Shortly after Luffy left, Eric woke up from his coma, returned to the warship with the help of the soldiers, and pulled back his crooked nose, Eric could only be incompetent and furious, vowing that the next time he saw Straw Hat Kid, he would make him pay back double, and after learning that the Straw Hat gang had left, he stopped the colonel who wanted to pursue

: "Don't worry, let the Straw Hats and the gang now, don't forget the legend of the dragon's den on this island, although this is my guess, The fact that they risked leaving the island means that they may have found their way to the dragon's den, so aren't they the best guides

", Eric walked into the cabin to stop the sailors who wanted to send a telegram to know, and on the way back to his room, Alec thought greedily: "Find the legendary keel to make the elixir of immortality, I will not give it to Nelson's fat pig, I will eat it to become the perfect whirlwind Eric"

And on another luxurious warship, Fat Pig Nelson was furious, because he had just learned that Eric had

found the Millennium Dragon but did not tell him "Eric, this bastard, why didn't he tell me when he found the Millennium Dragon, did he want to take possession of himself, the whole ship turned around and attacked the warship island"

On the side of the Melly, everyone has been discussing the way to find the Lost Island, but everyone wants to break their heads and don't know how to find the dragon's den, Long Ye opened his eyes and looked at the jumping fish, It seems to remember something, at this moment, Apis's voice came over

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, the meal is ready", Solon said with a look of horror: "She cooked it again", and Usopp looked at Yamaji who followed Apith

and was surprised "Sanji, today's meal was prepared by you"

The little loli was instantly unhappy when she heard this, and stepped forward and stepped on Usopp's foot fiercely, regardless of the painful cries of Usopp behind him, Holding

the pot and saying to Long Ye, "Long Ye, the meal is ready, try to eat it"

Luffy, who accompanied Long Ye on the board, stretched out his hand to take the pot from Abis's hand, Abis just wanted to stop it, but it was too late, Luffy directly threw the pot out, and the thrown pot together with the food inside smashed impartially on the bag on Long Ye's braincase, and suddenly Long Ye was hot and screamed, Abbis saw this and hurriedly got down to the board to help Long Ye clean up the meal

And Long Ye was so hot seemed to remember something, turned his eyes to Apis, who was helping it clean up its meals, Abis followed Long Ye's instructions and looked into the distance, sensing a strange Luffy looking at Apis, Abbis also said at this time: "Long Ye just told me that it remembered, the dragon's den is on the east side of Warship Island" Luffy

who heard this immediately informed everyone on the ship of the news, and Nami immediately took Kebi to turn around and set off towards her destination as soon as she heard this, And Eric, who was enjoying food on the warship, also learned the news, and immediately asked the colonel to turn around and chase towards the Straw Hats

and the gang, but after traveling a distance, Luffy and his group never found the location of the Lost Island, Usopp complained that if only Long Ye could think of more detailed information, saying what Usopp remembered, he lifted an anvil from the ground and prepared to hit Long Ye's head hard, saying that he was going to see if he could remember anything, and Kebi on the side immediately slapped Usopp's arm to stop it, Who knows that Usopp did not hold it steadily, the whole anvil smashed on Usopp's feet, that picture, readers imagine for themselves ~~~///(^v^)\\\~~~

and the little loli is lying on the side

of the ship and talking to Long Ye very happily, "Long Ye, it's almost here, as long as you go to the dragon's den, Long Ye will get better, right", looking at Abis who was talking to Long Ye, Luffy and others showed an aunt smile on their faces, and Solon in the cabin found the warship that caught up

"Everyone, what is that", Kebi's voice came from the front, Luffy and others ran over to look, only to see a black shadow getting closer and closer to them, when the ship approached the black shadow, everyone found that it was not a black shadow, but a barrier where it was erected, Kebi curiously stretched out his hand and touched the following, only to see the reflection of the Melly appeared on the barrier, and the Melly was gradually sucked in by this barrier until it completely disappeared on the sea, and the chasing navy was stunned to see what happened in front of him, Seeing this, Eric asked the colonel to prepare the boat to chase

in, and Luffy and his gang, who were in a mysterious sea, were miserable, came in to see the road clearly, and ushered in a violent storm, the Melly struggled forward in this extreme weather, Nami hiding in Luffy's arms stretched out her head to find out what was going on in this sea

, and Abbis ignored Solon's obstruction, insisting on comforting Long Ye, but due to the wind and waves, the rope holding the scooter fell off, Seeing that it was about to be completely loosened, the little sister-in-law risked her own safety to pull the rope, regardless of whether the palm was worn or not, Abbis still gritted her teeth and insisted

Just when Apis couldn't hold on, Solon helped Abbis pull the rope in time, but even Solon couldn't control it at all, seeing that the scooter was about to leave the Melly, when it was over, Luffy stretched out his arm to bind the wheels of the scooter, and pulled the scooter deadly, at this time Usopp found that there was a light not far away, and there was an island in the center of the light, Nami made a quick decision and let Sanji steer the Meli towards the island

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