Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 1905 Africa Strategy 3

While Bao Zixuan was talking to Eric Rothschild, inside the presidential palace in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, a middle-aged man was reporting to a man who looked like a leader. Anyone who knows a little bit about world politics will be familiar with this man, because he is the current President of Egypt - Mubarak!

To say that this president is also a ruthless person, if he does not have strong skills, it is unrealistic to lead a country!

Mubarak graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy and the Air Force Academy, and went to the Soviet Union three times to study. 1 Eastern War and commanded air combat. 1. Commander of the Air Force of the Third Front in Syria and Jordan, and was awarded the Medal of the Republic. 1 Vice President. 1 was the fourth president of Egypt until his resignation on February 11, 2011. He has been in charge of Egypt for 30 years, and his ability and strength are evident!

As the president, he must know that Bao Zixuan entered Egypt; besides, the other party entered Egypt normally and had nothing to hide. The world's richest man will always be the center of attention wherever he goes; but this time, after all, it was the other party who took the initiative and was not invited by Egypt; the matter is somewhat intriguing.

Although Heiyun Group has investments in Egypt, compared to its huge size, the projects in Egypt are simply not worth Bao Zixuan's personal visit. If you want to be optimistic about Egypt's market and development prospects, Mubarak himself probably doesn't believe it. After all, the current situation in Egypt is not very stable, and it is not favored by big companies at all!

When Mubarak took over as president, he faced a severe and difficult domestic situation. The economy is in recession, inflation is serious, debts are high, corruption is rampant, corruption is endemic, social security is deteriorating, violence continues, and terrorist activities are rampant. In order to stabilize the domestic political situation, while carrying out political reforms, the focus of work has been shifted to domestic economic construction.

Although he was a soldier, Mubarak was still very concerned about economic development!

After becoming president, he immediately convened an economic conference attended by economists, financial circles and business circles to study issues of revitalizing the economy. He also learned the profound lessons from the nationalized economy in the Nasser era and the free and open economy in the Sadat era. While adhering to the opening-up policy, he proposed that opening up to the outside world must be conducive to Egypt's economic development and strive to change the production level of Egypt's east and the west. The pathological production and consumption structure of consumption level.

In order to revitalize the economy and allow the people to live a good life, Mubarak formulated a series of economic reform measures to promote economic improvement. First, implement preferential policies to attract large amounts of foreign investment. The government has prioritized direct investment in agriculture and technology, expanded electricity supply, and prioritized the development of the steel industry.

It has also formulated a series of policies to loosen restrictions on enterprises. 1 Lac signed a new state-owned enterprise law, expanding the management rights of state-owned enterprises. 17 new industrial cities have been built across the country. Factories have been built in these cities and modern transportation and communication networks have been built. Mubarak's new economic policy achieved some results in the first few years, boosting Egypt's economic development rate. 1. Egypt’s economic growth rate is 7%-7.5%, and the fiscal deficit has dropped by 50%.

We will adopt a policy that is both positive and prudent and intensify economic reform. Many new measures have been introduced in terms of finance, currency and finance, exchange rate, commodity prices, investment, reform of state-owned enterprises and promotion of privatization. The economic situation has improved and certain achievements have been achieved.

Three feet of ice does not freeze in a day. Egypt used to be called the largest industrial power in the Arab world; but looking at the entire Arab region, there is really no decent industry. The technological blockade of Western countries has always existed. Therefore, the overall industrial strength is far behind that of many developing countries.

I think I am still an accomplished president, and this is indeed the case; I must not miss such a good opportunity! As the world's richest man, Bao Zixuan is actually a top economist. It has become a benchmark in itself. As long as the other party is willing to invest in Egypt, it will no longer be a problem to develop the economy and improve the industrial level.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Mubarak thought for a moment and said, "What do you think Bao Zixuan wants from this trip!"

As the top leader, he will not easily express his personal opinions; his subordinates will instinctively think that this is how things should be done. But no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes; it is better to listen to the opinions of subordinates before making decisions; this can appropriately reduce the risk of failure.

Gathering the strengths of many people is an art; it is also a required course for leadership.

As a subordinate, the leader asks you questions; that is a test and exercise for you. Whether you can seize the opportunity is very important; if you cannot give constructive opinions, you are likely to be marginalized in the future.

The subordinate replied very seriously: "Bao Zixuan has been in East Germany before, and according to the route, he should go to other countries in Eastern Europe. With the merger of the two Germanys, many countries in Eastern Europe have the idea of ​​​​breaking away from the Soviet Union; as the most astute businessman in the world, he certainly will not I will pass up this opportunity.”

"The economy of Eastern Europe is indeed much worse than that of Western Europe, but its industrial foundation is not weak at all. The acquisition of state-owned enterprises at this time will be conducive to the global layout of Heiyun Group!"

"The other party did not do that, but came directly to Egypt; it shows that he cares more about Egypt and the entire African continent."

"Currently, ships from East Germany pass through Suez every day, and most of their destinations are Somalia, except Fucaira."

"On the surface, it seems that East Germany destroyed all Soviet-made weapons and equipment in order to merge with West Germany; but in fact, Germans are not that stupid. As a businessman, Bao Zixuan will definitely not see the benefits slip away before his eyes."

"The person in charge of the destruction of weapons and equipment was Ustinov Jr., Deputy Minister of Defense and Director of the General Armament Department of the Soviet Union. His relationship with Bao Zixuan is not a secret in the world."

"As long as the East German military is persuaded, they will be given huge benefits; the Soviets will turn a blind eye. It is not difficult to transport weapons and equipment out."

"So I can conclude that the cargo ship is definitely equipped with weapons and equipment; as for the industrial equipment, it is more of a cover."

"Bao Zixuan is right next to the Suez Canal and is still negotiating with direct descendants of the Rothschild family. This means that the Rothschild family is also involved."

"Considering that the destination of the cargo ship is Somalia, maybe that family is planning to take action against Somalia."

"The African continent has been in constant war for the past few hundred years, and it is closely related to the Rothschild family. It is possible that they saw the civil strife in Somalia and wanted to take advantage of it."

"It just makes people a little confused. It was more behind the scenes before; this is the first time it is so blatant, and it makes people a little confused."

After hearing the analysis of his subordinates, Mubarak was very satisfied; it seemed that the boy in front of him was worth training and had a comprehensive grasp of international affairs.

But he can take advantage of this opportunity to get some training; he is no longer young, and the people who will conquer the world together are not too young; it is time to train some new people.

Economic reform requires young people; only fresh blood can bring about change.

Mubarak sneered and said: "Without the Rothschild family, the African continent would not be what it is now; if this family comes, it will definitely be bad!"

"I always think that they funded the construction of the Suez Canal, and they always want to get a share of the pie; nothing in the world is so cheap. How many people died in Egypt in order to open the Suez Canal; besides, they have received tolls for decades, and the original investment, I don’t know how many times I’ve made money; what else is there to be dissatisfied about?”

For the Rothschild family, not only the Egyptians; it seems that the whole of Africa is full of hatred and wants to completely eliminate them. However, if the strength does not allow it, how can we be lonely? But where is the strength? If African countries want to take care of others, they are still not satisfied.

You can't take the initiative, but you can cause trouble for the other party; you can still do it if you take advantage of it!

The subordinate was also a smart man and immediately said: "I am going to make arrangements and have the canal management department strictly inspect it; we cannot let the Rothschild family take advantage of the loopholes."

"But after all, it involves Bao Zixuan, and I hope that the President will come forward in person."

The subordinates were smart and saved a lot of trouble. Mubarak was very pleased and said with a smile: "Invite Bao Zixuan to the presidential palace; distinguished guests come to the door. As a president, you must show your due attitude and sincerity."

"As for inspecting ships, don't go too far; leave some weapons and equipment as tolls, which will help Egypt improve its national defense construction!"

Whether it is the Rothschild family or Bao Zixuan, they are all extremely powerful beings. Although Egypt is a sovereign country, it does not want to cause trouble.

If the two families unite, Mubarak's life will not be easy. Many things are good in moderation, and we must grasp the scale and propriety; in this way, everyone can live with it and be more acceptable!

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