data comparisons. As the second largest economy in the world, Japan has less than 20 companies registered in the Virgin Islands and other places. Moreover, the posture is still a state behavior, mainly purchasing and exporting some controlled materials.

There is no harm without comparison, and Reagan really wanted to clean up all these businessmen. It's just an idea at most, and he doesn't have the courage at this time.

Too many companies are involved, and excessive handling can easily cause social unrest. Of course, this is just official talk. In fact, everyone knows that he is worried about the votes for re-election.

These are words for later, but they also show that Bao Zixuan’s remarks caused a huge response in the United States.

The reporter community is well-informed and therefore reacts quickly. That leaves one final question, obtained by the Wall Street Journal.

The richest man Bao has a Wall Street background, which can be regarded as giving the Wall Street Journal some face. Although the main battlefield of Blackstone Fund has shifted in the next few years, no one dares to lightly influence the influence of the Wall Street Journal. It is necessary to form a good relationship at least, and at least do a good job on the surface.

The Wall Street Journal reporter asked: "Hello, Mr. Bao! Nice to see you here."

"According to data released by the Ministry of National Defense, this purchase contract involves 300,000 military vehicles. I don't know if Heiyun Motors is confident in winning the order; what technology and cost advantages does Heiyun Motors have compared with other competitors?"

Americans have a very good way of doing things. At least there are no problems with the procedures. They are absolutely reasonable and legal; no one can find fault with them.

At this time, most of the orders for military vehicles have been given to General Motors and Ford, but the procedures still need to be followed; other companies still need to do a good job of supporting them. Although I know what is going on, most small and medium-sized enterprises still want to accompany me. As long as you participate, you will get benefits. Although it is small, it is better than nothing.

Although Bao Zixuan also knew what the final result would be, he couldn't act old at this time. Even if it is made of hard steel, other manufacturers should take a look and not take Heiyun Automobile lightly.

Bao Zixuan: "As the largest automobile company in the United States, Heiyun Automobile is certainly confident of winning orders. Although Heiyun Automobile's workers' wages are the highest in the United States, when spread across each car, they are pitifully low."

"We use a lot of automated equipment, most of which are developed and produced by Heiyun Group itself. It can be said that Heiyun has an absolute advantage in terms of labor costs."

"As for the cost of materials, the same is true. Heiyun Group has its own steel company and mining company. It can reduce costs from the source of materials, and of course it will never sacrifice the performance advantages of the vehicle."

"I don't need to tell everyone about the technical advantages of Heiyun Automobile. Everyone can see it. After all, sales represent everything, and the public has a sharp eye."

"We have the highest technical advantages, the most precise processing technology, and the lowest labor costs. Therefore, Heiyun Automobile has absolute confidence in winning orders from the Ministry of Defense."

The words of the richest man Bao made some people at the scene very unhappy. What does this kid mean? He says so much because he doesn’t want to give up.

Bao Zixuan is definitely a smart man and should know that it is impossible to hand over defense orders to him. Now it seems that this is a refusal to give up, and it really needs to be taken seriously.

Knowing that Bao Zixuan came to the United States, General Motors and Ford directly sent people to the airport to monitor him. According to common sense, reporters will definitely ask questions after arriving at the airport. Both companies want to know what Bao Zixuan will say.

But Bao Zixuan's answer today made the staff of the two companies very unhappy. Bao Zixuan has always been a representative of the American dream, and many American youths regard him as an idol.

It has a huge fan base in the United States; not to say that it is responded to by hundreds of people, but at least in the hearts of American youth. Heiyun Motors is definitely better than Ford and General Motors because Heiyun Motors belongs to Bao Zixuan.

Listing so many advantages of Heiyun Auto at the airport at this moment is an attempt to use public opinion to besiege the Ministry of National Defense.

If Heiyun Auto doesn't win the order, there will be something shady. This guy is a bully who doesn't want to see GM and Ford get better.

Bao Shaofu understands that he currently does not have deep personal connections in the United States, and it involves military orders. No one dares to help easily. If something goes wrong, they will have to bear a lot of responsibility. The friendship is not that good yet.

While on the plane, Bao Zixuan was thinking about how to turn the foil into the protagonist. Currently it can only be done through the media, although it is difficult to change the final outcome. But the richest man Bao didn't want to admit defeat easily, that was not his character.

At this time, the goal has been basically achieved, and I believe that the Ministry of National Defense will have some scruples; it will not dare to let the Black Cloud Group pay for the US military.

The rent for the factory is due and the factory has been moved in the past few days. The update is a bit slow, so I would like to apologize to everyone! Thank you for your support and I hope everyone can understand!

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