After signing the agreement with Shanghai, Bao Zixuan directly contacted Yuan Tianfan in Xiangjiang and asked him to rush to Shanghai Pudong as quickly as possible. Although I don't know what the boss means, I can guess now that it must be about the cooperation between Heiyun Bank and Huaxia Mainland, otherwise he, the bank president, would not be called over.

In the Heiyun Group Bao Zixuan's words are imperial edicts and must be obeyed unconditionally. Not only because he is the boss, but more importantly because of the authority he has established over the years. At least there have been no mistakes made in front of employees so far. This kind of prestige cannot be established in a day or two.

Yuan Tianfan knew Bao Zixuan’s character, so what would he do without a plane ticket? It was found through the group that a ground-effect aircraft was going to Shanghai to transport supplies. At this time, it didn't matter whether it was pulling people or goods; just like that, President Yuan and the precision automobile parts were transported to Pudong together.

Fortunately, the pilot of the aircraft was kind to our President Yuan and did not put him in the warehouse, otherwise it would have been a joke.

As a boss, he doesn't care about the transportation situation of the aircraft. He thinks that Yuan Tianfan will not arrive until tomorrow at the earliest. I didn't expect Governor Yuan to be so quick. It seems that I still don’t understand my subordinates well enough. This kind of work attitude will satisfy any boss and is a manifestation of execution ability.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "President Yuan's speed is really amazing, beyond my imagination."

Yuan Tianfan: "Mainly because one of our group's ground-effect aircraft is coming to Shanghai to transport auto parts. Mainly because the group is strong, otherwise it would take tomorrow at the earliest to arrive."

Hearing Yuan Tianfan's answer, Bao Zixuan didn't expect that Heiyun Group's transportation capabilities were so strong. It seems that there was some neglect before. After going back, we can summarize it and see if Heiyun Group has strategic transportation capabilities.

Its own capabilities and management methods can no longer keep up with the group's development speed, and it seems that it needs to introduce strategic planning talents. Heiyun Group wants to set up a think tank, which will at least provide opinions on group management. As long as he is still there, there will be no problems with the group's strategic planning. But what to do if you are away? You must make overall plans. Although retirement is still far away, if you don't prepare in advance, you will be very passive in the future.

However, the top priority is to solve the immediate problem. The main task of Heiyun Bank is to settle in Pudong New Area.

Bao Zixuan: "For me to call you here in such a hurry, you should have guessed it. The group has completed negotiations with Shanghai this morning, and Heiyun Bank will enter the Chinese mainland market. However, currently it can only open branches in Pudong New Area. Mainland China just wants to do a pilot first. Of course, everyone is happy if it succeeds. In the future, Pudong will be used as a template to promote it nationwide."

"If it fails, Heiyun Bank will have no face to carry out mainland business, and China may not let foreign banks intervene in the short term. Therefore, the task on our shoulders is very heavy, and we do not dare to be careless."

As he expected, Heiyun Group assisted Shanghai City in developing Pudong New Area. Even ordinary people in Xiangjiang knew what was going on; let alone him, the president of Heiyun Bank. This is indeed exciting news. Entering a new market means there are many opportunities waiting for you. Especially since I can still do independent business now. If this doesn't develop, I won't be able to continue working in the banking industry in the future.

This is an opportunity for Heiyun Bank to develop and grow. China Mainland has developed rapidly in recent years. The demand for funds is definitely not small, and many infrastructure constructions require a lot of financial support. Black Cloud Bank can solve these problems very well.

This is a brand new market, and there is no competition from foreign capital or Hong Kong Bank. We must not let the opportunity slip away, and we must complete the layout before other banks enter China.

Yuan Tianfan: "This is indeed exciting news. As long as we seize this opportunity, Heiyun Bank will definitely be able to develop."

Bao Zixuan: "Take this opportunity to introduce the situation of the bank to me, at least let me have an idea."

Of course Yuan Tianfan understands what the boss means. There must be many people in mainland China who will come to Heiyun Bank for loans. If you agree to everything, if you don't have enough funds, it will be a trivial matter to lose face, but it will be very troublesome to affect the reputation of Heiyun Bank in China.

Yuan Tianfan: "After the last run, many Xiangjiang citizens have clearly realized the financial strength of Heiyun Bank. Currently, deposits are rising in an orderly manner. According to the current trend, when the Pudong Branch of Heiyun Bank is established, the head office will be able to allocate 30- US$5 billion to support Pudong Branch.”

Bao Shoufang knew that this was the fund provided by Yuan Tianfan on the premise that he had reserved safe funds for the head office. It seems that Heiyun Bank has basically recovered its strength in recent times. I was worried that the bank would not come out so quickly, so I promised Secretary Wang that I didn't want to miss such a good opportunity. Now it seems completely unnecessary, Yuan Tianfan is really a rare talent.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't expect the bank to recover so quickly. It's all thanks to President Yuan. It seems that I will give you a big red envelope at the end of the year, otherwise I will be embarrassed myself."

Hearing Bao Zixuan say this, Yuan Tianfan felt very ashamed. He can play some role, but not as big as imagined. Forging iron requires one's own hard work, and the main thing is the convenience and speed of Heiyun Bank.

Yuan Tianfan: "The boss has given me the award, but I dare not take the credit. The reason why I was able to recover so quickly is mainly due to the supporting services of our bank. Of all the banks in Hong Kong, only our Heiyun Bank has the most ATMs. Customers can go to any shopping mall. You don’t need to go to the bank counter to get money.”

"At the same time, Heiyun Bank is currently the bank with the fastest processing speed and the best service in Hong Kong. In addition, Heiyun Bank's deposit and loan interest rates are reasonable, so it is normal for customers to choose us again."

Bao Zixuan didn't expect such an effect. It seemed that no field could do without the support of technology. It is estimated that HSBC Shen Bi never dreamed of this. Black Cloud Bank actually relied on its technological advantages to win customer support again.

Just as Yuan Tianfan was on his way to Shanghai, Shen Bi was worried about the loss of customers. It's okay to attract customers with high rebates before, after all, there is an agreement. Even if HSBC is inconvenient to use, they won't say much. You have to endure it. HSBC's money is not so easy to get. Since you choose to take money that you shouldn't take, you have to be subject to various restrictions.

Shen Bi looked at the daily data reports and was really furious. Although there was no rush, customers were being lost every day. The most annoying thing is that all the customers lost by HSBC went to Black Cloud Bank to open new accounts. Is there some magic there? Or they can learn from HSBC and use high rebates to attract customers.

Destined to disappoint Mr. Shen, Heiyun Bank made no comment and had no plans for deposit rebates.

There was no good way. Shen Bi could only find an acquaintance who was also a customer of Heiyun Bank. He also called people to the office and wanted the customer to talk about the differences between the two banks.

This man started out in the clothing business, and Shen Bi helped him a lot back then. This favor has never been repaid, so this time I will treat it as a return of favor. So the owner of the clothing factory said seriously: "Compared with Black Cloud Bank, many steps of HSBC are too cumbersome. There is nothing wrong with being responsible to customers, but cumbersome processes mean a waste of time."

"As long as you enter the password in Heiyun Bank, you can see how much money is left in the bank account. It can be said to be clear at a glance. And it can be displayed on any ATM machine. I have never heard of an error in the amount."

"In addition, there are supporting services. As long as you withdraw more than 1 million from Heiyun Bank, you can ask their security personnel to send you to a designated location. And it is completely free. HSBC does not have this service."

"Experience is also a key factor. The design of Heiyun Bank is very reasonable. It can be said that whether you are resting and waiting inside or sitting at the counter to handle business, it is so comfortable. It can be seen that they have really worked hard in this aspect. HSBC is relatively better, but other banks have worse experiences. It seems like they want to drive you away. In short, they just don’t want you to stay in the bank for too long.”

After hearing the customer's analysis, Shen Daban finally understood why customers would choose Heiyun again. It turns out that the gap is already so big. It seems that HSBC needs to make major changes, otherwise it will have no foothold in Hong Kong.

It’s not just a problem for banks, other British companies are not much better either. British-funded enterprises in Xiangjiang are gradually declining. It depends on who can persist to the end.

Black Cloud Bank has recovered its strength. HSBC, together with Pao Yugang and Zheng Yutong, made Black Cloud Bank so miserable last time. It would be strange if they didn't retaliate against you.

It can be said that when Mr. Bao returns to Xiangjiang, there will inevitably be another bloody storm. Whether it is HSBC, Pao Yugang, Zheng Yutong, or other British-funded companies. They are all within the attack range of Heiyun. This is the confidence brought by Heiyun Bank's recovery.

These are just their own wild guesses, and they have not yet figured out how to deal with HSBC, Pao Yugang, Zheng Yu and others. The main reason is that these people are deeply rooted in Xiangjiang, and their influence can affect the whole body. It is better not to take action easily if there is no plan. They were just trying to scare themselves, and the richest man Bao didn't have that much time to think about this.

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