Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 646 Black Cloud Town 5

There is a clear answer to the question of talent retention and retention, that is, Heiyun Group will not force anyone to stay. However, companies that want to poach people should also consider whether they can attract Heiyun talents to join. After all, there are many things they can't do. If people can get more in Heiyun, who would be willing to change jobs elsewhere.

They will report the news truthfully, and it depends on how domestic companies choose. This is not something that the media can decide. Domestic technology companies need to change and make their own decisions.

Oriental Daily has always had a good relationship with the Heiyun Group. Although the Ma family comes from a martial arts background, they also know who they should not offend easily. Bao Zixuan of Heiyun Group is one of them, otherwise it will be a matter of course for people to trouble you.

There may be domineering behavior in competition with other newspapers, but compared to other large companies in Hong Kong, their strength is still insufficient. This is also the reason why the Ma family can always exist. They know how to assess the situation and understand their own identity.

A reporter from Oriental Daily asked: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I am a reporter from Oriental Daily. Will Heiyun Town accept other corporate employees and ordinary Xiangjiang citizens to move in in the future?"

This is the issue that people in Xiangjiang are most concerned about. If Heiyun Group allows other companies and individuals to move into Heiyun Town, then the housing pressure in Xiangjiang can be alleviated to a certain extent. Although Xiangjiang was in the midst of an immigration wave at this time, the immigrants were still a minority. Many people still don't have housing, which is a constant headache for the Governor's Office.

If Heiyun Town can solve this problem, it will be a great achievement.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "If a region wants to develop rapidly, it needs to be inclusive, and the same goes for enterprises. There are many shops in Heiyun Town, and I can't do all the businesses."

"This requires attracting other companies to come here. Basic clothing, food, housing and transportation are still urgently needed. Therefore, other companies will definitely move in, and once the companies move in, their employees will definitely follow. Therefore, Heiyun Town will never embarrass ordinary Xiangjiang citizens."

"Only when the population reaches a certain number can it be called a town. If there is no popularity, it would be a waste to build so many houses. Heiyun Town will build several apartments specifically for rent to ordinary Xiangjiang citizens, and will also build an industrial incubation park within the town. . Free and open to young people who have just started their own business. These are issues that Heiyun Town needs to consider if it wants to develop in the long term."

"A newspaper building will also be built, and the media are welcome to work there. The price offered by Heiyun Group is absolutely fair and will not increase your operating costs."

Everyone present was very satisfied after hearing Bao Zixuan's answer, especially the News Building. Although Xiangjiang's established media has its own office building, with the construction of Heiyun Town, It was imperative to establish a branch in the New Territories. Unexpectedly, Mr. Bao once again thought of the frontier.

It is also a feat for ordinary Xiangjiang citizens to live in Heiyun Town. As long as they are not lazy, they probably won't starve to death. There will definitely be many job opportunities in Heiyun Town, it depends on how everyone grasps them.

It also has an incubation base for entrepreneurial companies. It can be said that the concept of Heiyun Town is at least 10 years ahead of the world. Bao Zixuan has once again reached the forefront of the times, and other well-known companies really need to learn from others.

Once the business incubation base is properly used, the potential of Heiyun Town will definitely not be much worse than that of Silicon Valley in the United States. It seems that the technology center of the future world should be in Silicon Valley and Heiyun Town. This is the view of many media. I just don’t know if the Americans will let something like this happen. When it comes to interests, they will do anything.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also wants young people around the world to think of Heiyun Town first when they create technology-based companies. To this end, a series of policies will be introduced to attract talents; there is no shortage of talents in the world, it just depends on how to keep them in Hong Kong.

The British media still want to continue asking questions. In their eyes, this is British territory. The British Empire media can ask any questions they want, but Chinese-funded enterprises must also cooperate.

Reuters; established in 1850, is one of the world's important news agencies and is headquartered in London. It has branches in 158 countries and regions and has 1,930 journalists.

It can be said that it is a giant in the world. In the past, because it had always looked down on Chinese-owned enterprises, the relationship with Heiyun Group was not very good. A lot of the limelight was stolen by The Times, which made the always arrogant British very unconvinced.

As the head of Reuters' Asia region, Jimmies Owen can personally come here to give Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan face. What he didn't expect was that the other party didn't appreciate it. He wasn't the first to ask the question, and the most outrageous thing was that he was seated behind The Times.

They are one of the four major news agencies in the West. The Times is nothing. He actually dared to be in front of them. I must tidy up the Times when I find an opportunity in the future and let the Times reporter know who is the boss.

But at this time, after all, we are in Xiangjiang, on the territory of Heiyun Group; we cannot let out many emotions, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be invited out.

Heiyun Group's ranking of media mainly depends on the number of press conferences attended, and it never cares how big your reputation is. From Bao Zixuan's point of view, although the media cannot be easily offended, their strength is really not enough.

Jimmies Owen knew that he couldn't let Bao Zixuan have an easy time this time. He must let him know the professionalism of Reuters, and at the same time, he also wanted Bao Zixuan to see who in Europe was worth dating.

Jimmies Owen: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I am Jimmies Owen from Reuters. I would like to ask why Heiyun Group chose to invest in Hong Kong with such a huge investment. Australia, New Zealand, and Canada must have more advantages than Hong Kong. "

"These countries have very large land areas and relatively complete supporting facilities and basic education. If the Heiyun Town project is settled in any country in the world, it will receive preferential treatment. This is an investment that no country can refuse. With all due respect to Xiangjiang There aren’t many advantages.”

"In addition, I heard that you require the children of Heiyun Group employees to receive education in Xiangjiang, even starting from kindergarten. Being without their parents for a long time is not conducive to the healthy physical and mental development of children, and will make them lack father's love and affection as they grow up. Motherly love; how do you explain this!"

The British indeed have bad intentions, and the countries they listed do have many advantages. If it is built according to the planning of Heiyun Town, the effect may be better, but we don't know what the development potential is. This is all just talk on paper.

In addition, these countries have one thing in common, that is, they all belong to the Commonwealth of Nations. This is not the rhythm for Heiyun Group to leave Xiangjiang, and it runs counter to Bao Zixuan's philosophy.

As for the issue of children's education, it is even more insidious. Although there are many unreasonable things in European and American countries. But there is absolutely nothing to say in the process of children's education. The company of parents is very important. If you can't answer this well, you can equate yourself with a dictator. People would say that Bao Zixuan brainwashes children so that they will be completely loyal to themselves when they grow up. They can even go against their parents' wishes. After all, the Heiyun Group has been educating them since childhood.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You asked two questions. Reuters has violated regulations. It's normal that you don't come here often and you don't understand the rules. You can make an exception and answer. I hope there won't be a next time. Don't say you don't give face if you don't answer the questions. .”

"The countries you mentioned do have many advantages, but Heiyun Group doesn't know much about the situation in these countries. It's not the roots of Heiyun Group employees, and it's certainly not my home, Bao Zixuan."

"Heiyun Group is a Xiangjiang enterprise, and Bao Zixuan is from Xiangjiang. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Therefore, we will not build our headquarters elsewhere. I hope you can understand."

"Some things have been made very clear. I hope everyone will stop asking more questions and ask more meaningful and novel questions."

"As for the issue of children's education, the group has never forced any employees to send their children to Xiangjiang for education. This can only be said to be a welfare. In principle, schools at all levels of Heiyun Group only accept children of Heiyun, that is, Heiyun The second and third generations of employees.”

"Only parents, grandparents, and grandparents who work at Heiyun Group can get such treatment. Even if the children are studying in Xiangjiang, their parents will come to visit them regularly. At the same time, they can also choose to go back to China to spend holidays."

"When we made this decision, we saw that it was too hard for employees to take care of their children and go to work at the same time. It is mainly set up for single-parent families, and also because they can receive better education in Heiyun schools at all levels."

It can be said that Bao Zixuan's answer is perfect and confident. The employees of Heiyun Group working abroad really want their children to come to Xiangjiang to study, which would make it much easier for them. And the richest man Bao didn't brag. The teachers in Heiyun schools at all levels have no problem with their academic qualifications. They are all top students who graduated from well-known universities. Employees feel comfortable placing their children at Heiyun School, and some even come deliberately to fight for places.

Among them is a cleaner who worked in Bao Zixuan before it acquired the arcade factory. Due to divorce, her children have no contact with her.

Now I see that only the second and third generations of Heiyun can go to Heiyun School, and I suddenly feel extremely filial to this mother. The purpose is to save money, effort and trouble so that children can receive a better education.

The mother's greatness was perfectly reflected at this time, and she did not anger her children because of what happened before. The most important thing is that the child did nothing wrong and went to the school admissions office to explain the situation so that his grandson and granddaughter could come to Heiyun Primary School to study.

There are many such things, but Heiyun schools at all levels will politely refuse those who are not direct relatives. After all, this hole cannot be opened. Once it is opened, it is difficult to close it. No matter how many schools Heiyun Group builds, it's not enough, and Bao Zixuan doesn't have enough money to spend.

Nowadays, when British journalists use this to make matters worse, it is definitely untenable.

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