Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 533: Yelu Yanxi Palace

Huanglong Mansion is huge in scale!

Originally, this place was established by the Khitan people two hundred years ago, in order to deter countless foreigners in the northeastern part of Liaodong.

There used to be both Khitans and Jurchens in Huanglong Mansion, especially the large number of Khitans, but since the Khitan Uprising in Liaodong, the Khitans in this city were brutally massacred by Jurchens, and now the entire Huanglong Mansion is gone. How many Khitans exist.

The cold wind howled, and there was snow everywhere in the city.

In the south of Huanglong Mansion, there is a strange courtyard here!

The courtyard is not very big and looks very dilapidated, but there are no other buildings within three miles around the courtyard! Further outside, there are Jurchen soldiers stationed all around!

This is where Yelu Yanxi, the former Emperor Tianzuo of the Daliao Dynasty, was imprisoned.

Yelu Dashi, Yelu Yilie, Heshi Lie Zhining and others are coming here, Yelu Dashi has a sad expression on his face.

No matter what, Yelu Yanxi was once the emperor of the Daliao Dynasty, a symbol of the Daliao Empire, but now he is imprisoned in such a courtyard!

They had already come to the courtyard, Yelu Dashi looked at the courtyard in front of him, there were weeds growing on the walls of the courtyard, and there were thorns and traps everywhere around the courtyard.

Two Jurchen soldiers were standing in front of the gate of the courtyard, and they have hurriedly greeted them.

"General Heshi, can you let me go in and meet the emperor alone?" Yelu Dashi asked.

"Okay." Heshi Liezhining thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Thank you!" Yelu Dashi said.

At that moment, Yelu Dashi walked towards the courtyard alone!

There is also snow in the courtyard, obviously no one has ever cleaned it up!

Yelu Dashi didn't know that this courtyard was actually a field, and Yelu Yanxi planted crops here every year for his own living. The Jurchens hated the Khitan people very much, and they were much meaner to Yelu Yanxi! Although Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were imprisoned in Wuguocheng, they could still be with their courtiers, but Yelu Yanxi was alone, and the loneliness and loneliness for many years almost made him crazy!

There was a thatched cottage at the end of the yard, and Yelu Dashi came to the thatched cottage.

He quietly pushed the door open, and the scene in front of him almost brought tears to his eyes!

There are no tables, chairs, benches, beds, or any furniture in the thatched cottage. There are only countless dry grass piled up in the corner of the thatched cottage. At this moment, a gray-haired old man is curled up in the dry grass and sleeping soundly!

The old man turned his back to Yelu Dashi, Yelu Dashi couldn't see the old man's face clearly, but he knew that this must be the former Daliao Emperor Yelu Yanxi! How could Yelu Dashi not cry when the ruler of the largest empire in East Asia, the leader of the Khitan nation, and the national symbol of the Daliao had changed into this appearance and lived in such an environment?

Even though he was dissatisfied with Yelu Yanxi in every possible way, he could not tolerate such an insult from the Emperor of Liao!

"Your Majesty!" Yelu Dashi took a deep breath and said.

The old man in the corner didn't answer, Yelu Dashi couldn't help shouting again.

"Who is it?" The old man seemed to have heard the voice, and turned over in astonishment. He rubbed his eyes and looked towards the door.

"Your Majesty!" Yelu Dashi said again.

"Who is calling me? I'm not your Majesty, I'm the Seaside King." The old man said in a hoarse voice. The Seaside King is the title given to him by the Jurchens.

"You are the Emperor Tianzuo of my Daliao! My minister Yelu Dashi pays homage to His Majesty!" Yelu Dashi sighed and knelt down.

"What? Yelu Dashi?" The old man froze there for a while.

He stood up, walked forward slowly, and after a while, he came to Yelu Dashi's side.

The old man was actually quite tall, a bit taller than Yelu Dashi, but after suffering nearly ten years of torture, his whole body was bowed, and his eyes were a little dim.

"No! Yelu Dashi doesn't look like you! Yelu Dashi is the champion of my Daliao, handsome and unrestrained, the rebel Wanyan Aguda was taken by his face when he saw Yelu Dashi, and he wanted to recruit Yelu Dashi as his son-in-law! Who are you? Ah? Why did you come here?" The old man was naturally Yelu Yanxi, Emperor of the Liao Kingdom, and asked at this moment.

"Your Majesty, don't you even recognize this humble minister?" Yelu Dashi once again had moist eyes.

"No matter who you are, just come here and talk to me! Over the years, no one has ever talked to me, and I'm about to die of anxiety! Now it's all right, finally someone is here, finally someone is here..." Yeluyan Jubilee murmured.

"Your Majesty, I am really Yelu Dashi! I still remember the scene when I personally participated in the palace test on the Golden Palace. Your Majesty was so tall and tall back then! But now, Your Majesty, haven't you become like this?" Yelu Dashi Road.

Yelu Yanxi liked hunting the most in his life, because he hunted all the year round, so his body is extremely tall and strong, and now Yelu Yanxi is not very old, in fact he is only in his fifties, but at this moment he looks like an old man in his seventies.

Yelu Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, and he looked carefully at Yelu Dashi again! At this moment, he had been awake for a while, and his mind gradually became clear. After a while, he exclaimed, "It really is you! Aren't you the son-in-law of Wanyan Aguda? Why do you look so embarrassed now?"

At this moment, Yelu Dashi has a feeling of "the same people who have fallen in the end of the world"! Facing Yelu Yanxi like this, no matter how much dissatisfaction he felt in his heart, it gradually disappeared! As the king and minister of the subjugated country, what can we complain about? The demise of the Liao Kingdom was not the responsibility of Yelu Yanxi alone. At that time, the Khitan court was responsible from top to bottom, even Yelu Dashi was also responsible!

"Your Majesty, after the fall of Daliao, I took the opportunity to escape from the Liaodong area. Later, I took countless people from the north of Shangjing to travel thousands of miles away. I just brought them back a few days ago." Yelu Dashi said.

"Ah! Are you bringing your clan back?" Yelu Yanxi froze again.

"However, I encountered the Song army on the way, and I was defeated by the Song army. All the clansmen were taken away by the Song army." Yelu Dashi said again.

"Song Jun? What's going on?" Yelu Yanxi asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, it has been nearly ten years since the demise of my Daliao! In the past ten years, the situation has changed! Eight years ago, the Jin soldiers entered the Central Plains, Kaifeng City was destroyed, and the emperors Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan of the Song Dynasty were also captured by the Jin soldiers. They were also brought to the north!" Yelu Dashi said.

"This...what the hell is going on? The more you talk about it, the more confused I become. The Song Dynasty was also destroyed by the Jurchens? But why is there a Song army in the north?" Yelu Yanxi asked.

"After Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were captured by the Jin soldiers, the Song Dynasty was almost destroyed. Zhao Huan's eldest son, Zhao Chen, inherited the Datong in Hanzhong and became Emperor Xuanwu. Zhao Gou, Zhao Huan's younger brother, ascended the throne in Jiangnan and became Emperor Jianyan! Then Zhao Chen He was a peerless emperor of the Han people. He was only ten years old at the time. Outside he was oppressed by Emperor Jianyan and Jurchen. Inside, he could ask for a regent. The rest of the Western Army also opposed him. Who would have thought that he would kill Zhe after a year? However, within two or three years, they began a decisive battle with the Jurchen and regained Guanshan. After that, the Song army became stronger and stronger, and the Jurchen had to cooperate with Emperor Jianyan in the south of the Yangtze River. The second royal conquest was to destroy Jiangnan, and then to recover the Central Plains and occupy Yanyun! Just three months ago, Emperor Xuanwu led his troops to the north and wiped out 100,000 resentful troops of Guo Yaoshi, 180,000 Mongolian soldiers and horses, and ten thousand soldiers in Zhongjing City. Wannuzhen soldiers and horses and the 130,000 Khitan troops brought from the north by Weichen! The world will soon be owned by the Han people!" Yelu Dashi said.

Yelu Yanxi stood there blankly, he hadn't been in touch with the outside world for nearly ten years, and he didn't know anything about the outside world at all, at this moment he felt almost bewildered.

"Where is Wanyan Aguda? Although this person is a rebel, I have to admit that he is the overlord of a generation. Isn't Wanyan Aguda the opponent of the Han emperor?" After a while, Yelu Yanxi asked.

"Your Majesty, not long after the fall of Daliao, Wanyan Aguda died of illness!" Yelu Dashi said with a wry smile.

"What? But besides Wanyan Aguda, there are also Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Loushi and others. These people are not trivial." Yelu Yanxi said.

"Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Loushi have been defeated by the Song army, and now only Wanyan Zonghan is still maintaining the situation in Liaodong!" Yelu Dashi said.

"Why did you come to see me?" Yelu Yanxi asked.

"Your Majesty, the situation in Liaodong is complicated now. In addition to the Jin soldiers, there are more than a million people from Khitan forming a rebel army..." Yelu Dashi said slowly.

It took a full hour for Yelu Dashi to fully explain the situation of the world in these years, and Yelu Yanxi realized that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past ten years.

"So, I'm free?" Yelu Yanxi said after coming outside in thin clothes.

"Yes! Your Majesty is free! But in order to rejuvenate the Daliao, we need to cooperate sincerely with the Jurchens! Your Majesty and I went to Changchun Prefecture to control the rebel army, and then we resisted the Han people together!" Yelu Dashi said.

"Haha, I'm free, I'm free, I'm the emperor of Daliao again! Hahahaha!" Yelu Yanxi looked up to the sky and laughed.

The cold wind was howling outside, but he didn't feel cold at all, only excited.

"Your Majesty, from now on, you must never neglect state affairs! You shoulder a heavy responsibility, and you must never let Daliao perish again! If Daliao perishes again, your fate may not be as good as it is now!" Yelu Dashi said.

"Okay! I understand! Didn't you just say that we still have millions of rebels! With so many troops, plus the Jurchens, it is very easy for us to defeat the Song army! I remember Song What does the army look like, they are completely vulnerable!" Yelu Yanxi said.

"Your Majesty, Song Jun is different from before!" Yelu Dashi said.

"Even if they are different, they are also Song people, so it's not worth mentioning!" Yelu Yanxi said disdainfully.

Yelu Dashi frowned secretly, but he didn't say any more! He invited Yelu Yanxi only to control the rebel army, and when he really controls the rebel army, he will definitely take Yelu Yanxi away! In any case, this king of subjugation has no talent, no virtue, no ability, and he can no longer be allowed to decide the fate of the Khitan nation!

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