That night, Iwasaki Koki treated Bao Zixuan to a Japanese meal, and the two of them drank some wine. The richest man Bao's drinking capacity is an open secret in the world. He is a man who can make the Soviet Union's number one wine god bow down. Koki Iwasaki does not dare to have a wine tasting with him easily, so everyone just orders it.

Seibu Group is a well-known and powerful enterprise in Japan. The group has more than 170 large-scale enterprises with more than 100,000 employees, and its business involves various industries such as railways, transportation, department stores, real estate, restaurants, schools, and research institutes. It can be said that this is currently Japan's largest real estate developer and one of the largest millionaires.

Bao Zixuan was invited to Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's office to see the man who twice climbed the mountain to be the richest man in the world. The founder of the Seibu Group, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's father, Yasujiro, had married three wives and had many children.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was not the son of the eldest son. According to Chinese tradition, he was the son of a concubine. Being able to surpass his two elder brothers and inherit the family business must have extraordinary abilities. This is a figure who is more cunning than many of the founding generation. This is the evaluation of Yoshiaki Tsutsumi by the richest man Bao.

After Tsutsumi Yoshiaki saw Bao Zixuan arriving, he quickly stood up and said with a smile: "Welcome Bao Zixuan to Seibu Co., Ltd. Your arrival really makes Bishe shine."

Yasujiro Tsutsumi was a Japanese politician and businessman who read the books of ancient Chinese sages intensively. He may have also found valuable inspiration from Xunzi's harsh teachings, so he asked his son Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, who he believed could inherit the family business, to follow Xunzi's teachings throughout his life. Xunzi once said that a person who knows how to be silent and not deliberately reveal himself will understand the true meaning of every word before he speaks. Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's performance is ordinary. He adopts a calm and silent attitude. On the one hand, he cultivates himself, and at the same time, he is cautious about his words and actions, so as not to expose his weaknesses and cause disaster.

Before Mr. Bao came over, he did a detailed investigation. Tsutsumi Yasujiro had a great influence on Tsutsumi Yoshiaki. This boy must have a very good understanding of Chinese culture, otherwise idioms would not be as comfortable as they should be.

Bao Zixuan really didn't know what to say to this Hua Xia Tong. Fortunately, it was Tsutsumi Yoshiaki who invited him over. The best way is to show off his tactics.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Tsuyoshi is very polite. It is an honor for me to come to Seibu Group. Although our two families have no business dealings, we are both businessmen. Now we are familiar with each other, and I believe that cooperation will be a matter of time."

At present, Seibu Group mainly focuses on real estate, and at most department stores. Although Heiyun Group's products are sold in Seibu Department Store, they are through Japanese agents; currently Heiyun and Seibu have no direct business dealings.

What Bao Zixuan said made Tsutsumi Yoshiaki very happy. It seemed that this boy was not a traditional science and engineering man. Knowing how to leave a way out for himself, how could a simple man in science and engineering make his business so big?

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki: "My thoughts are the same as Baosang's. As long as we recognize each other, cooperation will be a matter of time."

"The main reason I invite you here is to hear your views on Japan's real estate market. I know this is a bit presumptuous. Bystanders know clearly, but the authorities are obsessed. Now most of the Seibu Group's funds are invested in the real estate market, and I am very worried."

Bao Zixuan didn't expect that the old boy would come up and ask him his opinion on the Japanese real estate market. You must know that he is an expert in this field. Heiyun Group is mainly engaged in technology manufacturing and electronic product production. Why should I ask this layman?

In fact, many people can see clearly that Bao Zixuan is very optimistic about the Japanese real estate market. Otherwise, it would be impossible to choose properties in the Tokyo area instead of cash every time when exchanging patents.

In addition, the Blackstone Fund under his name is buying properties in Japan. If Hong Kong's richest man is not optimistic about Japanese real estate, no one will believe it.

Bao Zixuan smiled and said: "Mr. Tsuyoshi is an expert in real estate. If you talk about machinery manufacturing and aviation power, I can answer your questions. Now when it comes to Japanese real estate business, I really don't know how to answer. "

If you are not optimistic, you can buy so many properties. However, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi would not say these words. If he did, there would be no way to continue the topic.

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki said with a smile: "Business is a matter of course, Bai Liling. Although Bao Sang is not engaged in the real estate business, he has built many factories and many property buildings around the world. We will not cover professional topics and regulation today. Economic and other issues. These are things that the government needs to consider. We only talk about business, and more importantly, how to make money."

At this time Bao Zixuan knew that it was really hard to refuse directly now.

Because Tsutsumi Yoshiaki once said: "I read many ancient Chinese sages' works, and Xunzi's articles were read the most. From his thoughts, I came to my own opinion, which is Mencius' theory of good nature. Yes, between people , if you trust the other party, you can gain the other party's trust. This kind of trust is the explanation of kindness."

People treat you as a friend, and this kind of trust is hard to come by, at least on the surface.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since Mr. Tsuyoshi wants to know my views on the Japanese real estate market, I can only say that it has great investment value."

"The whole world knows that Japan is a small country. It has many companies. The most important thing is that these companies can earn a lot of foreign exchange."

"The first thing after making money must be to improve the quality of life. Real estate can well reflect the value of a man."

"There is only so much land in the core area, which is bound to not be enough. Scarce things are more valuable, and rising land prices are definitely an inevitable trend. As land prices rise, real estate prices will definitely increase accordingly."

Sure enough, it is similar to what I analyzed, but every item has a price. The price is too high but no one can afford it. This guy must have left half of his words unfinished, and he must be roped in.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi: "It seems that Baosang and I have the same idea. There is a ceiling when we build houses. There will also be a ceiling for real estate prices. I have been thinking about where this ceiling is."

Bao Zixuan never expected that Yoshiaki Tsutsumi would say such a thing; after all, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi believed in Xunzi's theory of evil nature and did not make friends or use talents. After Japan's economic bubble collapsed, his business plummeted, and he himself was imprisoned for falsifying financial information.

Today, I treat myself as a friend, and I analyze that there may be a ceiling in the Japanese real estate market. Is there any secret that I don’t know about during the collapse of Japan’s real estate bubble?

In fact, this has a lot to do with the division of power in Japan. The upstart generation of Tsutsumi Yasujiro is despised by many Japanese. The old consortium laughed and said: "Wherever the Omi merchants walked, not even grass grew."

In addition, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi doesn't like making friends, so when he wants to sell the property. Without corporate takeover, this is the most fatal thing. In other words, everyone united to besiege the Seibu Group.

Bao Zixuan: "Policy intervention in the real estate market is too strong, and Heiyun Group is a foreign company. And most of the buildings I buy are industrial office buildings, and rent is a stable source of income."

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi: "I have a proposal. The two of us will jointly establish a joint venture to jointly develop real estate in Japan."

This proposal made Bao Shoufang a little nervous. After all, the other party should not cooperate with him due to emotional reasons. What exactly this means is somewhat unclear.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm sorry, if Mr. Tiyi wants to sell the property, Heiyun Group is still interested. Forget about cooperation. I don't like to cooperate with others in business. The main reason is that I was too criticized before, let alone manage according to my own ideas. company, resulting in many decisions not being realized. For a business that cannot be fully controlled, it is better to be good.”

Of course Tsutsumi Yoshiaki knew that Bao Zixuan would refuse, and it was just a test just now. Of course it would be best if we can cooperate. If we can't, we won't suffer.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi: "That's such a pity. At present, Seibu Group has no properties for sale. If there is one, I will give priority to Baosang. There is a good Chinese restaurant nearby. I would like to ask Baosang to try it."

No cooperation was reached, so Bao Zixuan left after lunch.

Bao Zixuan thought that Yoshiaki Tsutsumi was worried about cooperating with other people and not being able to fully control it; then he thought of himself. However, Japan's real estate market is too deep, so it's no problem to speculate in some properties; if you dare to use your mind wrongly, the consequences will definitely be unbearable for ordinary people.

After Bao Zixuan left, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi specifically asked his secretary. Ask her to arrange for someone to observe the property sales of Heiyun Group and Blackstone Fund at any time, and report them as soon as possible.

It was this inconspicuous move at the time that saved the Seibu Group and Yoshiaki Tsutsumi. When Heiyun Group started selling properties five years later, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi also started selling. The timing of the sell-off was a year and a half earlier than the peak, and a lot of international hot money has not yet withdrawn. Seibu Group sold nearly half of its properties and land, successfully allowing Yoshiaki Tsutsumi to survive the real estate bubble crisis.

Whenever he thinks of this incident, Tsutsumi Yoshiaki will sigh with emotion. Inviting Mr. Bao to come to Seibu Group was the most correct decision in his life.

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