Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 2349: Physical examination

After sleeping for less than two hours, they assembled.

But what is strange this time is that it was not the scheduled morning exercises, but the physical examinations that were not planned at all.

"Squad leader, is there any temporary task that needs to select people with particularly good health?"

Everyone is a little excited. The physical examination is just a small matter for them. What they care more about is why they need the physical examination.

Mu Tianchen shook his head, "I don't know."

Things that Mu Tianchen didn't know were really secrets.

So a group of people became even more excited, and couldn't wait to prove their strong physique and wanted to be selected.

Mu Tianchen looked at Cheng Xi, "Are you okay?"

Cheng Xi looked at him, a little embarrassed, "I'm fine...thanks to your medicated oil."

Mu Tianchen looked at Cheng Xi's reddish cheeks and the clearer eyes under the sun, his face suddenly tightened.

Turning his face away, he stopped talking to her.


Cheng Xi touched her nose. Why did she feel that she was a little closer to the squad leader every time, and the next moment she felt that the relationship between the two was still so far away?

Moreover, at first it was the distance she took the initiative to open up, but then it was him...

Mu Tianchen, what's the matter with him?

Because she is too troublesome, so...

Do you hate her?

Cheng Xi bit her lower lip, feeling a little lost inexplicably.

Soon it was her turn. When she saw the needle, Cheng Xi suddenly became a little confused.


Her blood is the same as that of ordinary humans...

Is it different? ?

Her nerves tense, Mu Tianchen can obviously feel it, he frowns, and takes a step forward, "Blood?"

Still dizzy?

The people next to him roared with laughter, "No? Cheng Xi, aren't you good at fighting? You are afraid of blood? If you are afraid of blood, how can you perform tasks in the future?"

Yes, I am afraid that the blood cannot be sent to perform the task...

She can't lose her chance for this reason!

Cheng Xi's eyes dazzled, and he stretched out his hand, with a resolute look, and said: "Smooth!"

The military doctor raised his eyebrows, "Young man, don't be so nervous, relax a little...If you are nervous, it may be difficult to get it out later. It is you who are tossed."

Cheng Xi took a deep breath, but still a little tight.

Mu Tianchen looked at her and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover her eyes.


I don’t know if his voice is too gentle, or because his palms are very warm, Cheng Xi really relaxes slowly...

Then, I felt a pain in my arm, and it was over soon after less than a minute.

"……Thank you."

Pulling down Mu Tianchen's hand, Cheng Xi lowered his head, somewhat afraid to look at him.

She suddenly realized that she...

It seems to care too much about Mu Tianchen.

This is... not good.

She has more important things to do, how can she focus on such things? Not to mention...

Don't mention that she is still a real man in his mind!

"I'm afraid of such small things, how will you perform tasks in the future?"

Mu Tianchen also finished the physical examination next time, walked to Cheng Xi, frowned, very serious, "Do you know that the upper part intends to let you and me become a partner? The partner is to give the other party the life and death... You even do this? Fear, how can I give you my life?"

Take his life...

Give it to her? !

Cheng Xi's eyes widened, and he saw Mu Tianchen turn around and walk away.


Sure enough to be...disappointed with her, right?

Cheng Xi opened her mouth, and stopped talking. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 2349 Physical Examination), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil God!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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