Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 652 Reactions of various countries Other countries 1

Chapter 652 Reactions of various countries - other countries 1

While Americans are discussing the establishment of technology towns, other countries are not idle either. The changes that Heiyun Town has brought to countries around the world are not small. We are now in the Cold War period, and the whole world is on edge. No one is willing to fall behind. Because falling behind is likely to mean destruction, no country can afford such a huge risk.

Especially when the Americans announced the establishment of four technology towns in one fell swoop, other countries around the world were mobilized. Among them, the Soviet Union responded quickly and immediately discussed where to establish its own technology town.

Brezhnev passed away at the end of last year and was succeeded by Andropov, the former KGB chairman.

As the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, Andropov carried out bold reforms and drastic personnel adjustments during his one year and three months in power, contributing to the progress made in developing the Soviet economy and improving people's welfare. . Relatively significant results have been achieved in the experiments of rectifying labor discipline and improving economic mechanisms, and the measures taken in this regard have won the support of the Soviet masses. However, health reasons did not allow him to complete this task.

This is an ideal ruler who can accept new things, which is much better than Brezhnev. However, the economic situation in the Soviet Union has always restricted this leader's ideas, making it difficult to make major changes.

Andropov quickly decided after communicating with Chernenko that he wanted to build a pilot science and technology town in Komsomolsk. But in the eyes of other Soviet leaders, the United States built four technological towns. The Soviet Union was much larger than the United States. At least eight technological towns must be built to demonstrate the strength of a great power.

This is a result that makes people dumbfounded. Can the two countries' comprehensive strengths in industry, science and technology, and education be comparable?

Komsomolsk-on-Amur, referred to as Komsomolsk, is a city located in the Khabarovsk Territory in the Far East of the Russian Federation. The city is located on the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River (Amur River), also known as Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Komsomolsk was built in accordance with the plan of the Soviet Far East Industrial Center. It is an emerging industrial city. The total production of industrial products accounts for 80% of the total production of all departments of the city's national economy and accounts for the total industrial production of Khabarovsk Territory. 40% of output. The machinery manufacturing industry accounts for the largest proportion in the industrial structure, accounting for 57%, ferrous metals account for 10%, and petroleum processing and chemicals account for 12%.

Machinery manufacturing is the economic foundation of Amur Komsomolsk. There are nearly 40 production enterprises, among which large enterprises include "Amursk Shipyard", "Komsomolsk Aircraft Manufacturing Complex", "Amur Steel Plant", "Komsomolsk Petroleum" "Processing factory", as well as wood processing factory, furniture factory, building materials factory, etc. The later "Komsomolsk Aircraft Manufacturing Complex" is the manufacturer of the Russian Su-27 series, Su-30MK series, Su-35S fighter jets and Su-57 stealth fighter jets.

In fact, Andropov's idea was originally very good, that is, Komsomolsk was far away from the core area of ​​​​Moscow's power. This enables many policies to be effectively communicated and finally implemented, even if the failure of the project does not have a great impact on the entire country.

Moreover, it had become the stable rear area of ​​the Soviet Union during World War II, and these could all be utilized. There are many institutions of higher learning in itself. If some of the science and engineering majors of Moscow State University are moved there, it will definitely be even more powerful. At the same time, they are asking several major Soviet manufacturing bureaus to establish branches in Komsomolsk, and maybe they can succeed.

However, the Americans established four technological towns in one go, which suddenly disrupted the rhythm of the Soviets and even disturbed their minds to a certain extent. These are the two countries during the Cold War. What you have, I must have, and the number is greater than the other.

The Soviets announced the establishment of eight technological towns, which stung the nerves of the entire world. When did the technology town become so worthless? Now it seems that Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan are nothing special.

This move by the Soviets impressed the Americans, and they established four technological towns for their own benefit. Do the Soviets have so much money and enterprises to support such a huge project? A science and technology town requires more than just allocating a piece of land. It also needs to be systematically divided and supported by internal enterprises and scientific research institutions.

However, the Soviet Union is much stronger than the United States in one thing, that is, as long as Moscow gives the order. The enforcement below is absolutely sufficient, and since both enterprises and universities belong to the state, no one dares to be disobedient.

Therefore, after the order was issued, the entire Soviet Union took action, and many universities, design bureaus, and enterprises were re-planning and relocating. Let the world once again see the strength and execution capabilities of the Soviets. The United States even temporarily dispatched three satellites over the Soviet Union; they were also worried that Lao Maozi would do something wrong at this time.

Seeing that the United States and the Soviet Union put so much effort into building technological towns, other countries certainly cannot fall behind. However, after implementation, it was discovered that many countries simply do not have the conditions to build technology towns.

Local enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutions cannot support the establishment of science and technology towns at all. Adding to the funding problem, at most it is just a technology town under the guise of a technology town.

However, the British still have real intentions in this, and higher education in the UK is very strong. As the initiators of the first industrial revolution, the British still have some background. The British, who consider themselves the third oldest in the world, saw that the eldest and second oldest began to build technology towns. Of course, they did not want to be left behind and started discussing the construction of a technology town.

The Iron Lady showed her iron fist once and asked major universities and companies in the UK to come to the Prime Minister's Office for a meeting. The purpose is very clear, which is to tell entrepreneurs and major universities in the UK that the UK must take practical actions.

And when I came here, I had already greeted Oxford University in advance and asked them to support all the decisions of the Prime Minister's Office. At this time, the benefits of alumni are reflected, but at this time, the president of Oxford University is very embarrassed.

Because Oxford had previously promised that Bao Zixuan would set up a laboratory in Heiyun Town. To be precise, Heiyun Group invited Oxford University to establish a graduate training center. Hong Kong is still under British rule, so it will not be as difficult for Oxford University to establish a laboratory in Hong Kong as it is for MIT. But no one can control the policy, and they have their own worries.

Now that the UK is planning to establish technology towns, Oxford University feels that there are not enough teachers. But when they thought of Bao Zixuan's Chengruo, they really couldn't bear to give up the conditions offered by Heiyun Group.

Destined to disappoint the Iron Lady, Oxford will not pull out all the stops this time around. They all clearly realize that the UK does not yet have the strength and ability to establish technology towns.

Admit it or not, Britain has declined in many ways. At present, the only technologies that can be used are aviation industry, medical care, daily chemical products, biotechnology and other technologies, and only these are in a leading position in the world; the automobile industry is still so-so; the number of universities is also okay; these alone have fundamental support The establishment of science and technology towns cannot be achieved.

The only countries in the world that can independently build technological towns are the United States, the Soviet Union and Japan, and West Germany can barely do so. If the UK does not invite other continental European countries to jointly create technology towns, then it will definitely not be possible to build them. Even if it is built, it has no meaning; at most it is just an empty frame.

Bao Zixuan has spent a lot of money to win over Oxford University, with annual targeted donations of 100 million pounds. It is very attractive to British universities with current domestic economic constraints. At the same time, it allows both parties to conduct in-depth exchanges in computer science. The prerequisite is that Oxford University establishes laboratories in biotechnology, automobile industry, and medical treatment in Heiyun Town.

At this time, the computer major of Yulin Institute of Technology is definitely comparable to Stanford and MIT. Bao Shaofu knows the important role that computers will play in people's lives in the future. Therefore, huge amounts of money are invested in in-depth research every year, and this will continue uninterrupted in the future.

Oxford University certainly hopes to become the strongest university in the field of computer science in Europe. Stanford and MIT are definitely not as easy to talk to as Bao Zixuan. To a certain extent, both parties had their own needs this time, so an agreement was reached without Bao Zixuan's intervention.

Such important disciplines have to be sent to Hong Kong. How can they have the energy to build and support British technology towns? It seems that this can only give Cambridge University an advantage. However, no one can guarantee whether they can really get a bargain. At this time, Britain has only a little strength left.

Seeing the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University coming over, the Iron Lady had a bad feeling in her heart. Now that I heard that an important laboratory is going to be built in Hong Kong, I really want to use the authority of the Prime Minister to stop it. But when she thought of Black Cloud Group's donation and support in the computer field, the Iron Lady didn't say much; she only asked Oxford University to move the newly established computer science laboratory to a British technology town.

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