Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 97: Grandpa Liu's illness

The second day was when Su Mian gave the villagers a physical examination. She had already agreed with Doctor Ma.

Doctor Ma was very happy, and came over early in the morning after breakfast.

The sun is shining outside, and the temperature rises extremely fast after the Chinese New Year, and it’s not cold when you show your hands outside.

Su Mian asked a group of boys to move the table to the yard and assigned some simple procedures to Doctor Ma.

Doctor Ma is also very excited to do a medical examination for the villagers for the first time. Inquired in detail about the inspection items and what matters to pay attention to.

Su Mian said in detail and joked that it would be great if Doctor Ma could give the villagers a physical examination every year.

In the end, Doctor Ma really agreed.

She came back very few in the future, and the villagers still had to go to Doctor Ma when they were sick. She handed over the diagnosis methods and procedures for common diseases that she had handwritten to Doctor Ma.

These are all her experience during this time, and there are also some ancient recipes. The medicinal materials are taken from some common wild vegetables such as plantain and shepherd's purse in rural fields.

In fact, there are many remedies that are common foods in daily life, but some have long been lost, and some have been gradually forgotten.

After speaking, he took out a book again, "This is a set of Tai Chi methods I have seen from the book. I have already taught Su Jinlong, and I will let him take everyone to practice in the morning to keep fit!"

The villagers were so happy when they heard it, where did Su Mian have so many weird ideas?

"This is great, we don't have to go to the county seat for headaches in the future!"

"No, Su Mian, you really think about us all!"

"What are you doing stupidly? Come on, Da Liu, you are the first!" Doctor Ma pulled Liu Da over.

The living standards of rural people in this era are not high, and they don’t know how to maintain them.

At this time, a military jeep stopped, and the two little soldiers brought down some simple medical equipment.

This was sent by Zhao Bo. Last time she donated the prescription of Norovirus to the Second Military Medical University. She took care of what Zhao Bo asked for. It will be much easier for villagers to see a doctor in the future.

In the morning, Su Mian detected several serious illnesses.

Liu Da's grandfather had shadows in his lungs, and Su Mian suspected it was lung cancer. There is no effective medicine for this disease in the 21st century, let alone this era.

Su Mian is helpless, even if she holds the space in her hand, she can't do anything about it.

Now I can only hope that Grandpa Liu finds out early and can effectively control the cancer.

Hey, there are times when the medical space is powerless!

[Sigh? Who says it can't be cured? Wenwen appeared at the critical moment, with one arm propped in front of Su Mian, and his head moved towards him again.

"Why did you come out?" Su Mian took his hand, trying to push him back, but didn't know how.

Wenwen happily told her, [Look at your fuss, I can be invisible now, only you can see me. 】

Su Mian breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up to see that the villagers did not pay attention to her. "You just said it can be cured?"

Wenwen opened the fan brushingly and looked like it was hanging. Su Mian cognizantly gave him 100 benevolence. Wenwen then went on to say, [Grandpa Liu is still early and the cancer cells have not spread yet, you can do him ablation. Operation! 】

With that said, Su Mian's mood is a little better.

But I am also worried that Grandpa Liu is over 80 years old, and I don't know if I can make it through.

Su Mian glanced at the door unintentionally, Xiao Liuzi was digging his head, and Su Mian remembered that he had already undergone a physical examination.

"Little Liuzi, what are you doing there!" Su Mian smiled and waved to him. She understood that Xiao Liuzi was not a twitchy temper. What's wrong with him today?

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