Have peacekeepers been here?

Wei Zhenhui was taken aback for a moment, but it was also good news. Does this mean that the cannibal tribe is not as terrifying as expected.

Since the peacekeeping medical team couldn't help it, Wei Zhenhui was even more certain that they were infected with the E virus of the Shanri organization.

"I brought the most famous expert in China, so she can treat you on the spot." After speaking, she lowered her voice and asked Jing Xiangwan, "Auntie, how long will the E virus vaccine take effect?"

"There is a reaction in ten minutes, and the effect is more obvious in half an hour."

"Okay, give me ten minutes, ten minutes, I will show you how effective it is? My soldiers are still in your hands, and we will not play tricks. Remember, we are Chinese peacekeepers, and we do everything we say and do. On behalf of our motherland, China."

Wei Zhenhui saluted the military in the direction of the motherland.

Immediately afterwards, more than 20 special forces and medical teams followed to salute.

Solemn and inviolable.

Perhaps it was Wei Zhenhui's righteous remarks, or perhaps Aka felt that they were holding hostages, and he finally agreed to let Jing Xiangwan conduct an experiment on an old man.

The old man is already at the end of his life. If he fails, it can alleviate his pain.

Compared with the people in the Kabu tribe, the people here have been infected with the virus for a longer time. The old people have become skinny and have only one breath to maintain.

Jing Xiangwan and his assistant gave him an injection quickly.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Everyone is looking forward to a miracle.

The special forces are even more sweaty.

If they fail the blood test, this is a bet. If it weren't for the E virus, let alone rescue Luo Cheng, they would all die miserably!

Jing Xiangwan was frightened with nervousness.

She witnessed Huo Zhiwen's reaction after the vaccination, so she unconsciously compared it.

Gradually, the old man began to settle down, his eyes became focused, his breathing began to flow smoothly, and the whole person became energetic.

ten minutes later.

The old man jumped up from the ground and pointed at Aka, "How can you let a woman touch my body?"

Jing Xiangwan was taken aback for a moment, but she reacted quickly and succeeded. The old man is conscious and can already distinguish people!

What the Special Forces team is thinking about is, what's wrong with women touching you, women are so precious, if you think you want, women will touch you!

Goode in the distance yelled with excitement, "Aka, he recognizes people, he can recognize people. I didn't lie to you, Wei brought the most famous expert in the world! I put such a good doctor Bring it to you, you still won't let your people let me go!"

Aka's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

What happened before me was incredible.

Ten minutes ago, the old man was still stunned, as if he was about to die, they put a needle in his arm and he was healed!

"Aka, you let me go!" Goode complained again.

Aka raised his hand, and Goode was finally put down and rushed over in a few steps.

He ran to Jing Xiangwan and exclaimed in surprise, "Jing, you are great, you must see my wife and daughter when you go back!"

Jing Xiangwan smiled, "Okay."

"Also, don't mind. Men are the first place here, pigs are the second, and women are the third. Therefore, men don't want to be touched by women other than their wives."

Jing Xiangwan didn't care about this. For a doctor, what could excite her more than a patient's recovery?

The old man already understood what was going on, and immediately thanked Jing Xiang Wan, "I'm very sorry for my rudeness just now, thank you for saving me!"

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