Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 253 Five Beaches

When the sound of Mingjin sounded, the Xixia army receded like a tide!

Almost all the Xixia soldiers showed surprised expressions on their faces. They had just launched the siege for less than an hour, and now they retreated again! No one knows what happened!

Wanyan Zonggan was in the Xixia army, and at this moment he hurriedly came to Li Cha's side and said, "General Li, what happened? Why did you order to withdraw the troops?"

Then, Wanyan Zongqian saw Li Renli next to Brother Li Cha, and his face showed a surprised expression again.

"Lord Wanyan, the Song people sent troops from Qinfeng Road, and they have now arrived at the city of Xingqing Mansion! There are only 50,000 old, weak and remnant soldiers in Xingqing Mansion. Your Majesty is in danger, so I must lead the army back to Xingqing Mansion!" Brother Li Cha said.

"What!" Wanyan Zongqian was taken aback, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face!

"This time the Song people used a lot of troops! They divided their troops into two groups. One way took the lead in conquering Hongzhou, Youzhou, and Yanzhou, and attracted the main force of our Xixia! The other way was to directly attack Xingqing Mansion! Song people What a deep plot! Now we must go to Xingqing Mansion immediately to rescue Your Majesty! I'm afraid the Song Army on Qinfeng Road is the main force, and their purpose is to break through Xingqing Mansion and let Xixia perish!" Li Renli said beside him.

"That's right!" Brother Li Cha also understood this truth at the moment, he nodded and said.

"It turned out to be like this! It turned out to be like this!" Wanyan Zongqian muttered to himself!

Soon, the order to return to the division was conveyed, and the Xixia army was in an uproar! No one thought that Yanzhou and Hongzhou were occupied by the Song army, and Brother Li Cha actually ordered to return to the division! But not long after, the news that Xingqing Mansion was surrounded by the Song army came, and the Xixia army exclaimed! The family members of many people in the Xixia army are in Xingqing Mansion. Now that Xingqing Mansion is surrounded, it is understandable that they are anxious!

An hour has passed since the order was passed down, but the army is still not assembled. Li Renli said anxiously: "General, why haven't you tidied up yet?"

Brother Li Cha said: "We have an army of 320,000, countless food supplies, and countless siege equipment! These things can't be left here, right?"

Li Renli was furious, and said, "General, how critical the situation is now! The Xingqing Mansion is at stake! Your relatives and mine are all in the Xingqing Mansion, and His Majesty is also in the Xingqing Mansion! At this time, we can only move forward lightly and give up all our supplies. , give up all the siege equipment, and rush to Xingqing Mansion immediately, this is the most important thing! Do you understand?"

Brother Li Cha was taken aback for a moment, nodded for a long time, and said, "You're right! Let's do it like this!"

Another half an hour passed, and the Xixia army finally started to move slowly!

The 320,000 Xixia army is marching towards the west! Numerous supplies of food, grass, and siege equipment remained in place, and no one cared to clean up these things at this moment!

Xixia soldiers, everyone also carried ten days' rations and moved forward!

And at the same time that the Xixia army was dispatched, the gate of Yanzhou City opened, and nearly 100,000 troops came out of Yanzhou City, chasing closely behind the Xixia army!

*** ***

"General Cha, the situation in Xingqing Mansion is so dangerous, the cavalry should go first!" After walking for an hour, Wanyan Zongqian came to Brother Li Cha and said.

"I heard that there were more than 100,000 Song troops attacking Xingqing Mansion! Moreover, this is what we saw. Maybe there will be other Song troops coming later! Our cavalry is only more than 100,000. Trekking to Xingqing Mansion, we must be exhausted! Our numbers are not superior, so we must not be the opponent of the Song Army! Therefore, now we have to lead an army of more than 300,000 to advance at the same time. Come on, this is the only way to defeat the Song Army! Xingqing Mansion is extremely strong, there are fifty thousand soldiers inside, and there are countless people, it should be able to hold on for a while!" Brother Li Cha said.

"This..." Wanyan Zongqian thought for a moment, then nodded.

Now both Brother Li Cha and Wanyan Zonggan are very anxious. Brother Li Cha is worried about his country, his king, and his relatives, while Wanyan Zonggan is worried about his allies! He also did not expect that the Song Army would use so many troops to go north! It seems that the Song army completely ignored the situation in Guanshan, and wanted to eliminate Xixia first at all costs! The strategy of the Song army is indeed no small matter. They directly attacked the capital of Xixia. If the capital was breached and the emperor of Xixia was captured alive, Xixia really didn't know what to do at that time!

"General, Lord Wanyan, the Song Army from Yanzhou City is following us!" Li Renli said, riding his horse up to catch up.

"Let me think about how to deal with them!" Brother Li Cha gritted his teeth and said.

Just thinking for a long time, he still can't come up with an idea! He has already got close to 100,000 Song troops chasing after him! It may take a lot of time to eliminate the 100,000 Song army! Moreover, the price I paid was huge! In this way, it will be even more difficult to rescue Xingqing Mansion!

It was getting dark gradually, and the Xixia army was still on their way!

"When we arrive at Wudaotan, the terrain there is complicated, and we are very clear about the terrain there! When we get there, we will fight to the death with the Song army! Let's destroy the 100,000 Song army first!" At this moment, Brother Li Cha finally had an idea !

"Wudao Beach? That's right, the terrain there is extremely complicated! It's good for ambushes! When we get there, we will definitely be able to wipe out one hundred thousand Song troops! Song people, they are so humble, they dare to bully us like this, it's ridiculous! They You think you have a clever strategy and can wipe us out, but you don't know that we want to put them all to death, let them all die in our Xixia!" Li Renli said with a sneer on his face.

It's getting darker and darker, and I can't see the road ahead!

Brother Li Cha ordered the army to stay here and rest here!

However, the Xixia army rested for less than half an hour, when suddenly there was a shout of killing in front of them!

There was actually a cavalry from the Song Army arriving ahead, and these cavalry from the Song Army took advantage of the darkness to attack the Xixia army!

Brother Li Cha hastily ordered the Xixia cavalry to get on their horses and expel these Song army cavalry!

However, at this moment, Brother Li Cha got the news that countless infantry soldiers of the Song Army were rushing towards here!

"Quick! Get up immediately and be on guard against Song's army!" Brother Li Cha was anxious, he immediately ordered the soldiers to stand up and be on guard against Song's attack!

When the Xixia army was all assembled, the Song army was less than ten miles away from them!

"General, we should deal with the Song army after arriving at Wudaotan!" Li Renli said.

"I understand!" Brother Li Cha gritted his teeth and nodded!

Song Jun was right behind him, it was impossible to rest now! At that moment, Brother Li Cha ordered the army to move forward!

The Xixia army was on the road all night, and the soldiers were exhausted to the extreme!

During this night, Song Jun followed behind them! The cavalry of the Song and Song Army is also looming, constantly harassing and attacking them!

The next day, Song Jun still followed them!

The Xixia army had no choice but to continue on their way!

On the second night, Brother Li Cha couldn't stand it anymore, and he sent 20,000 troops to "surprise" the Song army!

However, as soon as the 20,000 troops rushed in front of the Song army, they began to rout almost at the first contact!

At this time, brother Li Cha really saw the strength of the Song Army's fighting power! When he attacked the city that day, he already felt that the fighting power of the Song army was extraordinary! Now that the plains are fighting, he knows how big the gap between the Xixia army and the Song army is!

According to his judgment, even if the 300,000 Xixia army stopped to fight the 100,000 Song army, both sides would suffer!

He was overwhelmed by this fact!

Right now Brother Li Cha no longer had the determination to stop and fight. He was going to follow his previous thinking and wait until Wudao Beach before fighting the Song Army!

Five days and five nights have passed, and one hundred thousand Song soldiers are still closely following them!

For five days and five nights, no one in the Xixia army could rest, and no one in the Song army behind could rest!

Brother Li Cha couldn't believe that Song Jun behind him had such stamina!

"General! The soldiers can't move anymore!" Li Renli said when he came to Brother Richard.

"Let them go further! At most two days, we will be able to reach Wudaotan!" Brother Li Cha said.

He was also extremely tired, and his voice was a little hoarse at the moment.

On March 22, more than 300,000 Xixia troops entered the Gobi!

The snow has already melted, and there is even a hint of green in the Gobi! It seems that before long, the grass will grow up, and spring will come!

The Xixia army was exhausted, and they were walking hard in the Gobi Desert!

Behind them, the 100,000 Song soldiers were also exhausted, and they were also on their way with difficulty!

In the afternoon, the sky became gloomy, and at dusk it started to rain!

The light rain in early spring is extremely cold!

Countless Xixia soldiers are trembling!

"Persist for one more day! We will be able to reach Wudao Beach in just one day! It will be the end of the Song Army!" Brother Li Cha rode his horse in the army, and kept calling loudly.

I heard that it was only one day before those Xixia soldiers showed joyful expressions! They can't hold on anymore! But if there is only one day, they can still force themselves to persevere!

Countless Xixia soldiers felt that their hands and feet no longer belonged to them! They are like dragging huge stones on their way!

They originally carried ten days' rations, but because they were too tired, many people even dropped the rations, just to reduce some weight, just to allow themselves to continue walking!

As long as they walk out of the Gobi Desert, they can come to Lingzhou, where they will have rations!

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you are temporarily hungry for a few days! As long as they can reduce their load, they would rather starve for a few days!

Many Xixia soldiers even threw off their armor!

At night, they are still on their way!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and almost everyone was already wet!

The temperature is getting lower and lower!

In the middle of the night, the rain suddenly turned into snow!

Xixia soldiers are even more unbearable!

In the early morning of March 23rd, they were still on their way!

On this day, the snow fell harder and harder, and the wind blew harder!

The cold wind is howling, and the snow is all over the sky!

The sky was gradually getting dark, and Brother Li Cha showed a trace of excitement on his face: "Wudao Beach is ahead!"

Many Xixia soldiers also showed smiles on their faces. They all knew that Wudaotan was coming!

"Quicker! Faster! In two more hours, we will be able to pass!" Brother Li Cha said excitedly.

At this moment, no matter whether it was Brother Li Cha, Li Renli or Wanyan Zonggan, they all breathed a sigh of relief. This journey was really hard! Not to mention the soldiers, even they have never experienced such a hard journey! Song Jun has been following behind them, and Song Jun's tenacity is beyond their imagination! The Xixia army was forced to move forward, but the Song army took the initiative to pursue it! These two are totally different!

The snow was so heavy that some soldiers could no longer walk, they lay on the ground and could no longer get up! However, most Xixia soldiers are still on their way with difficulty!

The midnight has come, and they finally arrived at Wudaotan!

"Quick! Go in! Set up defenses here! Afterwards, we will destroy the 100,000 Song troops!" Brother Li Cha said.

More than 300,000 Xixia people have entered Wudaotan!

They set up defenses inside, waiting for the arrival of the 100,000 troops behind! All Xixia soldiers breathed a sigh of relief!

Brother Li Cha had just had time to take a bite of the pancake. He got off his horse, and now the horse was so exhausted that he could barely walk!

He took a deep breath and looked around. At this moment, his expression suddenly changed!

In the north, there suddenly appeared dense flames!

I don't know how many there are, and I can't see the side at a glance!

A few days ago, he got the news that the Song army attacked Tiemen Pass, with a number of about 50,000 people, but the 50,000 Song troops who should have appeared at Tiemen Pass turned up at Wudaotan at this moment!

"How could this be?" Brother Li Cha was taken aback!

"General, look to the west!" At this moment, Li Renli hurried to Brother Richard's side and said.

Brother Li Cha looked towards the west, and only then did he realize that there were countless lights of fire in the west!

The Shiwanjing Yuan Army, which was supposed to be in Xingqing Mansion, has already arrived at Wudaotan, waiting here for the main force of Xixia for a long time! They set off from Qinfeng Road with light clothes, not to attack Xingqing Mansion at all! They don't have any siege equipment in their hands, how can they attack the capital of Xixia? In history, Genghis Khan spent several months unable to take down the strong city in the northwest, how could they take it down with bare hands? Their goal has always been this Xixia main force composed of more than 300,000 people! After they got food and grass in Shunzhou City, they only stayed under Xingqing Mansion for two days, and then they came to Wudaotan, where they waited for the arrival of the main force of Xixia!

As for the one who attacked Tiemenguan, it was the 50,000 Huanqing Army led by Liu Kai, and the 50,000 Huanqing Army had already arrived here! They are waiting for work with leisure, and they are also waiting for the arrival of the main force of Xixia!

Coupled with the 100,000 Northern Shaanxi Forbidden Army who are constantly chasing after them, they finally surrounded the main force of Xixia here!

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