Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 617 Celebrating the New Year together

Peng Yifei walked in and asked everyone to eat. Others were already waiting in the restaurant. This is a group activity, and it would be bad if they didn't go there. I just saw the tycoons chatting lively, so I didn’t go in to disturb them. The meal time has been postponed, but it’s not good to keep waiting like this.

It's February now, and the temperature in Kyoto is very low. There are still about a hundred people dining out, so the only option is hot pot; today's dinner will consist of hotpot in addition to dumplings.

Peng Yifei specially invited the Donglaishun staff to come to Baofu. Many people have never tasted the authentic old BJ hotpot mutton, so this time they can experience it.

When Bao Zixuan came to Kyoto for a treat two years ago, he left a deep impression on the Donglaishun staff. Not only was he generous with his food, but his drinking capacity was also astonishing. It can be said that Dong Laishun has left endless legends. When I heard that Bao Zixuan invited people to eat hotpot mutton at home, Dong Laishun was very cooperative.

It is well known in Kyoto that rich businessmen from Xiangjiang come to China to celebrate the New Year. If you can serve these rich people well. This is a good publicity for Dong Lai Shun Hotel; therefore, they sent out elite soldiers and generals just to serve Xiangjiang Rich Man well.

If the wealthy class in Hong Kong all know Dong Lai Shun, then Chinese groups at home and abroad will definitely choose to eat at Dong Lai Shun when they come to Kyoto. Now that we have entered an economic society, whether employees can make more money depends on how the restaurant's business is doing. Although it is a time-honored brand, Donglaishun will not let go of such an opportunity.

This is the first time for many people in Xiangjiang to eat this way. It is novel and delicious at the same time. It is very satisfying to have a hot bite of hot-boiled mutton in such a cold winter.

There are all kinds of drinks from all over the world, very rich. Bao Zixuan bought as much Bordeaux red wine, Huaxia Moutai, Wuliangye, etc. as he could drink in France.

Considering that some people were older, some liquid food was specially prepared, and they were all served in thermos cups. The weather in Kyoto was not as good as that in Xiangjiang.

Under normal circumstances, when wealthy people from Hong Kong come to China, Huo Yingdong will speak first, and then it will be the turn of others. But today we were at Bao Zixuan's house, and Mr. Huo had to let Bao Zixuan say a few words before he said anything. He didn't want to dominate the scene, but at the same time he also wanted to support Bao Zixuan's rise to power.

Fok Yingdong feels that he is not young anymore, and in recent years he has been trying to find someone who can take over his position among the Chinese in Hong Kong. Regardless of age, character, ability and other comprehensive factors, Bao Zixuan is the most suitable candidate.

But Bao Shoufang didn't want to participate too much in these activities, and even if he participated, he didn't want to be an organizer. But when your wealth reaches a certain scale, you don't have to stop doing it if you don't want to; it can also be said that people can't help themselves in the world.

Bao Zixuan stood up with a microphone and said: "Welcome to Bao Mansion. You may not believe that this is my first time here, which means it is my first time to go home after the construction is completed."

"So if there is any place where the reception is not good, I hope everyone will be considerate. At the same time, if you have any conditions and requirements, you can tell me as much as possible. We are all from Xiangjiang, so don't have any worries; and don't be embarrassed. This time when I come to China Mainland, apart from the Chinese side, Except for part of the cost, the rest will be borne by Baohuodong Mining Company, and Bao Zixuan does not need to pay for it personally."

"At most, it's just at my home. That's because there are no decent hotels in Kyoto, China. Everyone must have seen this time when I came here. Our motherland's economic development is relatively backward, and many infrastructure constructions are not very complete."

"Many people may have doubts about investing here and are worried that the investment will be in vain. But I don't think so. It is precisely because of the imperfect infrastructure and backward economic development that we, Xiangjiang businessmen, have opportunities."

"If everything is built and we still need to come here to do anything, people will ignore you even if you come to invest. China has a population of more than 1 billion. This is a labor force that no one can ignore. How to use the demographic dividend is what we need to consider in the future. The problem."

"We are all Chinese, and we can be said to be separated by a narrow strip of water. Only when the motherland is strong can we be recognized in the international community. After all, there are not many people who can achieve success alone."

"The business matters have been talked about. Today is the traditional Chinese New Year. It is fate that we can be together here. Xiangjiang businessmen are a group and we must care for each other no matter where we go. Only unity can everyone overcome all fears and difficulties, defeating all powerful enemies.”

"Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best; let's raise our glasses together to wish the motherland prosperity."

After saying that, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and others followed suit.

Bao Zixuan's speech made Huo Yingdong very satisfied. These were what he wanted to say. Now it is better to say it through Bao Zixuan's mouth. I believe that Xiangjiang businessmen will make their choice in the next few days.

Not only was Huo Yingdong very satisfied, but other shareholders of Bao Huodong Mining Company also felt that Bao Zixuan was very kind. There is no greed for merit, and they have earned enough fame.

If Bao Zixuan didn't mention it, it wouldn't be easy for everyone to say anything. After all, this is the Bao Mansion, and the richest man Bao has indeed paid a lot more than other shareholders.

Dong Haoyun smiled and said to Huo Yingdong: "Xiaobao has matured a lot now. It seems that we are all old."

Of course Huo Yingdong understood what Dong Haoyun meant. Both of them wanted to improve Bao Zixuan's status among the Chinese businessmen in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Wealth is one thing, support from noble people is also essential.

It's rare for Hong Kong's wealthy Chinese people to get together. It's not easy to get together like this without the British around. In the past, only events held by the Governor's Mansion could bring everyone together, and chatting on such occasions was not convenient. Even if other Chinese families in Xiangjiang hold celebrations, there will definitely be British people coming to support them. After all, it doesn’t look good if everyone doesn’t look up and bows their head without being invited.

This time is a good opportunity. I didn’t expect that things that cannot be done in Xiangjiang can be achieved in Kyoto, China. Everyone is very relaxed, firstly because today is the Chinese New Year and they need to relax. The second reason is because the wine prepared by Bao Shoufang is so good that even people who don’t usually drink drink a few more drinks.

Bao Zixuan is open to all comers, and as long as someone offers a toast, they will definitely drink it down in one gulp. I have always heard that Bao Shoufang has a great drinking capacity, and many second-generation rich people are not convinced. Today I took this opportunity to ask for advice in person, so I started to organize a group to toast to Bao Zixuan.

Seeing Bao Zixuan chatting and laughing in the crowd, the girls who had been paying attention to him had different ideas in their minds. Among them, Lin Jing'er suddenly felt that it would be great to work in Heiyun Group, but she was very reluctant to give up managing high-end women's clothing brands. The ancients said that you can't have your cake and eat it too. It seems that the ancients did not deceive me.

However, she didn't want to miss this opportunity. She still had to toast when it was time to toast; at least she wanted to deepen the impression.

While her uncle Lin Baixin was drinking and chatting with Bao Zixuan, Lin Jing'er walked up to them. He smiled and said, "Sheng Bao, how about we have a drink together."

When Bao Zixuan saw the person coming, he said with a smile: "Of course Miss Lin, I was chatting with Lin Sheng about you just now. Finally, we came up with a compromise plan. You join the office of the president of Heiyun Group as a part-time person and are responsible for reviewing architectural drawings. Work. This will not delay your management of the clothing brand, and it can also increase your experience."

Lin Jing'er felt incredible when she heard that Bao Zixuan would make such a concession. After all, it was not easy for a company as big as Heiyun to make concessions for her, a little girl who had just graduated.

In fact, Bao Zixuan has also considered this issue. At that time, the invitation on the plane was too hasty. Now it seems that when encountering talents and things, he should not be too impulsive. I just took this opportunity to give the other party a step down. The most important thing was to close the relationship with the Lin family. Now it's time to accumulate contacts. After all, Heiyun Town needs many brands to settle in. No one supports Heiyun alone. A company cannot survive at all. Even if it is forced to continue, it will be very difficult.

Lin Jing'er: "I'm really grateful to Mr. Bao. I will definitely work hard."

Bao Zixuan and Lin Baixin both laughed, feeling that Lin Jing'er really had the mentality of a little girl. But that's good, at least it's not laying a trap around yourself.

Bao Zixuan once again let the staff of Dong Laishun see what the God of Bacchus is. No one can provide an accurate figure on how much wine this super rich man drank, because it was too much.

This time, not only Donglaishun employees saw this, but also the rich second-generation people in Xiangjiang were in admiration. Many people feel that they go to bars every day and still can’t drink like the richest man! Unexpectedly, reality hit them hard in the face, and they really couldn't drink it.

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