The fruits of victory in futures trading are being harvested here, and good news is also coming from the laboratory. Yule-Engel can be said to have held his breath since he came to Heiyun Mobile Phone Company. After being teased kindly by his old friend and rival Martin Cooper, he had not had such passion for a long time.

Heiyun Mobile's support to him can be said to be unprecedented. It will give him whatever he wants, and the research and development funds have never been delayed. Every time it is fully allocated, and at MIT it can be said that any resources he wants will be fully cooperated. This is Heiyun's current network of connections in the school. As long as the project does not involve national security, Heiyun will have priority.

The main reason is that these professors have gained too much from their cooperation with Heiyun, which makes everyone want to cooperate with Bao Zixuan. They are human beings too, with wives and children, and families to support. Now Heiyun has another project to cooperate with them. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so everyone is very enthusiastic.

After Bao Zixuan received the news from the laboratory, he wanted to go back immediately. However, seeing that the people at Blackstone Fund have not returned home after working for more than half a year, it would be a shame to leave without celebrating their success.

Fortunately, things are not going bad these days. The top priority is to harvest the profits from silver and gold futures. Bao Zixuan came to Clay Clark's office and saw him sorting out information.

At this time, all contracts have been closed, and now is the time to count how much money was earned. Clay Clark has worked at Hawkins Fund for more than ten years and has not made as much money as he did at Blackstone Fund in one year. It seems that keeping up with the boss is too important.

Clay Clark: "Boss, you're here. You can never imagine the profit we've made this time. I haven't made as much money this time in all the years I've been working in this business."

Bao Zixuan: "That's a good thing! Please tell me how much we earned this time."

Clay Clark: "Boss, our total profit this time exceeded 9 billion US dollars. We made at least 30% of the total profit from this silver and gold futures trading. It can be said to be a complete victory."

Bao Zixuan didn't expect that this time it would be so big. It would be difficult not to be remembered in the future. After all, there are too many leeks harvested this time, and it will definitely offend a lot of people.

In fact, some institutions in the United States have long wanted to investigate Wall Street fund companies. Although Blackstone was established relatively recently, it is very large and is also within the scope of the investigation. However, their investigation was stopped by the US tax department. Blackstone Fund has paid taxes in full since the day it was established, and has not defaulted on a penny. It can be said that it is one of the companies that pays the most taxes on Wall Street. If the company is investigated in this way, it will really cause trouble and force others to leave. If the tax cannot be collected, no one will turn to it. No one can afford this risk.

This is why Bao Zixuan has always registered his company in Xiangjiang and the United States, places with relatively high taxes, if he did not pay such high taxes. No one will support you at the critical moment. This is why many companies place their registration places on tax haven islands. It seems that they can save a lot of tax. However, if the country wants to investigate when they make money on the sidelines, they will not support you at the critical moment; they do not give the government Why should the government take care of you when you pay taxes?

Bao Zixuan was afraid of this problem, so he registered the fund company in the United States. Although shorting the stock market and futures does not violate the law, it is also suspected of manipulating the financial market. There will also be a lot of trouble in actual investigation. The legal fees alone are not a small amount. It's just that these Bao Zixuan don't know it, so it can be said that they are very lucky.

Bao Zixuan: "I have seen everyone's hard work these days. All traders are rewarded with US$2 million, security guards are US$1 million, and you will receive a bonus of US$10 million."

Then pay all the taxes immediately and you can get a month's holiday. Then there will be new jobs given to you. Count how many people want to go to Japan. Your main jobs in the next few years will be in Asia.

After hearing that his boss had arranged everything, Clay Clark was very moved. The benefits this time can be said to be very considerable. My team has gained a lot, so what is there to be dissatisfied about?

However, Clay Clark is a little puzzled by the focus of his work on Japan in the next few years. Thinking about the boss's source of information, I really shouldn't have any doubts. Following a boss like this, as long as you resolutely carry out your tasks, that's the best choice. I may have the ability, but I'm really not very strong. Clay Clark is still self-aware of this and knows that he is only half a dozen.

When Clay Clark spread the news of the reward to the team, everyone cheered. Everyone thinks that it is worth the effort these days. US$2 million is money that most people will never earn in their lifetime.

Seeing everyone's happy smiles, Bao Zixuan felt very proud. Thinking that he hadn't had a drink for a long time, he said to Clay Clerk: "Choose a good place tonight and let's have a celebration party together."

There was another cheer when I heard the news. There are many young people in Blackstone Fund, and they all want to relax. Now that the boss can actually come together, we really need to celebrate this time.

In the evening, I came to a hotel banquet hall. In this room of more than 1,000 square meters, there were only people from the Blackstone Fund. The minimum purchase for a reservation alone is over $100,000, and they ordered a lot of good wine. Bao Zixuan usually doesn't spend much money, but on occasions like this, he needs to be generous. If a boss is so stingy after making billions of dollars, he really feels sorry for himself and the people who help him make money.

Bao Zixuan stood on the stage and said: "Thank you everyone for your efforts in the recent period. You have received your bonuses!"

All the employees shouted in unison: "Copy that."

Bao Zi This is what I do, and I hope everyone understands."

"We are a family at Blackstone, and we need everyone to work hard. I guarantee that your income will definitely be higher than that of any other fund, but you cannot be complacent. There are many things to learn, and I hope you can continue to enrich yourself. There will be more in the future Many opportunities to make money are waiting for us, and I hope everyone will take advantage of them."

"Okay, I have a lot to say today. Next is the time when we have a carnival. Everyone can drink as much as they want. There is no boss, no superiors and subordinates today. There is just a group of like-minded people partying and celebrating together. Cheers."

After speaking, he took the lead in raising his glass and drank it down, seeing that the boss was so happy. The employees of Blackstone Fund were very excited, and the energy that had been suppressed for so long was finally released.

However, they have not been in contact with Bao Zixuan for a long time, and everyone does not understand the boss's drinking capacity. Everyone wanted to take this opportunity to get the boss drunk, but the security personnel who knew Bao Zixuan's drinking capacity knew the right amount. One is that they know their boss’s drinking capacity, and the other is that unlike these fund managers, they just drink more and rest. They are also responsible for returning all personnel safely, which is also their responsibility.

All members of Blackstone Fund entered carnival mode, and Bao Zixuan once again showed his Dionysian mode. To be honest, he hasn't had a good drink in a long time, and he has been distracted by various things recently. I would like to take this opportunity to relax today. It is not a good thing for a person's nerves to be too tight every day. Relaxing occasionally is more beneficial to physical and mental health.

Blackstone employees saw their boss drinking and refusing to accept anyone who came, which made them even crazier. After frequently toasting to Bao Zixuan, the end result was that everyone drank too much and Bao Zixuan was also a little tipsy.

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