Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 409 Western 81 Influence

Chapter 409 Western-81 Influence

Bao Zixuan moved with the director every day, and the Soviet army's attack speed was too fast. On average, they have to move nearly 300 kilometers per day. This speed is difficult to reach even when driving on poor roads. They are at war. This once again shocked the whole world and shocked the jaws of European and American military experts.

Lynard Bach was a German veteran who participated in World War II. He mainly served in the North African battlefield and the Western Front. This is why he can come to observe the military exercises openly. If you serve on the Eastern Front, you will inevitably have conflicts with the Soviets, and there may even be blood feuds. How can you dare to come and observe the military exercises? play.

Since the defeat of Germany his unit had surrendered to the Americans, making life less difficult. After being imprisoned for five months, he was released and became a newspaper reporter as he was a journalist. Later, because of his military service experience, he was promoted to a special military commentator. Being able to come to the Soviet Union this time was an eye-opener for him.

Among all the commentary articles, his commentator article was more specific and vivid; at the same time, he listed the highlights and horrors of the Soviet exercise.

First, the Soviet rocket forces first used tactical nuclear missiles of less than 10,000 tons to carry out precise tactical nuclear strikes against NATO military bases and strategic hub targets in West Germany and France, initially paralyzing their combat capabilities.

Second, after the Rocket Force carried out super firepower coverage of nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union’s third-generation tank clusters headed by T72 and T80 tore apart the frontline defense positions of the NATO army from the front, and then quickly advanced all the way.

Third, while the tank group was attacking frontally, the Soviet army, under the air cover of the powerful aviation corps, carried out airborne operations in the rear to seize strategic locations. In the direction of the Baltic Sea, the Soviet army carried out multiple waves of amphibious landing operations to disperse NATO forces and cover frontal tank group assaults!

Finally, it was concluded that under the joint operations of these three directions, the Soviet army successfully fought from East Germany to Dunkirk in France and Antwerp in Belgium in only 8 days in the Western 81 exercise. If it continues, Then it would be the fall of Britain and Spain, and it would only take about half a month for the entire Europe to be completely captured by the Soviet army. At that time, Europe was significantly weaker than the Soviet Union in terms of both the quality and quantity of tanks and aircraft. It was certainly too late to count on U.S. support in such a short period of time. How Western European countries could protect themselves is worth pondering for everyone.

Lynard Bach's article caused a huge response in the world as soon as it was published. The combat effectiveness of the Soviet army was really terrifying. It seems that in the future, only by uniting as one can we protect our homeland and at the same time prevent the Soviets from finding a reason to attack you.

This makes the Western European countries that have dominated the world for hundreds of years very aggrieved. When will they look at other people's faces? This was impossible before. However, the form is weaker than others, so they can only endure it first. Western Europe The country began to show its goodwill.

Unlike the panic among people in Western Europe, the Belvedere Palace in Poland was filled with laughter at this time. On behalf of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Ustinov held a celebration meeting for the Western 81-military exercise, and also commended the Soviet soldiers who performed bravely in the exercise.

Wearing neat marshal uniform, Ustinov stood in the center of the hall and said to those who came to attend the celebration: "Thank you for coming to the celebration of the Western-81 military exercise. Here, on behalf of all the people of the Soviet Union, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all." I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all for coming and express my cordial condolences to the heroic Soviet soldiers. It is your spirit of not being afraid of hardships and sacrifices that has made the Soviet Union a powerful country."

"In the past nearly 60 years, the Soviet soldiers have defeated all invading enemies with their heroic and tenacious fighting spirit and the spirit of sacrifice that dared to fight for the motherland. I believe that this quality can be continued in you, for the sake of greatness Cheers to the Soviets.”

"Next is the moment for you to enjoy, please feel free to release it!"

Ustinov is also a man of action and doesn’t like long speeches. At this time Bao Zixuan looked at the tough Soviet Defense Minister and wondered if he could live longer. When Yeltsin launched a coup, could it still be so smooth?

After all, Ustinov's character and courage are much stronger than those of his successor Yazov. From the current point of view, it will be beneficial for him to have the Soviet Union disintegrate later, but he cannot prevent the Soviet Union from disintegrating. He must find a good choice in the meantime. A balance.

While he was thinking wildly, Ustinov came to him and said: "Comrade Xiaobao, this is a drinking party. It's not your character not to drink. Let's have a drink first; I'll introduce you to some friends later. one time."

The person who came over was wearing the uniform of a Soviet major general, but he didn't look very old. To be awarded such a military rank at such a young age, one must either be very capable, or have a great background, or possess both, and the final probability is even higher.

Ustinov smiled and said: "This is Bao Zixuan from Xiangjiang; Comrade Xiaobao, this is Valenko Ustinov, the director of the Logistics Department of the General Armament Department. You are all young people, what do you have? You can communicate more about things, and if you want to buy something, you can contact her."

"*** has already given instructions on this matter; don't have any scruples," this sentence seemed to be said to Valenko, and after saying this, Ustinov left.

When Bao Zixuan heard the name Valenko-Ustinov, he would immediately think that this person was either his son, or at worst, a nephew. But you can't say these words out loud. It would be very embarrassing if you reveal many things.

Bao Zixuan stretched out his hand and said: "Hello! General Ustinov."

At this time, Valenko-Ustinov did not dare to take off his clothes, so he quickly stretched out his hand and shook it with Bao Zixuan and said: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I have heard of your name for a long time, but I have never had the chance to meet him. You must not call me General, just call me Varenko. And I will still call you Bao from now on, it will appear more affectionate."

We are not fools. For Bao Zixuan, a person with huge influence in the world, to call you affectionately is a recognition of you. The most important thing is that they are very rich, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are as rich as anyone in the country.

That is, at about 30 years old, he is actually able to hold such an important position. Ability, background, and luck are all indispensable. Isn’t such a person worth dating?

They found a remote corner and started chatting. Bao Zixuan mainly wanted to buy some old tanks and armored vehicles, and the kind that dismantled weapons and equipment, otherwise the British would not have agreed to transport them back to Xiangjiang.

This business can be said to be a hit-off, and Valenko-Ustinov is also worried about the old tanks and armored vehicles in the warehouse. Especially for many old models produced and captured during World War II, if you can meet a sponsor who has ideas for them this time, what are you waiting for?

Bao Zixuan purchased nearly a hundred tanks and armored vehicles in relatively good condition from the Soviets at almost the price of scrap metal, while Valenko-Sustinov received a sales quota of a total of 30,000 units of Heiyun Electronics in the Soviet Union. . This is a win-win deal, no one suffers.

However, the topic about the Soviet West-81 military exercise is far from over. At this time, everyone in the White House is looking at the article written by Lynyrd Bach.

President Reagan said to the people below: "Everyone has read this article! How do you feel? If the Soviets attack Western Europe, how will we respond? How long will it take for the military to gather its forces? How will we fight the enemy?"

Casper-Weinberger, like Reagan, had been secretary of defense for less than a year. At this time, everyone was looking at him, knowing that he couldn't hide. After all, this was his duty.

Casper-Weinberg said: "If the Soviets really attack Western Europe, we can only release one or a few tactical nuclear weapons in West Germany to temporarily withstand the Soviets' steel torrent. Then carry out general mobilization of war at home. , requisitioning all ships, cars, planes and other means of transportation; it is expected that 300,000 troops can be mobilized to the front line in one week. However, when the Soviets may attack France, it depends on how long the French can hold off the Soviets."

"If the war is stalemate in France, we can carry out the second Normandy landing. If France cannot withstand it, we can only fight in the UK and look for good opportunities to land on the European continent."

The ruling class of the United States, mostly immigrants from Germany and the United Kingdom, heard that they actually wanted to release tactical nuclear weapons in West Germany. This made senior officials with German ancestry very unhappy, thinking why not release the atomic bomb at your home. But I know there is no other way, otherwise no one would want to blow themselves up for fun. It can be seen that the strength of the Soviet Union at this time has pushed the Americans to such a point, and there is probably no one left.

The Western-81 military exercise has a great influence not only in European and American countries, but also all over the world. All countries are thinking about how to deal with the Soviet Union's three-dimensional integrated nuclear attack, but in the end no good method has been thought of. But the only thing you have to do now is to strengthen your own army and national defense. Only when you are strong will your enemies dare not act rashly against you.

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