When Bao Zixuan got up the next day, he found that no one had gotten up. We had so much fun last night that most of us drank too much. Go to Phil Hawkins' room and wake him up quickly. Fortunately, there was only Phil Hawkins, otherwise there would be no need to get married.

After seeing that the master was awake, the housekeeper quickly arranged for people to wake up all the remaining guests. Phil Hawkins was still in a hazy state, and Bao Zixuan saw many girls still in the villa.

He immediately asked his bodyguards to send them all away. If this was photographed by some people with ulterior motives, it would be another bloody plot. After having a quick bite at noon, everyone packed up and headed to the church.

1:00 p.m. St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York.

St. Patrick's Cathedral is located next to the busiest Fifth Avenue in New York. It is said to be the largest church in New York. It was also the place where the Vatican Archbishop came to the United States to preach. Its simple and elegant Gothic architecture is particularly eye-catching next to Fifth Avenue, which is full of fashion, taste and even luxury. New York is an international metropolis that gives people the impression of being colorful and prosperous. Unexpectedly, the rich history of Catholicism in the United States is hidden among the high-rise buildings.

If you have to choose the place that is most worth "visiting here", it is really a nerve-wracking thing. There is a St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, which is included in almost every tour project about the history of Catholicism. Naturally, we cannot miss it. On New York's famous Fifth Avenue, the most eye-catching thing is naturally the dazzling array of top-tier brand stores. In addition, there is one attraction worth visiting, which is St. Patrick's Cathedral, the venue for today's wedding.

Those who came to attend the wedding today were all direct relatives of both parties. Bao Zixuan also met Phil Hawkins' mother. Although she had remarried, she still had to attend such an important occasion as her son's wedding.

The person presiding over the ceremony today is a cardinal. After all, both families have extraordinary influence in the United States. Bao Zixuan has been following Phil Hawkins as the best man. After all, he will give the ring to him later.

After the gospel was played, the bishop said: "Today we are here to witness the wedding ceremony of a couple."

"I would like to ask the bride, Miss Louise Rockefeller, will you marry Mr. Phil Hawkins!"

“Whether it’s good times or bad, rich or poor, in health or sickness, happy or sad, you will always love him, cherish him, and be faithful to him, forever and ever!”

Louise Rockefeller: "I do."

The bishop then said: "I would like to ask Mr. Phil Hawkins if you are willing to marry Miss Louise Rockefeller."

"Whether it is good times or bad, rich or poor, in health or sickness, happy or sad, you will always love her, cherish her, and be faithful to her forever and ever!"

Phil Hawkins: "I do."

Lord Bishop: "Does any of you here object to the marriage of Miss Louise Rockefeller and Mr. Phil Hawkins!"

After waiting for a while, "I declare Miss Louise Rockefeller to be the legal wife of Mr. Phil Hawkins. Please exchange wedding rings."

At this time, Bao Zixuan realized that the ring was still in his hand, and immediately gave it to Phil Hawkins. At the same time, Phil Hawkins said that his new wife's cousin Diana Rockefeller also handed the ring to Louise Rockefeller.

Seeing that Phil Hawkins actually found a man with obvious Asian characteristics to be his best man, many people became interested in Bao Zixuan's identity.

After all, being the best man's status is certainly not too bad, especially at a wedding that is not particularly pure.

After Phil Hawkins kissed his newlywed wife, everyone was ready to go to the beach house, which was a property owned by Louise Rockefeller's family and was now given to the newlyweds as a wedding gift.

At this time, Bao Zixuan took a closer look at the girl who was so praised by Phil Hawkins. She looked better than Louise Rockefeller, but she was not as exaggerated as she said!

But when Bao Zixuan took a second look, he suddenly realized that the girl in front of him was much more beautiful. He didn't believe it, but he looked at it for a third time and had a different feeling.

It turns out that this girl is called Diana Rockefeller, but the girl is the kind of girl who gets better and better the more she looks at her. She is a particularly attractive type of girl. At this moment, Bao Zixuan felt a little excited, but it was just a little impulsive.

In his mind, Asian girls were more pleasing to the eye, but his eyes did not escape the eyes of Charles Rockefeller, who had been paying attention to him.

Charles Rockefeller knew there was a way after seeing Bao Zixuan's behavior. Diana was his sister, and a biological sister. The two were twins, but Diana was born 3 minutes earlier than him.

After arriving at the beach villa, the elders left after sending their blessings. After all, they had to give the young people some space.

Charles Rockefeller came to Bao Zixuan and said, "Bao, today's bridesmaid is beautiful!"

Bao Zixuan didn't know what this kid meant, but he still said truthfully: "It's not bad. It looks average at first glance, but it's the kind of eye-catching type."

After hearing Bao Zixuan's answer, Charles Jiu felt that he was very knowledgeable. My sister is a great beauty, so I'm not afraid that you won't be tempted.

Charles Rockefeller: "As far as I know, she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, and you don't have a girlfriend. Together, you two are a perfect match. How about I give you a chance to reconcile."

Bao Zixuan: "You don't have any conspiracy, right? Why don't I look at you with any good intentions? I think it's better to forget it."

At this moment, today's newlyweds came over, and Bao Zixuan quickly went up to say hello.

Louise Rockefeller said: "Thank you so much for coming to our wedding today, and especially the gift you gave us was truly wonderful."

Bao Zixuan: "It's nothing. Phil and I are good friends; this is what I should do."

At this time, Louise Rockefeller pulled today's bridesmaid and said to Bao Zixuan: "This is my cousin Diana Rockefeller."

Then he said: "This is Bao Zixuan from Heiyun Group. Haven't you always wanted to get to know him?"

When Bao Zixuan saw this, he could only say hello. After all, it was a matter of basic courtesy, and said: "Hello, Miss Rockefeller, you are so beautiful today."

Diana Rockefeller: "Thank you, just call me Diana without being so polite."

At this time, seeing Charles Rockefeller next to her, Diana Rockefeller said, "What are you doing here? Bao and I have something to talk about. You go somewhere else to stay for a while."

I saw Charles Rockefeller leaving as cautiously as a mouse sees a cat.

Seeing this, Bao Zixuan knew that this must be the biological sister mentioned by Charles Rockefeller. He was used to being bullied since he was a child. Why was he so afraid of this girl?

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know what Diana has to do with Russia."

Diana Rockefeller: "I want to invest in Heiyun Group. After I invest, there will be a big improvement in terms of management, capital, and high-end technology."

Listening to what Diana Rockefeller said, Bao Zixuan would have left long ago if it weren't for her last name. What you can provide to Heiyun Group, that venture capital company cannot provide. I really don't know whether a girl with a high level of heaven and earth will be superior in the long term. too strong.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm sorry, today is my private time to attend the wedding. I don't want to talk about the company, and I won't mention the application for shareholding of Heiyun Group in the future. Heiyun Group will not accept the application for shareholding as a whole. And Miss Rockefeller You can’t represent the Rockefeller family yet, so your funds should not be enough.”

Upon hearing this, the pretentious young lady's face immediately changed, and she said angrily: "You will regret it."

He just left such a meaningless sentence and left, but it did bring a lot of trouble to Bao Zixuan in the days to come.

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