Just as Luffy and Smog looked at each other, Bucky the Clown woke up from his coma, and just when he was confused, he looked up and saw Smogg, Bucky was first startled, and then saw Luffy sighing after confronting him, just as Bucky was about to sneak away with Arrita

, "White. Man", I saw Smogg's arms smoke, and then turned into a spiral column of smoke rushed towards Bucky and the others, Bucky's subordinates raised their knives and cut down, but unfortunately all this was in vain, I saw Bucky and the others trapped by white smoke, no matter how they struggled, it didn't help

"Then you're left, Straw Hat Kid" Smogg, who finished all this, stared at Luffy and said; "I'm a natural smoke fruit ability, and you can't beat me with your superhuman line

" "Rubber rubber. Pistol", Luffy didn't talk nonsense, directly hit Smog with a rubber pistol, Smog didn't dodge when he saw this, and stood there confidently and said: "Crazy, straw hat boy, they all say that I am a natural ability, your attack is..... Poof( ′ 3') xue~", Smog spat out a mouthful of old blood and flew out backwards, "

What did you just say you are?" ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ", Luffy spread his hands, looking at Smog lying in the ruins with a confused face

, Smog quickly reacted "Hateful, actually use domineering, straw hat kid, don't be proud, this is going to be touched by my ten hands with sea lou stone, even if you can be domineering, you can only obediently tie your hands and capture", Smog pulled out the ten hands behind his back, turned into smoke and rushed straight towards Luffy, Luffy was not in a hurry, calmly watching Smog running around

"White assault", Smogg shouted, the ten hands in his hands rushed straight to Luffy, just as the ten hands were about to stab his body, Luffy snorted, and in Smogg's eyes full of confusion, he grabbed the top of the ten hands

"Nani? w(゚Д゚)w", Smog was even more confused, "Impossible, aren't you an ability, shouldn't you be afraid of sea lou stone, how to look like a nobody

" Looking at the confused Smogg, Luffy said with a mean face: "Want to know, do you really want to know, hey, I have many little secrets, I have many secrets, I won't tell you." If I don't tell you, I won't tell you ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.....", as he spoke, Luffy actually sang, angry Smogg's teeth itched

"Abominable, don't look down on people, White Fist", Smog roared, abandoning his ten hands to smoke his wrist and hit Luffy, Luffy dodged unhurriedly, seizing the opportunity

"Rubber rubber. Rocket launcher", Smog didn't react, he felt a sharp pain, then flew backwards towards the rear, and after a whirlwind, he fainted gorgeously, Luffy came to Smogg, to be honest, he still liked this navy, but unfortunately the position was different, but well, Luffy rolled his eyes and bought a brush from the system store to draw on Smogg's face

"Well, it's good, my drawing skills are really good", looking at his masterpiece, Luffy couldn't help but laugh proudly, "By the way, Uncle Kiba them", Luffy turned around, but found that Bucky and the others had already taken advantage of the chaos to run away, Luffy shook his head pitifully: "I still want to take the opportunity to kill Arrita, see if I can get the slippery fruit, forget it, is there any fruit on hand this time, next time"

Thinking of this, Luffy ran in the direction of the Melly, just ran less than a few hundred meters, Luffy seemed to sense something, looked at a person in a green robe on the roof, Luffy then remembered that his father was here to see him off, Luffy smiled slightly, jumped up, came to the green robe man

Long looked at the son in front of him and couldn't help but sigh: "Really grown up, and the strength is also very strong, originally I was going to help him, it seems that I don't need my help at all"

And Luffy looked at his father pretending to be puzzled: "Who are you and why are you helping me", Long was immediately sad when he heard this, but he still took off his hat to reveal his true face and said: "My name is Monchi. D. Dragon, Luffy, I am your father", Luffy looked at the slipper print on the dragon's face and said with a forced smile: "Oh, then are you looking for me for something

" "It's okay, I knew that you were about to enter the Great Voyage after seeing your bounty order, so I came to Rogue Town to see you off", Dragon looked at Luffy's face and said lovingly

Luffy was originally an orphan in his previous life, and he was a little unaccustomed to his sudden father's love, touched his nose and said: "Oh, what are you doing for so many years, father, and you haven't come to see me for so many years", the dragon said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Luffy, I did a great thing, I can't tell you now"

Luffy looked at the mysterious dragon and didn't ask much, he also understood what the dragon was doing, and for a while the father and son were quiet, not knowing what to say

Luffy took the lead in breaking the silence: "Then, I'm going father", the dragon nodded: "Well, Luffy, go in the right direction you think", Luffy nodded, looking at the dragon's slippers print still did not hold

back "Father, the slippers print on your face was not hit by grandpa", after saying that, Luffy jumped off the roof and ran away, the dragon was first stunned, and then scolded with a smile: "This stinky boy, it's really not big or small"

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