Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 1912 Africa Strategy 9 Tough Attitude

No. 19 – Tough attitude

The British must clearly understand that as they enter modern society, the international situation has changed and the sun no longer sets on the United Kingdom. Egypt is not a player that can be manipulated at will, otherwise the opponent will just slap its nose in the face. A small British ambassador can act so arrogant and unreasonable in the face of the Egyptian president, let alone other Egyptians. Today he must be taught a lesson to let him understand who belongs to this land. The master!

Mubarak said with a serious expression: "Your Excellency Ambassador, Egyptian cultural relics were lost and were found on merchant ships passing through the Suez Canal. Intensify inspections to recover the lost cultural relics. This is Egypt's internal affairs and does not seem to have anything to do with the United Kingdom."

"Egypt's action is not targeted at the individual; that is to say, every country will be treated equally. Letting go of restrictions on British merchant ships will make other countries think about it; therefore, it will be difficult for Egypt to comply."

The British ambassador was surprised to hear the other party's unhesitating rejection; even in the decline of the British Empire, it was still one of the five permanent members of the United Nations. A small Egypt, a country that has been repeatedly pushed to the ground by Israel, still dares to say no.

If you don’t give me a lesson, you really don’t know how much you weigh!

British Ambassador: "Mr. President, the relationship between the British Empire and Egypt has a long history. Egypt has become the most industrially developed country in Africa; the empire has played an important role in it."

"The Suez Canal was built with funding from the British Empire; otherwise, there would be no prosperity today."

"Not to mention that everything in Egypt was given by the British Empire, but it's not far behind. We don't ask Egypt to be grateful, but we can't repay kindness with enmity!"

"If the British Empire is really provoked, Egypt may not be able to bear all the consequences!"

Mubarak felt very unhappy when he heard the other party talking to him in a threatening tone; he was even a little angry. However, this is a diplomatic occasion, and weak countries do not have diplomacy, which is based on the rules set by the British Empire.

Today we want them to know that Egypt is no longer a piece of meat on the chopping board; it is a country that can be easily slaughtered by anyone. At the same time, Britain must pay a price, and the old and new grudges must be settled together!

Mubarak said directly: "Mr. Ambassador, although the Suez Canal is an international waterway, it is also an inland river of Egypt! Inspection of ships traveling in Egypt's inland rivers is in compliance with international shipping laws."

"This is a loss of Egyptian cultural relics, and we must give an explanation to the people; it is Egypt's internal affairs, and outsiders have no right to interfere."

"If it is other matters, they can be discussed; but I have issued a presidential decree and it cannot be changed."

Unexpectedly, the Egyptians would dare to talk to him like this, which made the British ambassador feel incredible. No matter how high and powerful the position is, it represents the British Empire. At the same time, as a long-established nobleman, his ancestors even served as British governors in Egypt. According to the history passed down by the family, Egyptians have always been docile. Could it be that he is incompetent or that his ancestors are too brave.

No matter what, the task must be completed; adhering to the family's traditional concept of always being tough on the Egyptians, the British ambassador started another extraordinary operation!

British Ambassador: "President Mubarak; now I represent the British Empire, I hope you understand!"

"Egyptian cultural relics are lost not once or twice; the navigation time of the Suez Canal will become longer, and the Egyptian economy will be greatly affected. Currently, the British Empire is beating the Argentines in the Falkland Islands, and I don't want Egypt to follow in their footsteps!"

Playing the emotional card failed, and now he is thinking of threatening himself; the loss of Egyptian cultural relics is serious, and it is not thanks to the British. What does it mean not once or twice? It is really still the colonial period.

Could it be that after the war with Argentina is over, they will come over to attack Egypt? Do the British take themselves too seriously?

What time is it now? Argentina can't even deal with it; it even takes the initiative to provoke Egypt. You really think you are easy to bully!

So what if he represents the British Empire? Is Egypt still afraid of him? We must push back forcefully, otherwise the British will only become more arrogant!

Mubarak: "Mr. Ambassador, you should know what role your family played in the loss of Egyptian cultural relics. But what I want to say is, that was before; now I am the president of Egypt, I hope you can understand!"

"The inspection of ships plying the Suez Canal must be carried out resolutely. Before, it was thought that everyone should be treated equally, but now it seems that we must focus on taking care of British ships. After all, you have a criminal record. Many cultural relics in the British museum were transported from Egypt. Yes!

At this time, the presidential assistant came in and reported: "Your Excellency, the cultural relics lost in the museum were seized from the British merchant ship."

Hearing this, the Egyptian officials at the scene became even more angry; they had been suppressing their anger before, but they did not expect the British to actually be involved.

Some of the cultural relics borrowed from the museum were put on Panamanian merchant ships; although they were somewhat unjust, in order to achieve their goals; sometimes they had no choice but to pass through the Suez Canal at this time!

After inspecting the Panamanian merchant ship, the merchant ships of other countries must be inspected more strictly. When seeing a British merchant ship, naturally we cannot let go of the opportunity.

So the Black Cloud Intelligence Department relied on its strong strength to put some cultural relics on British merchant ships.

At this moment, the British couldn't explain at all. There were too many people carrying private goods. In addition, the Egyptians detained the British in solitary confinement, without even a chance for discussion or recovery!

Mubarak said with a serious expression: "Mr. Ambassador, you should have heard it!"

"There are indeed British merchant ships involved in smuggling cultural relics; this illegal behavior must be cracked down on and made known to the world; it violates Egyptian law; a heavy price must be paid!"

Then he told the presidential assistant: "Immediately escort the British merchant ship involved in smuggling cultural relics to the port, and conduct strict interrogation of the crew; see if there are any accomplices or other merchant ships involved."

"In addition, a comprehensive investigation will be carried out on British merchant ships plying the Suez Canal and cargo ships transporting supplies to the UK. A good person cannot be wronged, but a bad person must not be let go."

Mubarak issued the order in front of the British Ambassador, and there was no room for negotiation; it can be said that this time he made up his mind and made it clear that he would not give face to the British Empire!

The British ambassador was also very angry. At such a critical period, the merchant ships still didn't know how to restrain themselves. Can't they just ship the goods well? If you have to smuggle cultural relics, you have to distinguish the occasion and time to make money.

But no matter how angry you are, you can't just ignore it; if the British violate Egyptian laws, what can they do?

Although he is surprised by Mubarak's attitude, I believe that the other party does not dare to embarrass the British Empire too much. Dogmatism kills people. It can only be said that the British ambassador was used to it when his ancestors were kings in Egypt.

British Ambassador: "President Mubarak, there must be a misunderstanding here. British merchant ships have always abided by the law and will never participate in the smuggling of cultural relics."

"There is also the innocent seizure of a British merchant ship, which is inconsistent with international law; whether Egypt can bear all the consequences of this."

"In addition, I have to meet the captain, and I hope the Egyptian side can make arrangements."

If the British abided by international law, the world would be much more peaceful than it is now; the other side is simply taking their shamelessness to the extreme. The evidence is conclusive, but he is still denying it; he really thinks that the Egyptians are easy to bully.

You can meet the criminal suspects if you want; where is the dignity of Egypt as a sovereign country!

With a look from Mubarak, the presidential assistant immediately understood what he meant; he said directly to the British ambassador: "We found Egypt's lost cultural relics on a British merchant ship, and the entire process was audio and videotaped; it fully complies with international shipping laws."

"Until the matter is clarified, the suspect cannot have any contact with the outside world; I hope you can understand."

Mubarak actually asked his assistant to speak to him, completely ignoring the British Empire.

The British ambassador said very seriously: "Did President Mubarak mean this too!"

He is still threatening himself. If he is scared by you, then there is no need for the Egyptian president to continue.

Mubarak: "I have just made it clear that Egypt will never wrongly accuse a good person; but it will also not let a bad person go. As a sovereign country, Egypt has the right to detain and examine anyone who commits a crime in Egypt. "

"Of course, no conclusion can be drawn until the matter is investigated clearly; but now that everyone has stolen the goods, how can we deny it? Before all the cultural relics are recovered, the inspection of merchant ships plying and frothing in the Suez Canal must continue."

"As the president, you must be responsible to the country and the people; if you betray the trust of the people, then you are not worthy of being the president of Egypt!"

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