Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 810 After the Report 4

Of course, Americans can also see the Nihon Keizai Shimbun report. Bao, the richest man, has huge influence in the United States. It is a typical representative of the American dream and has many fans in the United States. Coupled with the current anti-monopoly investigation of Heiyun Group by the Ministry of Commerce, people are paying close attention to the richest man in Hong Kong.

There has been no practical progress in investigating the monopoly of Heiyun Group. After all, Heiyun products are relatively high-end. Judging from the scale of market share, it cannot achieve monopoly at all. However, the business department cannot give up easily. To be precise, it does not dare to just let it go.

If we give up, we are likely to receive a counter-suit from Heiyun Group, and the business department will become very passive by then. To launch an investigation into a company so easily without obtaining any results is a huge blow to the credibility of the Ministry of Commerce.

So now the commerce department is thinking about how to end it. After all, the tax department already has great objections to them.

When investigating the Heiyun Group, computer and automobile companies are the first to bear the brunt. Because these two companies are headquartered in the United States, all taxes must be paid to the U.S. tax department. The recent sharp drop in the amount of tax paid by Heiyun Group is closely related to the antitrust investigation.

Unlike other large companies in the United States, the subsidiaries of Heiyun Group are all registered in Hong Kong, Japan, the United States and other places. Bao Zixuan has never thought of going to tax havens such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands to register a company.

At this time, the advantages have emerged, and powerful departments in the United States have begun to speak and stand for the Black Cloud Group.

A leader of the U.S. Tax Administration said: "Combined with Bao Zixuan's work attitude in Japan and the professionalism he showed, it is not difficult to see that it makes sense for a person to succeed."

"It is normal for young people to create a company that affects the world and invent epoch-making products through their own efforts. We cannot say that someone is a monopoly just because he works harder than others and makes more money than others."

"That is contempt for the free capital market and a setback to economic development."

"Heiyun Group is the most tax-compliant company in the United States and has never had to worry about the tax department. Not only the company, but Heiyun employees also pay the highest average personal income tax in the United States. Even more than many fund companies on Wall Street; because the parent company of the fund company They are all registered in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands, and Black Cloud Group has never been one.”

"The commercial department should investigate some companies that are cheating and cheating, instead of just focusing on honest companies. That was the case for IBM back then, and now it is the turn of Heiyun Group. Can't companies invent and innovate? They should New technology improves production efficiency.”

The tax department has a very strong influence in the United States, at least much more powerful than the Department of Commerce.

The tax department endorsed Heiyun Group, which put the Ministry of Commerce in a very difficult position. At this time, they were already riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off. They were very unwilling to give up so easily.

With the tax department's voice, John Chambers immediately launched a documentary on the US branch of the Black Cloud Group.

While other auto factory workers in Detroit were taking a break, Black Cloud engineers were hard at work. While others are off work, Heiyun Computer engineers are still writing code.

While other workers can only receive a meager salary, Heiyun engineers receive twice as much, or even more.

At the end, it says, this is a group of lunatics; lunatics who fight for their country, nation, and family.

After the documentary was aired, it was ridiculed by some labor unions. But at this time, no one among the Heiyun workers took the union seriously. Their basic salary is already the highest in the industry, plus overtime pay, bonuses and other income. Already above middle-class families in the United States, the average salary of Heiyun Auto workers is only slightly less than that of lawyers and doctors.

This is a huge encouragement for a blue-collar worker. Anyone who dares to speak ill of the company and the boss must fight him to the death.

Therefore, within the Heiyun Automobile Factory, the labor union now exists in name only. There is no way to influence the workers' thoughts. There is only one voice here now, and that is Bao Zixuan's voice.

At this time, the entire United States is waiting for the investigation results of the Commerce Department. A group of people who work so hard actually say that they are a monopoly. If this is tenable, who will dare to study hard and work hard in the future?

Due to the delay in receiving a response, demonstrations took place in many places in the United States. They all asked the Ministry of Commerce to give an explanation, otherwise the people would never agree.

Things got worse and worse, and eventually even then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan had to come out for an interview. The commercial department is required to conduct fair and objective investigations. You can't act on your own initiative, let alone hurt entrepreneurs who are working hard.

It can be said that this is equivalent to a statement. In the end, the commerce department had no choice but to hastily end the antitrust investigation against Heiyun Group. Bao Zixuan didn't do everything right, mainly because he didn't dare to push the government departments to death. This incident is over. I only hope that the U.S. commerce department can remember this lesson. But the commercial department has lost so much face, how could it give up so easily? They will not make anyone feel comfortable if they make them unhappy, they are just waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, the counterattack against the US Department of Commerce has been brewing for a long time; it is just that there has never been a suitable opportunity. Mr. Bao did not expect that Japanese media reports could have such a big effect. It seems that there is some truth in calling reporters the uncrowned king.

Like the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. companies that compete with Heiyun are also very unhappy. Especially American local auto giants such as General Motors and Ford; the rise of Heiyun Motors has the greatest impact on them.

In the past, we could compete with Japanese and European car companies. But since Bao Zixuan entered the automotive field, the business of the two companies has plummeted.

Heiyun Automobile is really suitable for the American domestic market, as if it was tailor-made for Americans.

Previously, I wanted to rely on the Ministry of Commerce's anti-monopoly investigation of Heiyun Group to regain the market, but in the end I found that I still had to rely on myself for everything.

General Motors is definitely the most depressed company. When they held Suzuki Group shares, the company was always tepid and the stock price never fluctuated much. Since the public learned about Heiyun Automobile's investment, the stock price has risen by more than 30% in just a few days. This is not to tell the world that General Motors' influence is not good, at least it is still far from the black cloud.

General Motors was founded on September 16, 1908. Since William Durant founded General Motors of the United States, General Motors has produced and sold a series of brand models and services around the world, including Buick, Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC, etc. The full range of models under its multiple brands are sold in more than 120 countries and regions around the world, including mini cars, heavy-duty full-size trucks, compact cars and convertibles.

This is one of the largest automobile companies in the United States and even the world, and no one dares to ignore its existence.

At this time, General Motors was holding a board meeting. The company's CEO, Mike Donald, said to the directors: "Dear directors, this can be said to be the most difficult period in GM's history. I have to bear the main responsibility here. If everyone feels that I am not qualified to be CEO, position, I can resign.”

This move of retreating into advancing is very useful, even for those who are very good at it. The current situation is not MacDonald's fault alone, it may be the same for anyone else. And this old boy still has some ability, so let him do it for a while.

This is the true thought of most directors. A new person might not be as good as him!

Seeing that no one stood up to remove him, MacDonald knew he had made the right bet.

MacDonald continued: "Since the directors can continue to trust me, then I must do my best to turn the situation around."

"General Motors is currently facing a huge crisis. In the external market, Japanese and European car companies are pressing harder. The domestic market in the United States has also been squeezed by Heiyun Motors, which has almost no room."

"If this continues, GM may face the risk of bankruptcy. Just now, the U.S. Department of Commerce has concluded its antitrust investigation into Heiyun Group, which means that we have to solve all problems ourselves."

"Before the meeting, Ford Motor Company has contacted me. I hope our two companies can cooperate and jointly face the pressure brought by Heiyun Motors."

In fact, it is still an exaggeration to say that General Motors is bankrupt. After all, General Motors not only produces civilian vehicles, but also purchases a lot of military and police vehicles every year.

Without the civilian market, life may not be so prosperous.

The directors found it incredible that Ford would take the initiative to join forces with General Motors. It seems that they have been forced into a hurry. Otherwise, given the competitive relationship between the two companies, there would be no intersection.

What Mr. Bao didn’t know was that a series of his actions in Japan indirectly contributed to the first cooperation between the two largest automobile companies in the United States.

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