Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 469 Double Ninth Festival

In Yanjing Imperial Palace, in the Tai Chi Hall, Zhao Ji is sitting with Wang Chongyang at the moment.

After several months of recuperation, Zhao Ji no longer needs to continue to work. He eats delicious food and spicy food every day. There are also guards and maids serving his food and daily life. Compared with a few months ago, he looks much younger than a few months ago. The people have not made much difference! Moreover, he was wearing the clothes of the Supreme Emperor, which was incomparably luxurious, and these were far better than ordinary people!

As for Wang Chongyang, he was sitting there, wearing a simple Taoist uniform, and his whole person gave off an extraordinary feeling! He seemed to no longer belong to this world, as if he had come down from the sky! His eyes looked at Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji had a feeling that the other party could tolerate everything!

Zhao Ji's heart was awe-inspiring, he was constantly asking Wang Chongyang for advice on Taoism!

In history, Zhao Ji was famous for advocating Taoism. He called himself "the leader of Taoism and the emperor", and divided the Taoists in the world into twenty-eight ranks! Lin Lingsu became famous all over the world following him!

At this moment, he and Wang Chongyang kept talking, and he felt more and more admiration in his heart, feeling that Wang Chongyang was no small matter.

At this moment, the voice of reporting came from outside, and Zhao Chen had arrived!

Neither Zhao Ji nor Wang Chongyang got up, they were still sitting there. Zhao Ji is Zhao Chen's grandfather, and Wang Chongyang is Zhao Chen's master. Both of them are elders. Even if they see him, the emperor, there is no reason to stand up and greet him.

"Master, you are finally here!" Zhao Chen saluted the two of them, and he looked at Wang Chongyang with surprise in his eyes.

For Zhao Chen, Wang Chongyang is a real family member! When he just came to Hanzhong from Kaifeng, Li Gang, Yue Fei, Wang De and others were all sent out by him, and only Wang Chongyang accompanied him! In name Wang Chongyang is his master, but in fact, he almost regards Wang Chongyang as his father! His biological father, Zhao Huan, was imprisoned by the Jurchen. During those days, it was Wang Chongyang who accompanied and cared for him! There is also Wang Chongyang's disciple Ma Yu, who has always been treated as a younger brother!

"Chen'er, sit down quickly, your master is superb in Taoism, and I am asking for advice." Zhao Ji said.

Zhao Chen nodded and sat down, still with a surprised smile on his face.

Zhao Ji ignored Zhao Chen, and continued to talk endlessly with Wang Chongyang. Zhao Chen was Wang Chongyang's disciple and had also learned some Taoist knowledge, but Zhao Ji was too enthusiastic, and he could only interject a few words occasionally.

"Renren Wang's Taoism is extremely profound, even better than Lin Lingsu back then! No, far better than him! Zhenren Wang, I will often ask you for advice on Taoism in the future!" Zhao Ji finally stopped at this moment.

"The Supreme Emperor is His Majesty's grandfather, and I am His Majesty's master. Speaking of which, the Supreme Emperor is also my elder. The Supreme Emperor should not ask for advice, we can discuss and communicate with each other." Wang Chongyang laughed.

"It couldn't be better if this is the case! It's been a long time since you, master and apprentice, have to talk! I'm going to write down what we said just now! Since returning to Song Dynasty, today is the happiest day for me! " Zhao Ji said.

In the past few months, although Zhao Ji has no shortage of food and drink, and is not limited to freedom, he can play around Yanjing City! Many of the ministers and nobles who came back with him still live in Yanjing City, and these people can also come to see him, but Zhao Ji still feels unhappy in his heart! Zhao Ji thinks he has no pursuit! Talking about Taoism with Wang Chongyang today, he regained his old interest! Wang Chongyang's understanding of Taoism and Taoism is completely different from that of Lin Lingsu and others. In fact, Quanzhenism has created another glorious era of Taoism, which is known to everyone in later generations. His understanding of "Tao" Far more than other Taoist priests in this era, Zhao Ji really felt that he had benefited a lot.

Zhao Chen and Wang Chongyang had already left Tai Chi Palace at this moment, and they were walking slowly in the palace.

"Master, I have been sending people to look for you, but I can't find it! But I heard that there is a Quanzhen sect among the people in Shandong, and I thought it was the sect you founded, so I feel relieved!" Zhao Chen laughed.

"I am preaching in Shandong, and my whereabouts are uncertain. Of course, you can't find me! My Quanzhen sect is completely different from the previous sects! The previous sects paid attention to talisman and yellow and white techniques, while my Quanzhen sect takes cultivation as the right way. The pope is to know the heart and see the nature, get rid of emotion and desire, bear shame and bear dirt, and benefit others! My Quanzhen sect does not need gorgeous Taoist temples, and does not need to draw talismans to make alchemy, so it is relatively more casual! I am in Shandong. At that time, no matter it was windy or rainy, they were among the people, eating was begging, and preaching while begging. Now there are many people in Shandong who believe in Quanzhenism! I also advise those people to be loyal to the imperial court, loyal to the Song Dynasty, and live a peaceful and stable life , They all obey! This time I came to Yanjing City to preach in the Yanyun area! There are many Khitan people in the Yanyun area, I hope I can appease the hearts of the Khitan people and make the Khitan loyal to my Song Dynasty!" Wang Chongyang said.

"Thank you, Master! Master, I have a feeling that Quanzhen Sect is closely related to the fortunes of the Song Dynasty! In the future, Quanzhen Sect will be spread in the northern grasslands, and even farther places! Quanzhen Sect can appease these aliens! Song is the backing of Quanzhen Sect! Quanzhen Sect can even become the state religion!" Zhao Chen said.

"We'll talk about this matter later! You want to change the system of the world, and your plans are not small, so don't make a hasty decision now!" Wang Chongyang said.

Zhao Chen nodded.

"I traveled all the way from Shandong to Hebei, and from Hebei to Yanyun, and kept watching the national fortune. Now the national fortune of the Song Dynasty is indeed in full swing, which is an unprecedented peak situation." Wang Chongyang said.

"Watch the National Games?" Zhao Chen was taken aback, and said, "Can you watch this too?"

"The fate of man and man, the fate of the state and the state, in the eyes of me as a cultivator, these can be seen! The national destiny of the Song Dynasty is endless, as if it will never end! When you were in Guanshan, it was not only you who died young. Apparently, the Great Song Dynasty is also on the verge of collapse, and now everything has completely changed!" Wang Chongyang said.

Zhao Chen smiled, but didn't answer Wang Chongyang's words! When he was in Hanzhong, he didn't really believe in the words of these gods and ghosts, and naturally he doesn't believe it now! He came from later generations, and he only believed that man will conquer the sky, and believed that with his own efforts, confidence, and courage, he could overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and clear away all obstacles! At that time, others said that he didn't get the love of destiny, and the destiny was on Zhao Gou, but in the end he defeated Zhao Gou! Now he still thinks like this, with his own hands, he can overcome everything!

"Your martial arts haven't dropped, on the contrary, it has improved a lot compared to before!" Wang Chongyang said after carefully looking at Zhao Chen.

"The body is the capital of everything. I dare not forget to practice kung fu! Besides, I am really interested in practicing kung fu! The master washed the marrow and cut the hair of the disciple back then, and the aptitude of the disciple is far superior to ordinary people. If you don't practice kung fu well, how can you It's not a waste of this talent!" Zhao Chen laughed.

When the two met, they were very happy.

After walking for a while, Zhao Chen suddenly remembered something and said, "Master, I have to trouble you with something."

Wang Chongyang was taken aback, and said: "What is it, tell me quickly."

Zhao Chen said: "Master, you just came to Yanjing City, and you shouldn't have troubled you, but you are the only one who can do this!"

Wang Chongyang smiled and said: "You brat, why are you being polite to me? Tell me quickly!"

Zhao Chen said: "I want Master to go to the north!"

Wang Chongyang asked strangely: "What are you going to the north for?"

Zhao Chen said: "I want Master to rescue my father! Now the imperial court is about to use troops against the Jurchens in the north, and strive to complete their efforts in one battle, completely destroy the Jurchens, and make the north no longer suffer! Imprisonment of real people, whether it is me or the staff headquarters, I am worried that they will use the life of the father to threaten the court, so the father must be rescued before the battle! The master's martial arts is extremely high, and it can be said to be the best in the world. There will be no problem at all!"

Wang Chongyang thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go north! But if I want to go to the Five Kingdoms City, I'm afraid I have to pass through many Jurchen cities!"

Zhao Chen said: "I don't need to go through many Jurchen cities, I will arrange for the master to go to the north from the sea! The elite soldiers in the navy will also follow the master to the north!"

Wang Chongyang said: "Sea?"

Zhao Chen said: "It's the sea! The master and the elites of the navy first take a boat to Subin Mansion, and then go west from Suibin Mansion to Wuguo City! This way the chance of being discovered by Jurchen will be greatly reduced!"

Suibin Mansion is where the "Vladivostok" of later generations is located! It used to be China's territory, but later it became an eternal pain in the hearts of Chinese people! So far in Tumen, Yanji, Changchun and other places in Jilin, the ancestors of many families are from Vladivostok. Unfortunately, their ancestors have been buried forever in "foreign lands"! It is a natural ice-free port. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Russian army brazenly occupied Vladivostok, the most important port in Northeast China, and forced the Qing government at that time to sign the Sino-Russian Beijing Treaty. China lost 400,000 square kilometers of land including Vladivostok. The land is more than the combined area of ​​Hebei and Henan provinces! More than 500,000 Han Chinese and Manchus who lived there for generations were brutally massacred! Up to now, Vladivostok is Russia's second largest city in the Far East, and it is also the headquarters of the Russian Taipingyuan Fleet. Unfortunately, it no longer belongs to China!

Of course, in this era, such a shameful thing would never happen!

The Bin Mansion was originally an important city for the Khitan people. After the fall of the Liao Kingdom, the Jurchens occupied it. However, there are not many Jurchens there, so it is very easy to log in from there!

Zhao Chen discussed with Wang Chongyang, and Wang Chongyang nodded repeatedly.

"This matter should not be delayed, I want to leave as soon as possible!" Wang Chongyang said.

"Okay! Then Master Lao!" Zhao Chen was not polite, and smiled immediately.

That night, Zhao Chen, Wang Chongyang, Song Qingyao, and Zheyue were dining together, and Zhao Chen felt happy and harmonious.

After dinner, Zhao Chen was talking with Wang Chongyang. At this moment, the voice of the guard reporting came from outside.

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