Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 634: Big project of the Wang family

This is today’s update, and yesterday’s repeated chapters have also been updated.


Tang Huan visited Baodao this time, in addition to inspecting Fangyuan Computer's supply chain, he also planned to see if he could guide the capital flow here.

Since the beginning of this year, the media has been paying attention to what countermeasures Western developed countries will adopt in order to solve the problem of the growing US trade deficit.

The 11th G7 Summit to be held in Bonn, West Germany on May 2 has become the focus of much attention.

Not surprisingly, the appreciation of the yen has become one of the possible means of speculation and discussion by the outside world, but the relevant parties have been playing Tai Chi, and the tone is not generally tight.

In fact, in order to solve its own trade deficit, the United States is not just planning to let the yen appreciate. An export-oriented economy like Treasure Island is also the target of restrictions, and Treasure Island naturally has no say in this.

Although the sword of the final ruling has not yet fallen, there are still traces to follow from the introduction of economic policies. The closer you get to the core of the circle, the more you can feel this pressure.

Even if it is to be blocked by Uncle Sam, Baodao Capital still has a strong desire to go out. The most ideal target is naturally the opposite mainland. Unfortunately, it is not possible now, and it is not even possible to invest indirectly through Xiangjiang.

What Tang Huan wants to say to Baodao Capital is that although Funan has not been completely settled down, and it is not generally backward, it still has investment value.

As Tang Huan expected, Baodao's response was flat. He didn't care about it, so let's wait until the United States officially introduces policies and everyone's necks are choked. Anyway, after the wind has blown, it can be considered as a foreshadowing. I believe that how much can be said is still in the ears. effect.

After returning from the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park that day, Jian Mingren said, "Don't you want to talk to my father-in-law? It has been arranged over there."

"Did I reveal what I meant?" Tang Huan asked casually.

"I mentioned it, but it's just a noncommittal attitude." Jian Mingren spread his hands and smiled: "You should go and talk in person."


Tang Huan has a lot of cooperation with the Wang family, except that Wang Xuehong, Wang Xueling, and Jian Mingren directly work for his IT industry. Formosa Plastics' own business has also been involved, such as printed circuit boards, CD and other cooperative projects.

When Tang Huan met Wang Yongqing this time, he wanted to talk about not cooperation in the IT field, but the traditional field of Formosa Plastics?-the chemical industry.

He asked straightforwardly: "I heard that Formosa Plastics intends to establish the first private oil refinery in Baodao, but the application has not been approved?"

"Mr. Tang's news on Baodao is really well informed." Wang Yongqing smiled pointedly.

In 1973, after the first oil crisis broke out. Naturally, the treasure island was also affected, and the raw material supply of Formosa Plastics was also affected.

In order to ensure a stable supply of raw materials in the middle and downstream production chains. Formosa Plastics has repeatedly applied for the establishment of a factory, but so far, it has not been approved.

The plan to build the plant first is a core light oil cracking plant, and then a number of petrochemical-related industrial facilities will be built around it.

Tang Huan naturally did the homework for data collection in advance, and then the other party said: "I also know some widely circulated news, but I don’t know the exact reason why the Formosa Plastics application was blocked. However, in my opinion. , The RCA Baodao factory pollution incident has had a huge impact on the island. People have the most direct and clear understanding of the concept of environmental protection, and the Formosa Plastics factory plans to build a plant in terms of land, water resources, carbon dioxide emissions, etc. It will bring a huge burden to the treasure island. Even if the officials value economic benefits, they will have many worries."

After Wang Yongqing was silent for a moment. Then he said: "I have to say that Mr. Tang has a keen eye and understands the power of it. This is the biggest basis for you to persuade me to put this project in Funan."

Tang Huan smiled slightly, "Many times, a comparison can best explain the problem."

"If the Formosa Plastics plant plan is approved. The first thing to consider is the site selection. A project with such a huge environmental pressure may not be able to settle on the island. It can only be land reclamation, and the cost of it is very difficult to say."

"More importantly, the Formosa Plastics plant plan has been delayed for a long time, and land reclamation will only further extend the construction period."

"In addition, because the factory is built in an outlying island area. Pipelines and other facilities must take into account the problem of seawater corrosion, and this cost is difficult to tell.

"I can also be sure that with the increase in environmental protection awareness of the people on Baodao, the environmental issues associated with chemical companies such as carbon dioxide emissions and water pollution in this project will only add pressure to Formosa Plastics."

"Look at Funan. Although all aspects including infrastructure are backward, land alone is worth the fare. And it has enough space to bear the environmental pressure of this project."

"Mr. Tang is very eloquent, and it really touched me." Wang Yongqing picked up his thumb, and then changed the conversation: "Presumably you also understand that for such a large project, economic and environmental factors need to be considered, but In terms of importance, it is not as important as the risks at the political and administrative level."

"You make sense." Tang Huan nodded in agreement, "So, I hope you can go to Funan to inspect it yourself. After all, there are some situations that can only be understood but cannot be explained by words."

Speaking of this, Tang Huan smiled playfully, "Even if you have made a decision now, in any case, you will build the factory on the island, but this trip can put pressure on it-Formosa Plastics has a lot of choices. If it's too late, the cooked duck will fly."

Wang Yongqing was suddenly amused by Tang Huan's words, "Mr. Tang is really a wonderful person. If you say this, I don't want to be lazy."

Tang Huan thought for a while and suggested: "You can arrange for someone you trust to go to Funan for a front stop, or you can build a momentum on the treasure island."

Wang Yongqing nodded slightly, "No matter what, I owe Mr. Tang a favor this time."


It is natural that such a large project cannot be decided in one word. Wang Yongqing's attitude is ambiguous and it does not matter. After he has visited Funan, he will conduct the second round of public relations. No matter how much we talk about now, it belongs to castles in the air and lacks actual driving force for interests.

After Tang Huan made a few calls in the study to make arrangements accordingly, he walked back to the living room and saw Lu Xiuling sitting on the sofa looking at the resume one by one.

In addition to the classical music and dance combination of Lu Xiuling and Li Saifeng, Tang Huan felt that he could also learn from the successful experience of the original Twelve Time and Space Girls Band to create an orchestra that played Chinese music in the form of popular music.

Lu Xiuling graduated from Huagang Art School. He started to learn piano from a young age. In 1979, he stood out as a pipa performer in TTV's "Five Lantern Awards" and won the champion of the solo competition. Then he entered the entertainment circle and joined Qiong Yao's Superstar Film Company as a basic actor.

Li Saifeng also has a good foundation in piano since he was a child.

The two's current performance achievements are very average. It is better to use your own strengths and try another way in the orchestra. Come out and organize it.

Tang Huan has no idea what commercial value height can be achieved, but one thing he can be sure of is that in the rapidly developing video games, the importance of music is becoming more and more obvious, and the demand generated by it is enough to ensure This should belong to a small group of people, and survive relatively well.

"Have you picked the right person?" Tang Huan sat across from him and picked up the newspaper. Ask casually while browsing.

"It's not that fast. Erhu, Pipa, Yangqin, Guzheng, and Dizi, players who need to work together are not easy to match. These resumes are collected from Huagang Art School." Lu Xiuling, who sorted out the data, replied Yanran .

It can be seen that she has a lot of enthusiasm for forming a women's orchestra.

"Then take your time, DreamWorks' network will also help you find candidates." Tang Huan comforted.

Are chatting. The butler came to report, "Gu Long came to pay a visit."

Tang Huan raised his eyebrows and said to his heart why this hero came?

To be honest, he was a little disappointed in Gu Long.

I have taken care of each other’s business, such as the high-priced purchase of his martial arts video game license, as well as the licensing fees for the adaptation of the TV series "Lu Xiaofeng: The Nine Days of Phoenix Dance" by DreamWorks recently.

If managed properly. Gu Long can purchase a pretty good industry just by using these proceeds.

It’s a pity that the old-fashioned Gulong martial arts-style movies have not been popular in recent years. Even Shao's Chu Yuan has changed from a director to acting at the age of Chu Yuan, but Gu Long still stubbornly shoots such movies. As a result, even losses can be imagined. Got it, even marriage is on the rocks. And he also resumed his life style of spending time and drinking and indulging in sensuality.

In contrast, friends like Wang Yu and Lin Qingxuan next to Gu Long looked like stinkers, but none of them had been a big winner in life.

In the original time and space, Gu Long died in 1985. But Tang Huan felt that he couldn't help the other party. This hero would spend as much money as he had, and it would be useless to give more.

After Gu Long entered the living room, Lu Xiuling had already gone to another room.

Tang Huan made a please gesture, and at the same time looked at the other party carefully. After all, the career of the richest man is very busy, and the two have not seen each other for a long time. This also makes the contrast between the image in front of him and the impression retained in his mind very obvious. Not only is his complexion not very good, but the original "big head, fat" body shape is also severely reduced.

"You have to take care of it." After the housekeeper put down the tea and left, Tang Huan reminded him lightly.

"I am a person who has always had a good time without wine, and I don't care about maintenance," Gu Long smiled and shook his head.

He also seemed to feel the ignorance between him and Tang Huan due to factors such as time, space, and social status, so he quickly turned to the topic, "In addition to filming the TV series "Lu Xiaofeng: The Nine Heavens of Phoenix Dance", DreamWorks also has "Peerless Doubles". "Pride", "The End of the World Bright Moon Knife" and other projects, I brought some related things."

Looking at the leather bag that Gu Long was pointing at, Tang Huan moved his lips and swallowed it back, but muttered in his heart, "What are you doing to me? Just give it to DreamWorks."

Gu Long quickly explained: "I don’t know what’s wrong recently, and I always feel inexplicably emotional. Looking back on it carefully, Mr. Tang did not take care of my business. At that time, he looked at so many zeros, and he felt more excited. But now Nothing left."

Hearing what the other party said, Tang Huan couldn't help rubbing his nose and slandered: "Who told you to spend money hasn't counted."

Gu Long sighed softly, "This time I disturb Mr. Tang, which is actually just the same. Don't pay me the rewards for these works, and trouble Mr. Tang to take care of them. I have enough chic in my life, and I owe a lot of it. Favor debt may be used at that time."

Having said this, Gu Long, who didn't even touch his teacup, stood up and said goodbye without waiting for Tang Huan to speak up.

Tang Huan, who had slowed down, hurriedly followed out, and saw that Gu Long had already reached the big iron gate. The setting sun made the hero's back look a little bleak.

Tang Huan shook his head slightly and called the butler to order, "Hurry up and send a car to send Mr. Xiong."


Gu Long’s visit was somewhat unexpected, but the meeting with another great writer, Qiong Yao, was part of the itinerary plan. The location was in a courtyard, or the studio was more accurate.

After the movie "Last Night's Light" premiered at the end of March 1983, Qiong Yao's Superstar Film Company ceased its film production business.

When Tang Huan and Lin Qingxian went to Qiong Yao's home for dinner, he persuaded the other party to move from the film circle to the TV circle and shoot TV dramas.

Gein's work, which is far away from politics, is very suitable for DreamWorks to distribute, and it can also be sought after by some audiences. The original splendid achievements of time and space illustrate this point.

It's a pity that Qiong Yao seems to be a little tired and has to take a break for a while.

Of course, Tang Huan can let DreamWorks directly buy Qiong Yao's works and adapt and shoot by himself, but then it will definitely lose its inherent flavor. It is difficult to say what kind of results can be achieved.

People are always realistic. Tang Huan estimated that Qiong Yao should be unsure of the market, and was afraid of losing money, so he could not leave.

So he let Lin Qingxian spread the word: DreamWorks is willing to co-found a company with Qiong Yao to shoot TV series, and the management mode is creative-led, Qiong Yao brings his own team to produce, and the budget is from DreamWorks Do it.

Not to mention, Qiong Yao readily agreed to leave the mountain after a set of three visits to thatched cottages and corporal courtesy.

Currently, the 30-episode TV series "Several Red Sunset", which she and director Liu Lili are shooting, is the first TV series, and DreamWorks has already negotiated with China TV on Baodao and it will become the first buyer.

Accompanied by Qiong Yao, Ping Xintao, and Liu Lili, Tang Huan took a round on the set and saw Qin Han, one of the leading actors, really a little sorry.

In the current entertainment industry, some people are desperately squeezing into the film industry, while others are doing the opposite and devoting themselves to TV dramas. This is the case with Liu Xuehua, who plays the heroine, who no longer makes movies.

Looking at this lineup, Tang Huan said that he was right to let go in production, and everything was in line with expectations. (To be continued.)


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