Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 221 Pure Jun Sword

"What? It turned out to be the Sect Master of Mieqing Dao?" Zhao Chen was surprised again!

When he was not enthroned, he was assassinated by the Demon Dao, and then Zhao Chen was assassinated by Lin Lingsu, Wu Qing and others in northern Shaanxi! Over the years, Zhao Chen has also asked people to collect information on Jianghu, he already has some understanding of Jianghu and magic!

There are many sects of demons, among which the five sects are the strongest, namely the White Lotus Sect, Mieqing Dao, Xiaoyao Sect, Yin Yang Sect, and the Five Poisons Sect! This Qingqing Dao is located in the north, and it is second only to the White Lotus Sect in the Demon Sect. Zhao Chen never thought that the famous Guo Yaoshi in history would be the suzerain of the Qingqing Dao!

"That's right! The tutor is the Sect Master of Mieqing Dao! Seeing how surprised you are, it proves once again that you are not our fellows! If you are fellows, wouldn't you know about this?" Zhang Ziqiu said.

Zhao Chen smiled, but did not answer.

"If my guess is correct, you are subordinates of Emperor Xuanwu of Hanzhong?" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Not bad!" Zhao Chen nodded.

The other party had clearly recognized his identity, and he did not deny it.

"You are from the army, and you are subordinates of Emperor Xuanwu... Emperor Xuanwu's commander of Jingyuan Army is called Zhao Zhe. I don't know what relationship you have with General Zhao Zhe?" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Brother Zhang is really knowledgeable, and Zhao Zhe is my distant cousin!" Zhao Chen followed his words.

"I see!" Zhang Ziqiu nodded and said.

"Brother Zhang is a disciple of the Dao of Mieqing. This time you are going to Sichuan and Sichuan. Are you going to unite with the White Lotus Sect?" Zhao Chen said.

"That's not it! This time it's just my idea!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Could it be that Brother Zhang is very interested in the White Lotus Sect's uprising?" Zhao Chen asked.

"No! I have achieved success in martial arts and traveled all over the world! The reason why I went to Sichuan and Shu this time is mainly for one person!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Oh? I don't know who it is for?" Zhao Chen said.

"For a woman!" Zhang Ziqiu laughed.

Hearing that it was aimed at a woman, Zhao Chen shook his head lightly! He is the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he is concerned about national affairs! He has never paid much attention to the love of his children! If Zheyue is in the palace, he doesn't even have time to accompany her, let alone other people's affairs?

Seeing Zhao Chen's disapproving expression, Zhang Ziqiu smiled and said, "Brother Zhao, you are also young and full of vigor, so don't tell me you're not interested in women?"

Zhao Chen smiled and said: "At this time when the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, a man should hold a three-foot sword in his hand to recover the fifty states of Guanshan, not the love of his sons and daughters!"

Zhao Chen's expression was very indifferent, it was a matter of course for him! From the moment he escaped from Kaifeng, he knew where his responsibility lay! He knows what he should do. In the face of national interests, many personal things can be temporarily put aside! Besides, he is only in his teens now, so there is no time for him to think about personal issues!

Seeing the expression on Zhao Chen's face, Zhang Ziqiu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "You probably want to learn from Huo Qubing. The Xiongnu are still alive, so why do you do it?"

Zhao Chen nodded and said, "Not bad! Huo Qubing is a role model for my generation!"

Zhang Ziqiu shook his head, disapproving in his heart, and said: "These important national affairs are not things that I should think about! Life is a lifetime, grass and trees are spring, as long as you are happy and carefree, what do you think about it!"

Zhao Chen said: "Could it be possible to remain indifferent when seeing the people being tortured and seeing one's relatives being killed by foreigners?"

Zhang Ziqiu said with a smile: "I don't have any relatives, I only have one master! My family master Guo Yaoshi conformed to the general trend of the world, first he took refuge in the Liao people, then in the Song Dynasty, and then in the Dajin! My life is safe and smooth! As for The common people are being poisoned. The Jurchens are indeed massacring our Han people, but when the emperor of the Song Dynasty was in power, he set up the Huashi Gang to enslave the people all over the world. It’s just another emperor, it’s just changing from one of our own to an outsider, so what’s the difference?”

Zhao Chen said: "After Emperor Xuanwu ascended the throne in Hanzhong, what kind of behavior did he do to the people? The emperors in the world cannot be generalized!"

Zhang Ziqiu said: "Emperor Xuanwu is indeed different from the previous Daoist emperors and Jingkang emperors. He can be regarded as a generation of wise emperors! But in my opinion, both wise and stupid emperors are enslaving the people and treating them as nothing!"

Zhao Chen was silent for a long time, and said: "Look carefully, Emperor Xuanwu will be different from the emperors of previous dynasties! In the future, there will be fewer and fewer things to enslave the people! There are also different degrees of enslavement and exploitation. , all the people in the world are slaves, that is a slave society! After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the status of the people in the world improved. Although many people had no land and were only tenant farmers, they had freedom! Now Emperor Xuanwu implemented a benevolent government, and slavery and exploitation have been reduced a lot! You can listen Did you mention the rent reduction order in Hanzhong? After this rent reduction order was implemented, I don’t know how many people have benefited!"

Zhang Ziqiu froze there, nodded after a while, and said, "Yes, I've heard of it! Who are you? Why do you have such insight?"

Zhao Chen said lightly: "I'm just not willing to let the Han people sink forever! I want to make my civilization in the Central Plains more and more brilliant, spread all over the world, and be admired by all peoples in the world! I want to end all the current things and let the people no longer A person who has been poisoned and restored peace to the world!"

Zhang Ziqiu looked at Zhao Chen carefully and guessed Zhao Chen's identity, but after guessing for a long time, there was no answer! After a while, he said with a smile: "Brother Zhao's great ambitions, I admire! But I just want to be free and unrestrained. This time I went to Sichuan, I just wanted to meet that woman! The night is getting dark, how about going to sleep?"

Zhao Chen smiled, and stopped talking now!

Everyone fell asleep here, while the dozen or so guards took turns keeping vigil, and someone was always guarding them! Zhang Ziqiu was even more surprised when he noticed these scenes!

*** ***

Early the next morning, Zhao Chen, Zhang Ziqiu, Kang An and others continued to move forward!

The road was difficult, and after a short walk, they dismounted from their horses and led the horses forward!

"Brother Zhang, you are a member of the Demonic Way. Do you think the White Lotus Cult's uprising will be successful this time?" On the way, Zhao Chen asked again!

"It's hard for me to say that! But the White Lotus Sect has been preparing for several years in Sichuan and Sichuan. Once an incident occurs, it will be very powerful! I think it is very likely to succeed!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Oh! Emperor Xuanwu has a lot of soldiers and horses. Could it be that he can't suppress the evil cult uprising?" Zhao Chen said.

"Although Emperor Xuanwu has many soldiers and horses, they are all in the Guanshan area! The situation in Guanshan is tense, and it is impossible for Emperor Xuanwu to transfer the army to Sichuan and Sichuan!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Sichuan and Shu still have Wu Jie and Wu Lin, and they have tens of thousands of troops under their command!" Zhao Chen said.

"Wu Jie and Wu Lin were just partial generals who went the same way back then. The two of them rose to high positions only because they joined Emperor Xuanwu early! I'm afraid the two of them don't have much ability!" Zhang Ziqiu said disapprovingly.

Hearing this, Zhao Chen smiled and said no more! In this era, if there is a famous general ranking, Wu Jie must be in the top three! Wu Jie was second only to Yue Fei in military exploits in the early Southern Song Dynasty, and even surpassed Han Shizhong! Such a generation of famous generals is now said by Zhang Ziqiu to have little ability!

But these years, Wu Jie has been training soldiers, and he really hasn't shown his edge. It's normal not to be known! He first defeated Jurchen at Dashanguan, but he was taken as his own. Only some people in the Hanzhong military knew that it was Wu Jie's contribution! Afterwards he defeated Orihiko, but Orihiko was too incompetent, so no one paid attention to Wu Jie's contribution!

But this is the best way, the more you are underestimated, the more important you can play when necessary!

"If the White Lotus Sect succeeds in the uprising this time, it will unite with Emperor Jianyan in the south of the Yangtze River and the Jurchens in the north to attack Emperor Xuanwu! If the three families work together, the Emperor Xuanwu may be in danger!" Zhang Ziqiu laughed.

"Such a thing will never happen!" Zhao Chen said.

"You are a subordinate of Emperor Xuanwu, so naturally you don't want such a thing to happen! However, I think it is very likely to happen!" Zhang Ziqiu shook his head.

The two said as they walked, Zhao Chen is an emperor, he has experienced countless things, and he has the knowledge he learned in his previous life, so he has extraordinary insights, but Zhang Ziqiu is also a source of knowledge and extensive knowledge, and the two of them have become more and more familiar with each other along the way. It is admiration! It's a pity that the personalities of the two are very different. Zhao Chen wants to break the fate of the Han nationality and turn the tide, but Zhang Ziqiu just wants to be free! The two have different ambitions, after all, they are not the same way!

On May 1st, they came to Qipan Pass!

On May 3rd, we came to Longmen Pavilion!

The road here is very difficult to walk. In the afternoon, the sky gradually turned cloudy, and after a while, it started to rain!

The rain gradually became heavier, and they rested under a cliff!

At this moment, suddenly a figure appeared in the rain! This person actually came towards this cliff, and also came to shelter from the rain!

The man's footsteps were extremely fast, and he came to the bottom of the cliff not long after!

After he got under the cliff, he first noticed Zhao Chen and others! Although Zhao Chen was young, he was full of vigor and heroism, and he was extraordinary at first glance. The man snorted coldly! Then the man saw Zhang Ziqiu and froze there!

"Brother Cheng, are you safe?" Zhang Ziqiu still looked disheveled, he stood up, cupped his hands, and said with a smile.

"So it's you! Zhang Ziqiu! I didn't expect you to go to Sichuan as well!" the man said with a cold snort.

"Zhang travels around the world, and wherever there are beauties, Zhang will rush there! There are peerless beauties in Sichuan and Shu, so I will naturally go to Sichuan and Shu!" Zhang Ziqiu said with a cool smile.

"Who are these people?" The man looked at Zhao Chen and the others and asked.

"These are friends Zhang met on the road!" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"Friends? Since when do you people in Mieqing Dao still have friends? These people seem to be members of the Great Song Army! Hmph, we went to Sichuan and Sichuan to do a major rebellion, how can we accompany such people?" That person said coldly.

"The matter in Sichuan and Shu has nothing to do with my way of extinguishing love, I just went to meet old people!" Zhang Ziqiu laughed.

"It has nothing to do with you, but it does have something to do with me, Cheng Wuji! Today, I, Cheng Wuji, will kill these people first, as a gift, and send it to my colleagues in the White Lotus Sect!" The man sneered.

He is wearing black clothes and a bamboo hat! Tall and thin, with a handsome face, but with an evil and murderous aura! There was a sword on his waist, and just as he finished speaking, the sword had already been pulled out from his waist, and he swung towards Zhao Chen!

When he just came here, he had already noticed that Zhao Chen was the leader of these people! Moreover, his gaze was extraordinary, and he had already seen that Zhao Chen and others had a military temperament. He guessed that they were members of the Hanzhong army, and he was usually unscrupulous in his actions, killing as much as he wanted, so he shot immediately!

Zhao Chen and the others had already been wary in their hearts, but that person's attack speed was too fast, in the blink of an eye, Zhao Chen also shot with a sword!

There was only a crisp sound, and the sword in the man's hand was cut off by the sword in Zhao Chen's hand!

"What!" The man stepped back suddenly, with an unbelievable expression on his face!

"What kind of sword is this?" Zhang Ziqiu was also shocked at the moment!

Zhao Chen had already stood up, holding a sword in his hand, which was the color of brass! Its shape is exceptionally graceful, with countless star patterns engraved on the hilt, the blade glistens, and amazing cold air emanates from the sword! After feeling the cold air, everyone felt that the hairs all over their bodies stood on end!

"Brother Zhao, what kind of sword is this?" Zhang Ziqiu asked again.

"This is the Chunjun Sword!" Zhao Chen said.

"What? Pure Jun sword?" Zhang Ziqiu and the man in black opposite were both startled!

According to historical records, during the Spring and Autumn Period, Xue Zhu, the world's number one master swordsman, came to the Kingdom of Yue. King Gou Jian of Yue ordered people to send the famous sword heroes Cao and Juque in the palace to Xue Zhu to watch! After reading it, Xue Zhu said that although these two swords are well-known in the world, they both have their own shortcomings, and pointed out the shortcomings of these two swords! Gou Jian smiled, and asked someone to take out another sword, saying that this sword is a real sword without a single flaw! Xue Zhu didn't believe it! However, when he saw the sword, his face changed drastically, and he saluted the sword respectfully! Gou Jian said that someone exchanged three cities for this sword, do you think you can agree? Xue Zhu said that he must never agree! Gou Jian said why, Xue Zhu said that this sword is the most precious sword in the world, and it is even better than the general Mo Xie! In order to forge this sword, the Chijin Mountain was broken for thousands of years to produce tin, and the Ruoye River was dried up for ten thousand years to produce copper! When casting swords, Lei Gong strikes iron, Yu Niang pours water, Jiaolong holds the furnace, and the Emperor of Heaven loads charcoal! Ou Yezi, the master swordsmith, was ordered by the heavens to forge and grind this sword with the gods for ten years. After the sword is completed, the gods will return to heaven, Chijin Mountain will be closed as before, and if the Yejiang River rises again, Ou Yezi will die from exhaustion. How can such a sword be compared with the three cities?

This sword is the Chunjun Sword, and it is also the sword that Zhao Chen holds in his hand!

Zhao Chen's saber was originally the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, but the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword is already widely known. If he wears it, others will know his identity immediately! And this pure Jun sword is a rare collection! After Zhao Chen killed Zhe Keqiu, he naturally got this sword! This time he went to Sichuan and Shu, and he wore this sword!

"Pure Jun sword! It turned out to be a pure Jun sword! This is the real number one sword in the world! Very good, to see this sword here! Now, this sword belongs to me!" The man in black sneered.

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