Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 499 Yuzhou City Breakdown 1

"Master, the number of the Song army is really too large, and our resentment army is no match!" Zhang Ziqiu had already arrived at the city wall at this moment, and he looked into the distance and said.

"The fourth prince will definitely know the news about Yuzhou City, and he will send people to rescue us." Guo Yaoshi said.

"I don't know when the fourth prince will come? How long can we defend?" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"There is no problem in defending for a month! We are just purely defending and have the advantage of the city wall!" Guo Yaoshi said.

He already knew the news of Liu Zikun's defeat, but he still didn't believe that he blamed the army for not being strong enough! In his mind, the reason why Liu Zikun was defeated was because he fell into the ambush of the Song army! Only by fighting more and fighting less can the Song army defeat Liu Zikun. If it is a normal battle, the Song army is not the opponent of the resentful army! Now it's just defense, the resentful army can hold Yuzhou City!

"We may not be able to defend for a month." Zhang Ziqiu shook his head.

"There should be no problem in that half a month, right?" Guo Yaoshi said.

"This...should be no problem!" Zhang Ziqiu thought for a while and said.

"Okay, let's wait for half a month! Yuzhou is only a few hundred miles away from Zhongjing. At that time, the fourth prince and Wan Yanchang will send troops to the south. We should cooperate internally and externally to wipe out the Song army! If half a month later , The fourth prince and the others have not arrived yet, I will think of other ways, and it is nothing to surrender to the Song army when necessary! Over the years, we have surrendered several times for the great cause of the Demon Sect." Guo Yaoshi said lightly.

Zhang Ziqiu nodded.

The same is the magic gate, Guo Yaoshi is completely different from Xiaoyaozi and the Queen of Demons. Guo Yaoshi has the resentment army in his hands, which is a huge force! At the time when the world was in chaos, both Liao, Song, Jin and the Three Kingdoms were willing to accept his surrender. After he surrendered, the Three Kingdoms did not dare to eliminate his direct lineage, so he was able to have both sides and continue to develop! It's a pity that the times have changed now, and the Song Dynasty has become the dominant family. If the Song Dynasty dominates the world, it will never allow the resentful army to continue to exist.

Guo Yaoshi said on the surface that he wanted to surrender, but he made up his mind not to surrender.

He stood on the city wall, feeling extremely anxious in his heart.

"How did Zikun lose the battle? There are so many martial arts masters in our army, and many of them can stand up to ten, why are they still defeated? Besides, no one escaped? This is impossible! Zikun and some of the masters should have already They escaped, maybe they are hiding in Luming Mountain now! Yes, it must be like this!" Guo Yaoshi looked into the distance and secretly said.

"Master, you haven't rested for many days, let me defend the city for you." Zhang Ziqiu said.

"No need! If I go back now, I won't be able to sleep, but I will worry about the situation here!" Guo Yaoshi shook his head and said.

*** ***

It was raining heavily, and below, countless soldiers of the Song Army had set up their siege weapons.

On the east side of Yuzhou City, hundreds of trebuchets were placed there, as if they were about to launch an attack on it at any time, and there were constant exclamations from the resentful soldiers above.

There are indeed many masters among the soldiers of the resentment army, especially Guo Yaoshi recruited many people from all corners of the Central Plains, but these people have never experienced such a big battle. When they saw the arrival of hundreds of thousands of troops below, they were already terrified. ! Nearly half of the people in Jianghu have already made up their minds to escape! They felt that their martial arts were so strong that if they wanted to escape, they would be able to escape from Yuzhou City!

On the south side, several simple arrow towers were erected. The soldiers of the Song Army had already arrived on the arrow towers, and some huge siege crossbows had been placed on the arrow towers at this moment!

In the west, thousands of ladders have been delivered to the army! These ladders seem to be exquisitely made, obviously they have already been manufactured, and now they are just shipped in, unlike those temporary ladders.

More than 200,000 troops surrounded Yuzhou City in all directions!

From the above, it can be seen that the number of crossbowmen in the Song army below is more than half, and almost 100,000 troops hold Song crossbows in their hands! If one hundred thousand people shoot ten thousand arrows at once, one can imagine the terrifying situation!

Guo Yaoshi stood above, feeling more and more uneasy!

He has also been "training" constantly over the years, but he mainly teaches soldiers various martial arts! According to the different qualifications of the soldiers, the martial arts he teaches are also different, and the weapons in the army are also different! However, in any case, the weapons in the army are mainly quack weapons, lacking battlefield weapons such as bows and crossbows! There are 100,000 resentful troops, of which no more than 3,000 have bows and crossbows!

In Guo Yaoshi's mind, the resentful army's martial arts are highly skilled, and they naturally focus on attacking when fighting, so he didn't prepare many defensive weapons!

"Why is the Song Army's team so neat? There are so many phalanxes below, why is there no slightest confusion? It's raining so hard, it's not normal!" Guo Yaoshi looked at the Song Army's team below and murmured.

He has also seen the Jin army, but it is impossible for the Jin army to be as neat as the Song army below. As for his resentful army, it is even more chaotic.

"Can Yuzhou City survive for half a month?" He became more and more anxious, and finally stopped looking at the scene below.

There are also houses under the city wall. He came to the house below, trying to calm himself down, but after staying for less than half an hour, he couldn't help but came to the city wall again.

"The Song army is about to launch an attack, let the soldiers get ready!" Guo Yaoshi gave an order loudly.

The soldiers passed on his orders.

"Call all the commanders and commanders, and I will give them a lecture!" After thinking for a while, Guo Yaoshi said again.

After the resentment army took refuge in the Kingdom of Jin, they also used the military system of the Kingdom of Jin, and the commanders in the army were also Commanders of Ten Thousands and Commanders of Thousands.

After a while, the commanders and commanders of the army arrived one after another. These commanders and commanders did not understand strategy, but they all had one characteristic in common—high martial arts! Guo Yaoshi's only criterion for promoting generals is martial arts. If someone practices kung fu diligently and enters the innate realm, he must be a commander in chief, even if he is as stupid as a pig, he can become a commander in chief! If there is no martial arts, no matter how good the strategy is, it is impossible to be promoted in the resentful army!

"The Song Army is about to attack the city, so you must not slack off! By the way, there are many bows and arrows in the Song Army. You have disciples with high martial arts skills stand in front, and then you can use the weapons in your hands to push the bows and arrows away!" Guo Yaoshi said.

"I'll understand!" Those ten thousand commanders and thousand commanders nodded one after another.

After Guo Yaoshi gave orders for a while, he let these ten thousand commanders and thousand commanders leave.

It's just that the anxiety in his heart was still difficult to get rid of. After a while, he called several of his direct disciples one after another and asked them to guard the city carefully.

*** ***

It's getting dark gradually!

The freezing rain is still falling, and the weather is extremely cold!

On the city wall of Yuzhou, there are even ice edges appearing at this moment!

The soldiers of the resentful army stood on the city wall, carefully guarding against the Song army below.

It was dark below, and there were no torches among the Song army, but they could vaguely see that the Song army was still standing there, and the Song army's team was still very neat, which made the soldiers of the resentful army feel terrible.

It was getting darker and darker, and they could no longer see the scene below, nor could they hear any voices from below, only the sound of rain existed! But the soldiers of the resentful army still dare not rest, on the contrary, they are becoming more and more vigilant!

After another half an hour, when the soldiers of the resentful army relaxed a little, the rumble of war drums suddenly came from all directions.

"It's not good! Song Jun is going to attack!"

"Take your weapons, be careful!"

"Quick, those with high martial arts skills stand in front, they will attack with bows and arrows first!"

There was chaos on the city wall of Yuzhou, and the sound of shouting was everywhere.

The drums around were getting louder and louder, and the soldiers in Yuzhou were getting more and more terrifying.

The drums sounded for half an hour, and countless resentful soldiers even felt their hearts beating. They were anxiously waiting for the Song soldiers below to attack.

But after half an hour, the Song army did not launch an attack, and the resentful soldiers above were stunned at the moment.

"what happened?"

"Why is Song Jun beating the drums in the middle of the night? Brother Sun, you are very skilled in martial arts. Has Song Jun dispersed now?"

"The Song Army hasn't dispersed yet! Strange!"

Whispering voices everywhere! However, the rain was too loud, and the whispering voice did not reach below!

The resentful soldiers above all breathed a sigh of relief, and many soldiers yawned again and again, wanting to rest. But they were just thinking about it. The Song army below hadn't dispersed yet, and they didn't dare to disperse.

After another half an hour, the sound of war drums came from around again! This time, in addition to the sound of war drums, the Song army below also started to move!

"Not good! Get up!"

"Get up!"

"Song Jun is really coming this time!"

The soldiers of the resentful army above were in chaos again, but they waited for a long time, and the soldiers of the Song army below stopped again.

"What is Song Jun doing?"

"Damn Song people!"

"They must be afraid of us resenting the army, so the generals are beating the drums, but the soldiers dare not rush forward!"

"It should be like this! Haha!"

After two passes, the resentful soldiers above were all exhausted, and many soldiers simply sat down against the city wall. Although the rain is still falling, they are really wet, so they want to rest. Guo Yaoshi still ordered the soldiers not to slack off, but many resentful soldiers didn't take his words to heart.

When it was midnight, the drums sounded for the third time. This time, countless resentful soldiers didn't even stand up from the city wall! Sure enough, the Song army below was still bluffing and did not launch an attack!

By the time the drum sounded for the fourth time, almost half of the soldiers of the resentful army were half lying against the city wall, and they did not stand up when they heard the drumbeat. At this time, the Song army finally began to attack the city.

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