Just as the French were in a stalemate and the world structure was quietly changing, the Rothschild family was not idle either. However, this time they are no longer participating in the capital market game, but secretly sending troops and personnel to the African continent. After planning for so long, it is natural to take action; otherwise it would not be in line with the character of the Luo family!

The Rothschild family relied on its strong financial resources to take away more than half of the weapons and equipment shipped from East Germany. The British Empire is declining day by day, and it has missed the development opportunities of the United States; now the international situation has changed dramatically; France is no longer able to control the African continent.

After all, even a small Niger has not been settled; it is even necessary to pay war reparations to African countries; the Gallic Rooster is really enough.

In a manor outside London, England, several very well-dressed men were sitting together; they seemed to be discussing something. The magnificent decoration and the furnishings in the room all reveal the artistic atmosphere. At the same time, it also shows that these people are not ordinary people; ordinary people may not be able to afford a coffee cup from these people in their lifetime!

If you are the richest man, you will definitely be familiar with this place, and you will know at least two of them; the current patriarch of the Rothschild family and his son Eric Rothschild.

As for the others, they must also be core members of the family; they are just not well-known to the outside world!

The Somali operation is related to the fate of the family, and it can even be said that Stud has lost all the chips; if it is not done well, it will fall into an irreversible situation, and the Rothschild family cannot afford the serious consequences of failure!

But now there is really no other way besides taking risks; fortunately, the family has been operating in Africa for more than 200 years, even earlier than the French!

Without this background, I probably wouldn’t dare to try it.

The family stayed in the UK, but its development was slow; there was no obvious future. Starting from scratch, things are not that simple; that is, while the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, are at loggerheads, they have no time to worry about anything else! The British Empire is deeply mired in the Falklands quagmire, and it will be difficult to escape in a short time; in other words, it can be said that any decent ending is a luxury.

Now that France has defeated Niger, it has the right time, place, and people. If this fails, it can only be said that the Rothschild family deserves to decline!

The elder Rothschild knew very well that his age and body were no longer enough to sustain him for long, so he had been doing his best to train successors in recent years.

Although Eric Rothschild is not particularly outstanding, he still has many advantages; at least listen to the advice!

The most important thing for a person is to be self-aware, listen to others' advice, and have enough to eat; knowing that you are not capable but still wanting to make the decision in everything; the final result will definitely not be good.

There is no doubt that the ability of the founder of a family must belong to the category of dragons and phoenixes among people; there are many capable people among the descendants. But there will never be talented people in every generation, the probability is too low; thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi; this is the truth!

As a family heir, it is not terrible if he is not strong in ability; as a veteran family think tank team, he will definitely not be bad. I'm afraid of those beings who are not good enough and like to dictate everything.

Power; not everyone can give it up easily, especially the children of aristocratic families who want to prove their ability.

The old Rothschild looked at him, and as a son, Eric naturally understood what he meant; his father wanted to cultivate himself, and his intention was not too obvious.

The larger the family, especially a family like the Rothschilds whose relationships are very confusing and complicated, the less affection they have for family. Internal intermarriage means that no one in the family is particularly distant from each other; even father and son will sometimes fight each other for profit.

Meeting a father who has power and is willing to give you a chance is much rarer than you think!

Eric Rothschild was also very well prepared for conquering Africa; no one wanted the opportunity to make a contribution slip away from him!

The competition within the Rothschild family is very fierce, and the father does not have only one son. Even if he only has one son, if he wants to inherit the position of patriarch, he needs to be unanimously recognized by the family.

If you want to become a clan leader, you must stand out among your peers; ability is an objective evaluation, and merit is the real thing.

Eric Rothschild organized his thoughts and turned on the projector at the same time. It was not enough to describe it in words, he had to let the old guys in the family know. It was definitely the right choice to leave this matter to him, and even Say no one!

If you take a closer look, you will find that the projector is actually produced by Heiyun Group; it can only be said that when the product is good enough, any country, any family, and any company will purchase it. For the super rich, price is not the main reason for purchasing goods, but performance is the key!

Eric Rothschild said very seriously: "Currently, the family has purchased through various channels enough weapons and equipment to arm 100,000 people; this includes land, sea, air, and rocket forces."

"According to the current analysis of international military strength and troop numbers, it can definitely be ranked in the top 50; it is estimated that no country in Africa dares to face toughness!"

At this moment, it is necessary to give the family elders enough confidence. Brothers work together and can cut through gold. There can only be one voice within the Rothschild family, which is dedicated to winning Somalia; as for other things, it must be put aside.

Everyone knows what it means to win a piece of land that belongs to the family, but some people will inevitably look forward and backward; they are afraid of losing everything they currently own.

The rich cherish their lives, and the old people in the world are less courageous; it is more appropriate to apply it to some elderly people in the Rothschild family.

Once the operation begins, all concerns must be dispelled; all family resources are directed toward Somalia, and everyone needs to work together. Now he just needs to inform the old stubborn within the family that he is strong enough; just wait to receive the news of victory.

If anyone makes a stumbling block in this process, I'm so sorry; when everything is settled, they will definitely deal with you!

In fact, everything is based on paper strength, and Eric Rothschild knows this better than anyone; it is true that Rothschild is rich enough to rival the country. But after all, it is not a real country, or to a certain extent, it is a force that makes countries all over the world very afraid!

Having money is not scary, and having guns is acceptable; but having both money and guns, it is impossible for a country’s leader to remain indifferent. Therefore, after so many years, countries around the world have tacitly allowed the Rothschild family to dominate the financial field; but if it touches red lines, such as the arms business, then sorry, they will definitely find ways to stumble.

There is only one core purpose, making money is no problem; subversion of the political power is never allowed!

At most, they can hold a small stake in major European and American weapons manufacturing companies, and they still have no say. As for getting involved in the military, they don't even think about it.

Of course, the ancient industry of mercenaries has always maintained contact with the Rothschild family; money can make all the difference, not to mention that the other party is the richest family in history!

It is indeed true to purchase weapons and equipment to arm 100,000 people, but the actual number of soldiers recruited, even if mercenaries are included, is only 50,000. It’s not that you don’t have enough financial resources, but that you need to keep it secret; although it will definitely be known to the world in the end, if you can hide it for one more day, the probability of success will be higher!

Hearing that it has weapons and equipment to arm 100,000 people, and it also has land, sea, air, and rocket forces; combined with the picture of mountains of guns and ammunition on the projection. Several people at the scene showed expressions of satisfaction, thinking that the money was really well spent!

With such strength; not to mention the capture of Somalia, even if it is carried out within the British Empire, it is very likely to be successful. After all, there are not many troops stationed in the UK at the moment.

It is more of a fantasy. Even if it is as powerful as the Rothschild family, it would not dare to disturb the five permanent members of the United Nations. When they get along normally, it's because they need each other; stabbing someone in the back is tantamount to hitting the muzzle of a gun directly.

The British, who are worried about insufficient military spending, will never let a big family take the initiative to sacrifice their lives. By then, there will be a legitimate reason to clean up the Rothschild family; and it will be something that no one can find fault with!

Eric Rothschild was the one reporting next, and no one else participated; the superior men still didn’t understand many things; they basically couldn’t get a word in!

The entire meeting was a happy one. Of course, Eric Rothschild was thinking more from a business perspective; shopping malls are like battlefields, but they are not battlefields after all; there is an essential difference between the two.

In addition, some forces did not want to see the Rothschild family easily occupying a piece of territory, which really caused Eric Rothschild to suffer a lot; of course, that is all for later! At least at this moment, everyone in the family still trusts him very much.

It has been a long time since I updated; perhaps the first thirty years of my life were not as many as what I have experienced in the last three months; first, my mother could not take care of herself and needed to be taken care of at home; until she was sent away a week ago!

Then the child has a malignant tumor and will need full-time care in the hospital for some time to come. Maybe the road I took before was too smooth, and God is adding more hardships to me!

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