Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 555 Absolute Strength 7

Different from the feasting and entertainment in the United States, the atmosphere in Hong Kong at this time is indeed extremely tense. After all, the Hong Kong dollar has fallen so sharply that it has exceeded what most people in Hong Kong can accept. How can it not make people worried? Everyone is not optimistic about the future of Hong Kong, let alone the future of the Hong Kong dollar.

Bao Zixuan has been conducting aircraft research and development in the Weasel Factory these days. Although the German information is very detailed. Even now it seems to be extremely advanced, but electronic information is too far behind this era and needs to be improved. At the same time, Bao Zixuan does not want the aircraft project to lead the world for just a few years, so he has very high requirements for technical indicators.

Engineers in this era didn't quite understand the technical indicators proposed by Bao Zixuan, so they could only ask him to come over and explain it to them.

But other people in Xiangjiang are a little anxious. After all, they have suffered too much from the economic collapse of Xiangjiang.

Huo Yingdong, a person who has always been calm, could not sit still at this time. Xiangjiang has always been the Xiangjiang of the Chinese. The British don't care about the life and death of Xiangjiang, but mainland China is particularly concerned about it. Even senior officials in Kyoto have said that there will be no problem as long as Xiangjiang needs to spend some foreign exchange.

Although China in this era is better than in the previous life, its foundation is too weak after all. Being able to make such a move really moved the tycoons in Xiangjiang who knew the ins and outs of the matter.

There is no harm without comparison. HSBC provided funds to others when international hot money was shorting the Hong Kong dollar. Hua Xia Bank used its small amount of foreign exchange to try its best to rescue the market, which can be said to be a decisive decision.

At this time, Xinhua News Agency President Li, Dong Haoyun, Bao Yugang, Hu Yingxiang and other Hong Kong super-rich people were discussing countermeasures at Huo Yingdong's house.

Fok Yingdong: "Sheng Bao, you are a director of HSBC. Why is HSBC suspending business for rectification at this time!"

In fact, it is for this reason that the short side has increased its efforts today. HSBC, the quasi-central bank of Hong Kong, actually announced over the weekend that it will suspend operations for rectification starting next Monday. This caused a great sensation around the world, and even allowed the short side to see an opportunity.

But at the same time, it also made the people of Xiangjiang feel more panic. HSBC has a transcendent status in the hearts of Xiangjiang people. Every time there is an economic crisis in Hong Kong, we have to rely on HSBC to solve it.

Now that Hong Kong is facing the most serious economic crisis in its history, HSBC has chosen to suspend operations for rectification. How can this not make people panic? Now it is not only the short sellers who are selling the Hong Kong dollar, but the people of Hong Kong are also unable to hold on.

Every additional day of delay will reduce the purchasing power of Hong Kong dollars in their hands by 5 points, and the currency is not gold and silver. Without the support of a credit system, it cannot even compare to toilet paper.

Bao Yugang thought for a while and said: "HSBC provided a lot of funds to Morgan Bank not long ago, and was found out by the Hong Kong government. As a result, HSBC was boycotted by many banks, including Heiyun. The Hong Kong government has passed It is resolved that HSBC’s minting share will be reduced from 70% to 25% starting next year,”

"Not only that, it also requires HSBC to use all its foreign exchange reserves to exchange for Hong Kong dollars. The stability of the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate in the past few days is the result of HSBC using all its foreign exchange reserves for buybacks."

"After the foreign exchange reserves were depleted, the Hong Kong government has ordered HSBC to suspend operations for rectification. It can be said that HSBC has suffered very heavy losses this time."

I heard that HSBC actually provided funds to its opponents at this time. Isn't this cheating?

Huo Yingdong: "How could someone as smart as Shen Bi make such a mistake? Could it be that Morgan Bank offered a temptation that Shen Bi couldn't refuse?"

Bao Yugang: "Morgan helped HSBC acquire a US bank. Shen Bi has been planning HSBC's globalization strategy for a long time. How can he not be tempted by Morgan Bank throwing out such a big cake at this time! But this has seriously damaged the interests of the people of Xiangjiang. , but HSBC also paid a heavy price for this."

Huo Yingdong himself had great opinions on the British. Now after hearing what Pao Yugang said, he felt that these British people had no good intentions when they came to Hong Kong. HSBC was the first bank in Hong Kong and the central bank of Hong Kong. At the critical moment, they only thought about their own interests and completely ignored the life and death of the people of Xiangjiang. Such leaders should be shot, it is really hateful.

Huo Yingdong: "The British are really untrustworthy. If we want to save Xiangjiang, we still have to rely on ourselves."

Then he said to Dong Haoyun: "You still haven't contacted Xiao Baosheng? The company with the largest foreign exchange reserves in Hong Kong must be Heiyun. We can only place our hopes on Xiao Baosheng."

Dong Haoyun was also very angry at this time. HSBC really knows how to choose the right time; such a bank suspension and rectification is simply too cheap for them. Even if it is banned directly, it is not an exaggeration. However, Mr. Dong also knows that this is just his wishful thinking.

Dong Haoyun: "I have called several executives of Heiyun. They only know that Xiaobao is in the Tianshuiwei factory laboratory. They don't know anything else. He should be developing some important technological products, and no one under him dares to disturb him."

Huo Yingdong also tried to contact him, but there was still no news. I couldn't sleep well at night because I couldn't contact him today. Fok Yingdong said, "I can't keep Xiao Baosheng calm. Since he can't leave in Tin Shui Wai, we will go to Tin Shui Wai to find him, otherwise I will never know what to do."

Mr. Huo was really anxious, otherwise he would never have chosen this time to go to Tianshuiwei to find Bao Zixuan. It can be said that everyone is forced and has no choice. Xiangjiang still has to rely on the Chinese to save it, and the British will only take it here.

In this way, Huo Yingdong took everyone to Tianshuiwei again. In just a few days, the roads were much better than when Black Cloud Bank opened. After all, the headquarters of Heiyun Bank has been settled, and the safe deposit box business is the only one in Hong Kong.

Economic crises often bring about social security crises. After all, if there are too many people doing nothing, how can social security be improved? This has also caused the wealthy people in Hong Kong to worry about their valuables being robbed or stolen. In addition, Heiyun Bank's safe deposit box service is reasonably priced, and there is an endless stream of customers coming to open safe deposit boxes every day.

Even if customers come over with multiple infrastructures, they must keep up, otherwise it will give people a very bad impression. This is also the reason why the infrastructure in Tin Shui Wai is much better than in the past few days. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is getting better every day.

Dong Haoyun has the best relationship with Bao Zixuan. When he saw the construction team in Tianshuiwei, he said: "Xiaobao is really able to keep his composure. At this time, he is still engaged in construction and can still invest in scientific research. Now it seems that we are too nervous. Xiaobao feels that Their quality is much better than that of us old men."

Huo Yingdong also didn't expect that Bao Zixuan didn't delay anything. What kind of mentality was this? Are you mature enough or just ignore it! Now it seems that the only way to make yourself give up is to ask him face to face.

After coming to Heiyun Bank, I saw many people either opening safes or exchanging foreign exchange. Many people even directly opened the safe and deposited the converted foreign exchange together with gold and silver.

At this time, the people in Xiangjiang did not dare to trust the banks and were worried that the banks would exchange the deposited foreign exchange. Although you will lose some interest if you deposit it in a safe, who cares about the interest compared to the safety of the funds.

Fok Ying-tung lamented: "The people of Hong Kong are so panicked. Is it possible that the Hong Kong dollar is really going to depreciate significantly? This will be a fatal blow to the economy of Hong Kong."

In fact, seeing people in Xiangjiang exchanging foreign currency, Mr. Huo felt disappointed and helpless. He is also someone who has gone through hard times and knows what people are worried about. Now that I am a super rich man, I don't care if I lose billions. To the super rich, wealth is just a flurry of numbers in a bank account.

But for ordinary people, it is the guarantee of their lives. Losing tens of thousands of yuan may cause a family to be separated and the family to be destroyed.

Bao Yugang: "Yes! Little Baosheng is also a human being after all. What good ideas can he have?"

Dong Haoyun: "Although Xiaobao has not been in business for a long time, he has a good grasp of the current situation. We must have confidence in him. The most important thing is that he will not watch Hong Kong's economy decline and the Hong Kong dollar depreciate crazily."

"There is a problem in Hong Kong's economy, and the Hong Kong dollar has depreciated sharply; Xiaobao has suffered greater losses than anyone else. Since he can still be so relaxed now, it means that he has a way to deal with it; seeing the situation in Tin Shui Wai, I feel relieved."

As the president of Black Cloud Bank, Yuan Tianfan did not dare to neglect when he heard tycoons such as Huo Yingdong, Dong Haoyun, and Bao Yugang coming over. These people are all super tycoons in Xiangjiang, and more importantly, Bao Zixuan respects them extremely.

Coming together at this time must be because we have something important to discuss with the boss, even though we already know the boss's plan. But now is not the time to reveal the secrets to outsiders. The boss didn't tell them, which makes sense. Yuan Tianfan didn't dare to overstep his authority.

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