Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 393 Li Yanxian Arrives

"Are you a Khitan nobleman?" Zhao Chen smiled.

"Cao Min is not!" the middle-aged Khitan said hastily.

He was so nervous that his body was shaking.

"Did you recognize my identity?" Zhao Chen asked again.

" are the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty!" The middle-aged Khitan man suddenly knelt down and said.

"How did you recognize me?" Zhao Chen asked.

"You are wearing a dragon robe." The middle-aged Khitan said.

"Oh? Although I'm wearing a dragon robe, I might be the prince of Song Dynasty?" Zhao Chen said.

"The costumes worn by the prince are completely different from those worn by His Majesty! Moreover, the Jurchens went south and invaded Kaifeng. Except for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness Kang Wang who escaped from Kaifeng, the rest of the princes were captured by the Jurchens! Later, His Royal Highness Crown Prince and Kang Wang They all ascended the throne and proclaimed themselves emperor, if I guessed correctly, you should be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince back then, and now the Emperor Xuanwu." The middle-aged Khitan said humanely.

In this era, the spread of news is extremely slow. Although Zhao Chen killed Zhao Gou half a year ago, the news still hasn't reached this remote Khitan town.

As for the middle-aged Khitan being able to tell that it was Zhao Chen and not Zhao Gou, it was because he knew that Zhao Chen was younger and Zhao Gou was older.

"I didn't expect you to have such insight and foresight! Get up, tell me, what about our soldiers and horses in Song Dynasty?" Zhao Chen said.

"The soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty are very powerful, and the Jurchens are not your opponents! In addition, the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty are extremely kind. From ancient times to the present, in times of war, there is no army that does not burn, kill and loot, but the army of the Song Dynasty But it is an exception. I heard that after the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty entered the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, they did not do anything to disturb the people. Whether they were Han people or Khitan people, they all applauded. Such a benevolent army is really rare in ancient and modern times A benevolent man is invincible, and His Majesty's army will definitely be able to take back the world." The middle-aged Khitan said a lot of words eloquently.

"Are you really not a Khitan noble?" Zhao Chen smiled and said again.

This middle-aged Khitan not only can speak Chinese, but also speaks it exceptionally fluently. It is obvious that he has been educated since he was a child. In such a remote town, he actually cared about the situation in the world, knew what happened in Kaifeng that year, and was able to recognize Zhao Chen's identity. As for the compliments later, these are not something that an ordinary ancient people can say.

"No." The middle-aged Khitan said with cold sweat on his forehead.

"There are not many Khitan people who can speak Chinese. I need an interpreter. From now on, you can follow me." Zhao Chen said flatly.

"What?" The middle-aged Khitan was taken aback.

"I still think your identity is not simple! If you say it now, I won't care about you! If I find out your identity later and prove that you are not just a small townsman, I will not be polite to you at that time !” said Zhao Chen.

"This..." The middle-aged Khitan was anxious, and the sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Let's talk! Now that the Khitan has already destroyed the country, I have already pacified the south of the Yangtze River, with millions of troops, sweeping Yanyun and the Central Plains, and I am about to pacify the world. Your previous status is nothing special. I am only interested now." Zhao Chen said.

The middle-aged Khitan gritted his teeth, and finally said, "My name is Yeluhong."

Zhao Chen, Wu Jie, Wang Shu and others were all stunned, none of them had heard of this name before.

"Father Yeluchun." The middle-aged Khitan said humanely.

"Yeluchun!" Hearing these words, Zhao Chen, Wu Jie, Wang Shu and others were shocked!

When the Jurchens rose, the Liao Kingdom was no match for the Jurchens. Emperor Yelu Yanxi of the Liao Kingdom led an army of 700,000 to conquer the Jurchens, but was defeated by Wanyan Aguda with 20,000 troops!

Afterwards, Wanyan Aguda united all the Jurchen ministries and led troops to attack Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom. He conquered Shangjing in one day, and then went all the way south to Zhongjing!

Emperor Yelu Yanxi of the Liao Kingdom did not dare to fight the Jurchen, so he led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses all the way west into Jiashan.

Because the emperor fled, the news of Yelu Yanxi Palace was lost in all parts of the Liao Kingdom, and the Liao Dynasty court was anxious.

A country cannot be without a king for a day. Later, Yanjing stayed behind Yelu Dashi, Liao Prime Minister Li Chuwen and others supported Yeluchun, the king of Nanyuan of Liao at that time, as the emperor of Liao! History calls Yeluchun Emperor Xuanzong of the Liao Dynasty!

It's just that Yeluchun became seriously ill less than three months after he ascended the throne, and then died of illness.

After Yeluchun died of illness, Yeluchun's wife Xiao Defei took control of the government.

At that time, the Song Dynasty was allied with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty, and the Western Army attacked Yanjing City, but they were not Xiao Defei's opponent!

Only a year later, the Jurchens invaded the south, and Concubine Xiao De couldn't resist anymore, so she lost Yanyun.

Concubine Xiao De was later bestowed to death by Yelu Yanxi, while Yelu Chun's son was demoted to the common people.

Zhao Chen never thought that it was Yeluchun's son who appeared here!

"Which son of Yeluchun are you?" Zhao Chen asked again.

"I am the eldest son of the first emperor!" Yeluhong said.

"Oh!" Zhao Chen was shocked again.

In ancient times, the status of the eldest son was different from ordinary ones, and Yeluhong's status was almost equivalent to that of a prince! It's just that Yeluchun died early, and the Liao Kingdom was in great chaos at that time, and Concubine Xiao De was clever, so she took control of the government, and Yeluhong didn't have anything to do.

"Your Majesty, Yelu Chun has a very high status in the hearts of the Liao people! He is the grandson of Liao Xingzong, and his father is the Marshal of the Liao Kingdom. When he disappeared, he took on the important task! There are still many Khitan people who miss Yeluchun!" Wang Shu said aside.

He looked at Yeluhong with a playful look in his eyes.

"I understand! Yeluhong, you will follow me from now on! Your father used to be the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, and you can be regarded as the prince of the Liao Kingdom. I will treat you with courtesy!" Zhao Chen said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yeluhong said.

He had a cowardly personality since he was a child, so after his father died, the power was occupied by Concubine Xiao De. At this moment, he was apprehensive, but he didn't dare to resist.

*** ***

Zhao Chen stayed in the small town for two hours to get to know the people here.

He found that many Khitan people have disdain for the Han people! In fact, such thoughts are normal, after all, the Han people have been ruled and oppressed by them for two hundred years, and the Song Dynasty has been paying tribute to the Liao Kingdom since its establishment! It is only ten years away from the end of the Liao Kingdom, how could the Khitan people not despise the Han people?

For such a situation, Zhao Chen had expected it!

He knows that this is also an obstacle to governing the country in the future! If you have the opportunity, you need to frighten the Khitan people!

He stayed around the town for another day, and on the afternoon of the third day, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the south!

An army of more than 10,000 people came towards the small town, but when it was more than ten miles away from the small town, Wu Jie's army had already stopped this army!

"Who?" A general shouted loudly.

They saw that the army in the distance was also wearing Han clothes, and they were relieved.

"I am a subordinate of the Northern Shaanxi Forbidden Army, and I am Li Yanxian, the deputy commander of the Northern Shaanxi Forbidden Army, please see Your Majesty!" A big man on the opposite side came up on horseback and shouted loudly.

"General Li Yanxian of the Northern Shaanxi Forbidden Army? Ah!" The officers and soldiers of the Yangtze River Navy on the opposite side were taken aback.

At that moment Li Yanxian came to these people alone and showed his general badge, these officers and men of the Yangtze River Navy did not dare to neglect again.

Li Yanxian ordered the army to station here, and he led more than ten soldiers towards the small town.

Not long after, Li Yanxian came to the Yangtze River Navy barracks in front of the town.

A soldier from the Yangtze River Navy had already reported in front, and soon Li Yanxian was taken into the tent of the Chinese army.

Zhao Chen, Wu Jie, and Wang Shu are all here.

"The final general will see His Majesty!" Li Yanxian said with great joy when he saw Zhao Chen.

He thought it would take some time for Zhao Chen to come to Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures from Jiangnan! The distance from Jiangnan to Yanyun is thousands of miles, and with the ancient traffic conditions, it is impossible to reach it in less than two months!

However, he did not expect that Zhao Chen, Wu Jie and others would come here along the sea route! They didn't get any news before!

"Get up quickly!" Zhao Chen laughed loudly.

Li Yanxian is full of travel and dust, and has more fighting spirit than before. Obviously, he has been fighting all this time!

"Quickly tell me, what is the situation in Yanyun and Shandong?" Wang Shu said.

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